874.00/10–2445: Telegram

The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

631. Recent conversations had with Communists including those of Ethridge reveal determination not to compromise with opposition in matter of November 18 elections. Communist point of view is that they gained power by resort to armed force and that they will again use armed force to retain power unless otherwise ordered by Moscow. Communist Minister of Interior stated flatly Government will not declare publicly that blank ballots will be respected; neither will Government accede to oppositon demand to share radio time although radio Government-owned and acquired and maintained through taxation.

Attitude non-Communist Parties within FF (Fatherland Front) clearly revealed by statement today of Neikov, FF Social Democratic stooge, to old friend American journalist Markham. Replying to Markham’s observation that something similar to French elections is what all friends of democracy would like to see in Bulgaria, Neikov asked, “Then what would become of us” that is, those who are not Agrarians and Communists. He said that anything approaching free elections in Bulgaria would give virtually all seats in Parliament to Agrarians and Communists. In this connection please see Mytel 341, July 7. I might add that it is generally said that recent admisson into Cabinet of Radical Kosturkov has increased FF (Fatherland Front) votes by the 124 of his followers.

Repeated to Moscow as No. 275.
