Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1945, The British Commonwealth, The Far East, Volume VI

Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1945, The British Commonwealth, The Far East, Volume VI
- John P. Glennon
- N. O. Sappington
- Laurence Evans
- Herbert A. Fine
- John G. Reid
- Ralph R. Goodwin
General Editor:
- E. Ralph Perkins
- S. Everett Gleason
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- The British Commonwealth of Nations: (Documents 1–168)
- United Kingdom: (Documents 1–126)
- Continuation of informal and exploratory discussions regarding postwar
economic policy; negotiations relating to the extension of credit to the
United Kingdom, the liberalization of world trade, and the settlement of
Lend Lease
(Documents 1–101)
- Representations by the United States to the United Kingdom for support
in obtaining overseas bases (Documents 102–110)
- Discussions leading to an interim arrangement on commercial air
services between the United States and the United Kingdom
(Documents 111–126)
- Assurances sought by the United States that the United Kingdom would not oppose efforts by the United States to conclude bilateral civil air transport agreements with various governments in the Near and Middle East
- Revised Anglo-American petroleum agreement signed at London, September 24, 1945
- Agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom on the use and disposition of recaptured vessels
- Telecommunications agreement between the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India, and Southern Rhodesia
- Convention between the United States and the United Kingdom for the avoidance of double taxation on estates
- Convention between the United States and the United Kingdom for the avoidance of double taxation on income
- Work of the Combined Food Board, the Combined Raw Materials Board, and the Combined Production and Resources Board
- Continuation of informal and exploratory discussions regarding postwar
economic policy; negotiations relating to the extension of credit to the
United Kingdom, the liberalization of world trade, and the settlement of
Lend Lease
(Documents 1–101)
- Australia:
- Canada:
- Agreement between the United States and Canada relating to flights of military aircraft
- Air transport services agreement between the United States and Canada
- Agreement between the United States and Canada on reconversion of industry; cooperation in transition from war to peace
- Agreement between the United States and Canada on Canol Project: arrangement for evaluation of all facilities
- Agreement between the United States and Canada on Canol Project: waiver by Canada of certain rights relating to crude oil facilities
- India: (Documents 127–168)
- Interest of the United States in the political situation in India
(Documents 127–134)
- Questions related to the status of the representation of the United
States in India and the representation of India in the United
(Documents 135–145)
- Proposals for discussions regarding Lend-Lease termination and
settlement, and the disposal of surplus United States property located
within India (Documents 146–148)
- Representations to India regarding the position of American exports in
the Indian market; proposal by the United States for resumption of
negotiations for a treaty of commerce and navigation
(Documents 149–157)
- Removal of certain restrictions in the Immigration and Naturalization
Laws of the United States, as they related to the people of India (Documents 158–168)
- Proposal by the United States for an air transport agreement with India
- Interest of the United States in the political situation in India
(Documents 127–134)
- Ireland:
- Union of South Africa:
- United Kingdom: (Documents 1–126)
- The Far East: (Documents 169–1042)
- China
- French Indochina: (Documents 169–192)
- Japan: (Documents 193–755)
- Japanese treatment of American prisoners of war and civilian
(Documents 193–276)
- Efforts by the United States to send financial and other assistance to
American nationals held by Japan
(Documents 277–292)
- Efforts by the United States to arrange a third exchange of American
and Japanese nationals
(Documents 293–300)
- Protests by the United States against Japanese attacks on hospital
ships (Document 301)
- Protests by the United States against attacks by Japanese naval forces
on survivors of torpedoed American merchant vessels
(Documents 302–304)
- The treatment of Japanese nationals by the United States
(Documents 305–315)
- Protests by Japan against attacks by the United States on hospital
ships and other ships
(Documents 316–327)
- Sinking by a United States submarine of the Japanese ship Awa Maru while returning to Japan under
safe conduct (Documents 328–332)
- Protests by Japan against the bombing of allegedly nonmilitary
objectives, including
the atomic bombing of Hiroshima (Documents 333–339)
- Reports of unofficial suggestions from Japanese sources that Japan was
ready to make peace
(Documents 340–367)
- Postwar policy planning in regard to Japan and areas under Japanese
(Documents 368–400)
- Surrender of Japan, occupation and control, war crimes, and war claims
and reparations: (Documents 401–754)
- I. The surrender of Japan: Japanese
acceptance, August 14, of the Potsdam Declaration of July 26; preparations for signature of surrender
instrument on September 2 (Documents 401–488)
- II. Occupation and control of Japan, September 2–December 31,
(Documents 489–650)
- III. Apprehension and punishment of Japanese war criminals
(Documents 651–726)
- IV. War claims and reparations
(Documents 727–754)
- I. The surrender of Japan: Japanese
acceptance, August 14, of the Potsdam Declaration of July 26; preparations for signature of surrender
instrument on September 2 (Documents 401–488)
- Relinquishment by the Swiss Government of representation of American
interests in Japan and Japanese-occupied territory (Document 755)
- Japanese treatment of American prisoners of war and civilian
(Documents 193–276)
- Korea: (Documents 756–851)
- Policies of the United States toward Korea (Documents 756–851)
- Policies of the United States toward Korea (Documents 756–851)
- Netherlands East Indies: (Documents 852–877)
- Philippine Commonwealth: (Documents 878–919)
- Reaffirmation of the promise by the United States to grant
independence to the Philippines; reestablishment of authority of the
Commonwealth Government in the Philippines; appointment of United States
High Commissioner (Documents 878–886)
- Preliminary understanding with the Philippine Commonwealth for
acquisition by the United States of military and naval bases in the
Philippines (Documents 887–893)
- Participation by the United States in measures for the relief and
rehabilitation of the Philippines
(Documents 894–896)
- Measures by the United States to define trade relations between the
United States and the Philippines after Philippine independence (Documents 897–901)
- Opposition by the United States to measures of the Philippine
Commonwealth discriminating against foreign nationals (Documents 902–909)
- Interest of the United States in the prosecution by the Philippine
Commonwealth of persons in the Philippines for collaborating with Japan
during wartime (Documents 910–915)
- Assistance by the United States to the Philippine Commonwealth in
training personnel for the Philippine foreign service
(Documents 916–919)
- Reaffirmation of the promise by the United States to grant
independence to the Philippines; reestablishment of authority of the
Commonwealth Government in the Philippines; appointment of United States
High Commissioner (Documents 878–886)
- Siam:
(Documents 920–1042)
- Policies of the United States toward Siam (Documents 920–1042)
- Policies of the United States toward Siam (Documents 920–1042)
- Index