Efforts by the United States to bring about the establishment of representative government in Rumania; participation by the United States in the Tripartite Commission for Rumania; establishment of diplomatic relations with the Rumanian Government1

1. For previous documentation on the efforts by the United States to assure the establishment of democratic government in Rumania, see Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. v, pp. 464 ff.

[409] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/6–146: Telegram

[410] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/6–446: Telegram

[411] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/6–546: Telegram

[412] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/6–646: Telegram

[413] The Acting Secretary of State to the Representative in Rumania (Berry)

871.00/6–946: Telegram

[414] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

761.71/6–1546: Telegram

[415] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 EW/6–1846: Telegram

[416] The Acting Secretary of State to the Representative in Rumania (Berry)

740.00119 Control (Rumania)/5–946: Telegram

[418] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/7–446: Telegram

[419] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State

811.91271/7–846: Telegram

[420] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Harriman)

871.00/7–446: Telegram

[421] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/7–1146: Telegram

[422] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/7–1346: Telegram

[423] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/7–1746: Telegram

[424] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/8–346: Telegram

[425] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Paris

740.00119 Council/8–646: Telegram

[426] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

611.7131/8–1546: Telegram

[427] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 Control (Rumania)/8–1746: Telegram

[428] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/8–2446: Telegram

[429] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/8–2446: Telegram

[430] The Acting Secretary of State to the American Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference

740.00119 Council/8–2246: Telegram

[432] The Acting Representative in Rumania (Melbourne) to the Secretary of State

871.00/9–1246: Telegram

[433] The Acting Representative in Rumania (Melbourne) to the Secretary of State

871.00/9–2346: Telegram

[434] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Paris

740.00119 Council/10–346: Telegram

[435] The British Embassy to the Department of State


[436] The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

871.00/10–1946: Telegram

[437] The Rumanian Chargé (Riposanu) to the Secretary of State


[438] The Department of State to the British Embassy
