General political policies of the United States toward Korea and appeal to the United Nations General Assembly 1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. vi, pp. 596–889.
[706] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/1–348
[707] President Truman to the Canadian Prime Minister (Mackenzie King)
501.BB Korea/1–648
[708] The Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon)
501.BB Korea/1–648: Telegram
[709] Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of British Commonwealth Affairs (Wailes) to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
501.BB Korea/1–948
[710] The Acting Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon) to the Secretary of State
895.00/1–1548: Telegram
[711] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/1–2448: Telegram
[712] President Truman to the Canadian Prime Minister (Mackenzie King)
501.BB Korea/1–2648
[713] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/1–2948: Telegram
[714] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/1–3048: Telegram
[715] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/1–3148: Telegram
[716] The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
501.BB Korea/2–248: Telegram
[717] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–248: Telegram
[718] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. John Z. Williams of the Division of Northeast Asian Affairs
[719] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–548: Telegram
[720] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 19—7:26 p. m.]
501.BB Korea/2–648: Telegram
[721] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–848: Telegram
[722] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
895.00/2–848: Telegram
[723] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–948: Telegram
[724] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Australia
501.BB Korea/2–948: Telegram
[725] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
895.00/2–1048: Telegram
[726] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
895.00/2–1048: Telegram
[727] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
895.00/2–1048: Telegram
[728] The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–1248: Telegram
[729] The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–1248: Telegram
[730] The Ambassador in Australia (Butler) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–1248: Telegram
[731] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Gallman) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–1248: Telegram
[732] The Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs)
501.BB Korea/2–448: Telegram
[733] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–1248: Telegram
[734] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–1348: Telegram
[735] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
501.BB Korea/2–1348: Telegram