- Acheson, Dean, 386, 418n , 493–494
- Advisory Board on Just Compensation, 594, 595
- Air Coordinating Committee, 1329, 1330, 1331
- Air Transport Command, 487, 557, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1329, 1330
- Albania, 1–81
- Balkan Federation, question of Albania joining, 51–52
- Border problems, U.S. position, 21, 50–51, 54, 57, 58, 63, 64, 65
- Delegation to United States, question of, 27–28, 32, 43, 45–46
- Diplomatic relations with and matters regarding recognition of Democratic Government of Albania, 2–5, 7–8, 10–11, 12, 13, 14–17, 18, 22–23, 25–26, 27–28, 38–41, 42, 43, 44, 46–52, 56–58, 59–60, 69, 70, 71–73
- Diplomatic representatives and observers to, question of, 9, 10, 11, 12–13, 16, 24
- Elections in, U.S. position on and matters regarding, 23, 40, 47–48, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 74, 77–78
- Relief to. See United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, infra.
- Saseno, question of Albanian occupation of island of, 45, 51, 52–53, 55, 56, 60, 80–81
- Treaties concluded between United States and Albania, question of honoring, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74–76, 77, 78–79
- United Nations Conference at San Francisco, regarding Albanian request to participate in, 20, 21–22, 24–25, 53–55
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, matters regarding assistance from and question of relief to, 6–7, 9, 10, 15, 37, 42, 49
- War criminals, question of, 33, 34–35, 41
- Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold, 696, 756–757
- Allied Commission for Italy. See under Italy.
- Allied Commission on Reparations, 211, 340, 714, 1001, 1254, 1255; question of French representation, 677–678, 713, 716
- Allied Control Commissions. See under Bulgaria; Finland; Hungary; and Rumania.
- Allied Control Council for Germany, 516, 517–518
- Allied Financial Agency. See under Italy: Allied Commission: Financial controls: Currency.
- Alphand, Hervé, 705–707, 768–769, 771–773
- American Red Cross, 635, 637, 654n
- Anglo-American Oil Allocating Board, 776, 778–779
- Anglo - American - Soviet Commission (Polish Commission), 670, 672
- Antonov, Alexey I., 447–448
- Army-Navy Liquidation Commission in Italy, 1253–1254, 1274, 1275, 1290, 1294
- Athanassov (Atanasov), Boyan, 397–398
- Athanassov (Atanasov), G., 209
- Atlantic Charter, cited, 4, 20, 21, 22, 316, 758, 998
- Auer, Paul (Pal), 828–829
- Austria, 405, 416–417, 448, 1012–1013, 1022, 1026–1027, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1109, 1156, 1159, 1164
- Avila Camacho, Gen. Manuel, 783, 785
- Bagryanov, Ivan, 154, 155
- Bailey, E. Tomlin, 184n
- Bajcsy-Zshensky, Endre, 805n
- Balfour, John, 147–148
- Balogh, István, 818n , 853–854
- Banca d’ltalia. See under Italy.
- Bang-Jensen, Povl, 594, 596n
- Baranyos, Karoly, 919
- Bardossy, Ladislas, 836n
- Barnes, Maynard B. (see also
Bulgaria: Opposition:
Dimitrov case), 137–139, 142–143, 199n
, 201, 203–204, 277, 296–297, 339–341, 404–405, 814n
- Views and recommendations on Bulgaria:
- ACC, operation of, 173, 192–198, 210–211
- Communist influence in, 146–147, 155–157, 167–168, 191–192, 208–210, 212–214, 289–291, 327–329, 371–372, 373
- Elections, 250–251, 257–260, 279–280, 302–303, 306–312, 347–348, 354–356
- U.S. policy, 163–164, 169–171, 217–219, 252–253, 276, 282, 317–318, 352, 360, 384–385, 393–397, 402–403, 410–412
- Views and recommendations on Bulgaria:
- Barnett, Gen. Allison J., 507–508
- Baudouin, Crown Prince of Belgium, 120
- Behn, Col. Sosthenes, 531n
- Belgian Congo, 83, 86
- Belgium (see also Leopold, King of the Belgians), 82–134
- Beneš, Edouard, 425n , 427, 478, 506, 509n , 511, 555–556, 939–940, 945
- Berlin Conference. See Conference of Berlin.
- Berlin (Potsdam) Declaration of Aug. 2, 135. 274, 277, 279, 284–285, 286, 290, 294, 706, 709, 711–712, 720
- Berry, Burton Y., 202, 225
- Bethlen, Stephen, Count, 805n
- Bevin, Ernest, 984, 1062
- Bidault, Georges, 703, 725–727, 731–732, 744; conversations with Byrnes, 711, 713–721, 722–724; de Gaulle, 666–667, 707–708; Hopkins, 665–669, 672–673; Truman, 687–690, 691–697, 608–700, 707–708
- Biryuzov, Gen. Sergey S.:
- Activities and views as Chairman of Bulgarian ACC:
- Declaration on Liberated Europe, implementation of, 355–356, 403, 406–407
- Dimitrov case, 140, 174, 213, 235–238
- Elections, 331, 339, 346; postponement of, 304, 306–308, 309, 313
- Reparations, Greek claims, 204, 338, 344–345
- Tripartite character of ACC, attitude toward, 184, 231, 279
- U.S. personnel, clearances for, 200, 354
- Decoration of by United States, proposal for, 309, 313
- Evaluation of, 142–143
- Activities and views as Chairman of Bulgarian ACC:
- Black, Cyril E., 176, 231–232, 235
- Black, Floyd H., 321, 354, 359
- Boboshevsky, Tvetko, 327
- Bohemia, 442n , 454, 513
- Bohlen, Charles E., 887
- Bonnet, Henri, 677–679, 702, 707, 715, 721
- Bonomi, Ivanoe, 964, 971, 976, 994–995, 1154, 1223, 1260–1261
- Bornholm. See under Denmark.
