740.00115 PW/8–1145: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

3872. Am[erican] Interests—China. Foreign Office note, August 6, states end January Fontanel advised Swiss Foreign Office he had intervened local Japanese authorities for removal anti-air machine gun installed proximity camp for aged Lincoln Avenue, which had previously caused accidents during Allied air raids. Japanese Consulate, Shanghai, replied as result circumstances not possible agree his request.

Foreign Office then charged Gorgé make representations Japanese insisting serious danger internees as result machine gun.

According recent communications Gorgé, Japanese Foreign Office stated removal machine gun not possible while Allied aerial bombardments effected without discrimination.25

  1. In telegram 3881, August 14, the Minister in Switzerland reported Mr. Fontanel had ordered all internment camps in the Shanghai region to be marked with a cross on the roof but this had not yet been done (740.00115 PW/8–1445).