740.00119 EW/6–1846: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 18—3:35 p.m.]
1921. Following is translation of FonOff note No. 104, dated June 15, received June 17, 1946.
“With reference to note of Embassy of US of May 27 in which was set forth contents of note of Govt of USA to Rumanian Govt, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR has the honor to communicate the following:
“The Rumanian Govt, as is known, has already given US Govt appropriate explanations with respect to questions touched upon in above-mentioned note. Nevertheless, Soviet Govt cannot overlook charges made by American Govt against Rumanian Govt of non-fulfillment of decisions of Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers.
“As has already been stated in note of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of USSR, S. A. Lozovski, addressed to Ambassador of US, Mr. Smith, under date April 22,94 Soviet Govt cannot agree with view of Govt of US that present Rumanian Govt is not fulfilling assurances given by it in connection with decisions of the meeting of Foreign Ministers in Moscow December 1945 and in particular, with regard to question of elections. It is known that Rumanian Govt, in the month of May, published draft of an election law for public discussion.
“As far as question of freedom of expression of political views in Rumania is concerned, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in supplement to Soviet note of April 22, states that according to information at its disposal, there are being published at present in Rumania, 16 opposition newspapers and periodicals.
[“]The Soviet Govt cannot agree with assertion that radio broadcasting facilities in Rumania are monopoly of certain parties, since broadcasting stations in Rumania do not belong to any political party or group but are governmental.
“The Soviet Govt does not dispose of any facts which would support statement that the Rumanian Govt is impeding the holding of meetings by opposition groups or is applying any other political compulsion against supporters of opposition.
[Page 607]“As has already been pointed out in Soviet note of April 22 assertion that trials of the members of the Liberal and Peasant Parties in connection with the disorders of November 5, 1945 have not been suspended does not correspond to facts. The Soviet Govt has confirmation from its representatives on ACC Rumania that no prosecution of these people has been or is being conducted.
“The Soviet Govt also considers it necessary to call attention to the fact that according to reliable information at its disposal, Rumanian Govt is taking all measures incumbent upon it [to] the end that representatives of the Liberal and Peasant Parties in the Govt may fulfill their responsibilities and functions in able spirit of cooperation with the Govt as was envisaged in Moscow decisions of three Ministers of Foreign Affairs.
“Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR requests Embassy to make the foregoing known to Govt of the US.”
Dept repeat to Bucharest as Moscow’s 40.