123 [John J. Muccio/7–2848]

Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Lovett) to President Truman


In anticipation of the creation of a Government of Korea and the establishment of an American Embassy at Seoul, I wrote you on April 27, 19481 and recommended that the Honorable John J. Muccio, of Rhode Island, a Foreign Service Officer of the Class of Career Minister, be appointed our first Ambassador to Korea. Your approval of this proposal was received April 28, 1948.

In the light of recent developments, it is deemed appropriate to defer the appointment of Mr. Muccio as Ambassador to Korea until a later date. In the meantime circumstances require that Mr. Muccio proceed to Korea with full authority to represent the interests of the United States, and, in particular, to negotiate a series of agreements with the new Korean Government, which is shortly to be formed. To carry out effectively this extremely important assignment it is recommended that Mr. Muccio be appointed special representative of the [Page 1265] President of the United States to Korea, with the personal rank of Ambassador. A biographical sketch of Mr. Muccio is enclosed2 for your information in considering this request.

If the above recommendation meets with your approval I would appreciate being so informed at your earliest convenience since it is desired that Mr. Muccio leave for his new assignment within two weeks.

It is requested that public announcement of this appointment be withheld until such time as the Department can further advise your office as to the release of this information, which may be possible early in August.

Robert A. Lovett
  1. See memorandum by the Secretary of State, p. 1183.
  2. Not printed.