871.00/8–346: Telegram
The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State10
[Received August 4—2:20 p.m.]
753. I have received signed documents from Bratianu and Petrescu protesting against electoral laws.11 In résumé they say they are inconsistent with Moscow agreement; unconstitutional in abolition of Senate; and make possible widespread voting frauds by prescribed methods of voting and control of district electoral boards. These documents reaffirm detailed objections previously made by Liberals, Petrescu Socialists and National Peasants given my despatch 1052 of July 18.12 Today I was verbally notified by emissary of Maniu that he considered himself in accord with rest of opposition in objecting to electoral laws for exactly same reasons invoked in his written protests prior to their passage.
Rather than send note to Rumanian Govt as I suggested in my 705 of July 11, I now believe our next move will be more effective by taking another tack. Tatarescu will leave soon for Paris; he will ask to be received by Secretary Byrnes.13 I hope the Secretary will see him and tell him of importance we give to matter of civil liberties in pre-election period. He might say that under electoral law a fair or corrupt election can be held following intention of Govt. As Govt has [Page 618] promise[d] free and unfettered election we expect it to fulfill its promise.
I believe Tatarescu will immediately give broad assurances. If he does I hope to be informed of them and authorized to use them in my conversations with Groza, with the Communists and with leaders of historic parties. In order to prevent misconstruction I would like authority to place information I hope to receive in informal memorandum form and leave copies with Groza and other leaders. Of course if Dept wishes to follow this recommendation with formal note to Rumanian Foreign Office so much the better.
Repeated Paris for Secdel as 97.
- Text of this telegram was transmitted to London in telegram 5861, August 6.↩
- Copies of the signed documents under reference were transmitted to the Department as enclosures to despatch 1076, August 5, from Bucharest, not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Secretary of State Byrnes was in Paris as chairman of the U.S. delegation to the Peace Conference, July 29 October 15, 1946.↩