Protests by Japan against attacks by the United States on hospital ships and other ships 38

38. For previous documentation on protests by Japan against attacks by the United States on hospital ships, see Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. v, pp. 1147 ff.

[316] The Spanish Embassy to the Department of State

740.00117 P.W./1–1845

[317] The Spanish Embassy to the Department of State

740.00117 P.W./1–1845

[318] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Halifax)


[319] The Spanish Embassy to the Department of State

740.00117 P.W./3–345

[320] The British Ambassador (Halifax) to the Acting Secretary of State

740.00117 E.W./3–845

[321] The Department of State to the Spanish Embassy

740.00117 P.W./3–245

[325] The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Halifax)

740.00117 PW/5–2645

[327] The Department of State to the Swiss Legation

740.00117 PW/2–2745