811.91271/7–846: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 8—11:07 a.m.]
2123. I have read Berry’s No. 103 on Markham case and refer particularly to last paragraph thereof.4
I want to repeat my conviction that we make a mistake in dealing with matters of this kind on basis of an individual personality instead of on principle involved. Since it is important to us to have press representation in Rumania, it seems to me that when it became apparent that Markham must go, regardless of rights or wrongs of his individual case, his successor should have been nominated at once and an entrance visa requested. Possibly Christian Science Monitor had no one available at moment or did not desire to replace Markham under circumstances, but if a replacement from this or another news medium can be found, I believe he should be nominated at once. Soviet military authorities will hesitate to eject one correspondent after another in rapid succession, and if resistance is encountered to admitting a successor to Markham we can attack it vigorously on principle, and our stand will be absolutely sound whereas in case of Markham we were licked before we started.
I am perfectly willing to lose with honor if no other tactics are available, but I would much prefer a partial victory to a complete defeat. Above estimate of subject is based only on our local point of view here, but is prompted by our knowledge of Soviet tactics and circumstances under which it is possible to make headway against them.
- Telegram 655, June 27, from Bucharest, repeated to Moscow as 103, not printed; the final paragraph read as follows: “Markham has now left Rumania, Soviet and Rumanian Governments have achieved their objective, principle and application of uncensored American news reports from Russian-controlled areas has received great setback, and entire affair has been another heavy blow against American prestige in Rumania by reducing our effectiveness in bringing about free and unfettered elections.” (811.91271/6–2746) Telegram 640, June 22, from Bucharest, reported that the only other American correspondent in Rumania had been recalled and expected to leave by July 1 (811.91271/6–2246).↩