- Bozhilov (Bojilov), Dobri, 154
- Bretton Woods Agreement. See Treaties, conventions, etc.: United Nations Agreement on International Monetary Fund.
- Bretton Woods Conference. See United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference.
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1146–1147
- British Chiefs of Staff, 446, 452–453, 1147
- Brown, Winthrop G., 765, 766, 767
- Brun, A. Carl, 580–581
- Buhl, Vilhelm, 558n , 590
- Bulgaria, 135–419
- Allied Control Commission (see also Barnes, Maynard B.: Views and recommendations on Bulgaria; Elections: Postponement of, infra; Opposition, suppression of: Dimitrov case, infra; and Reparations and restitution, infra), 135–137, 142–144, 146–154, 159–164, 169, 172–173, 183–184, 192–198, 201–203, 205–207, 210–211, 217, 253–255, 279, 282, 295–296, 300–302, 318, 320–321.
- Army, 184–185, 186, 192, 206, 211, 218, 249–250, 365
- Diplomatic relations:
- Elections (see also
Ethridge, Mark: Mission to Moscow):
- Agrarian Party request for, 268–269, 272, 273
- British proposals and views, 174–175, 185, 281, 302, 385
- Bulgarian views, 163–164, 277, 279–280, 297–298, 299–300, 303–304, 339–341, 380, 384, 385, 386, 387–389
- Fatherland Front participation:
- Opposition parties’ participation:
- Cabinet ministers, resignations in protest against elections, 287, 288–289, 289–291, 291–292, 295
- Candidates, registration of, and Fatherland Front campaign to invalidate, 271, 273–274, 274–275, 275–276, 283–284, 287, 308, 373, 382
- Conditions for, 331–333, 342–344, 370–371
- Fatherland Front position on, 327, 329–330, 367–368; cabinet crisis concerning, 367, 375–376, 378–379, 381, 382
- Platform, 287–288
- Postponement of (elections of Aug. 26), 309, 310–311
- Results of (elections of Nov. 18), 389, 390–391, 392–393, 398–399, 399–400
- Soviet views, 186, 295–296, 326–327, 390
- U.S. Mission reports and proposals, 170, 218, 252–253, 258–260, 265, 276–277, 278, 282, 317–818, 324–325, 327–329, 330–331, 334–336, 343, 347–348, 352, 353, 360
- U.S. position and proposals, 143n , 169, 170–171, 179–181, 281, 282–283, 284–285, 286, 294, 297, 316–317, 319–320, 376–377, 383–384, 386, 389–390
- National Assembly, convening of, 406, 413, 419
- Opposition, suppression of:
- “Decree law against people’s authority,” text of, 171–172; use of, 315–316, 371–372
- Dimitrov (G.M.) case:
- ACC, referral to, 230–232, 235, 237–238, 240–241, 245–246
- Arrests of Dimitrov supporters, 238–239, 240, 241
- British views, 248–249
- Departure from Bulgaria, 313–314
- Dimitrov’s views, 242, 313
- Dismissal and condemnation of as Agrarian Party Head, 140–141, 174, 200
- Escape from house arrest, and U.S. Mission extension of refuge, negotiations concerning, 220–224, 235–237, 239–242, 245–248, 251, 261, 269–270, 280
- Harassment of Barnes by militia, 227–228, 230, 239, 270; U.S. appeals to Soviet Union concerning, 228–229, 234; Soviet replies, 240, 244–245
- Publicity of case, question of, 243–244, 247–248
- U.S. views, 224–227, 229, 233, 266, 271; Mission views, 246–247, 280
- Mara Racheva case, 239, 241, 242, 255–257, 260
- Trials by People’s Courts, 154–155, 155–156, 156–157, 161, 181–182
- Political parties (see also
Elections, supra):
- Agrarian Party (see also Opposition: Dimitrov case, supra):
- Democratic Party, proposals for inclusion in Fatherland Front government, 306, 327, 358
- Fatherland Front, 139, 167–168, 261–262, 296–297, 415–416
- Radical Party, 325–326, 337, 339
- Social Democratic Party, 167–168, 206, 248, 307, 327–328, 343, 361, 367, 419
- Zveno, 167–168, 189, 206, 257–258, 260–261, 263–264, 290, 346, 356, 375
- Political situation, interpretive reports concerning, 191–192, 206, 208–210, 212–214, 322–323
- Press:
- Reparations and restitution:
- Greek claims:
- Fulfillment of:
- ACC position, 205–206, 391
- British representations to Soviet Union, 178, 262, 266–267; recommendations to Greece, 179
- Bulgarian views, 203–204, 243, 340, 413, 416–417; Soviet influence on, 160–161
- Greek views, 182–183
- U.S. Mission views, 193–194, 204, 211
- U.S. position, 158, 175, 178, 179, 243, 368, 392; representations to Soviet Union, 409, 412
- Mission to ACC, question and status of:
- Fulfillment of:
- Yugoslav claims, 145, 177, 179
- Greek claims:
- South Slav Federation. See Yugoslavia, infra.
- Soviet troops:
- Trade, resumption of:
- U.S. personnel, restrictions on (see also, Press, supra), 176–177, 217, 321
- Yugoslavia, question of South Slav Federation with, 250–251, 341, 401, 404
- Bumbarov, Boris, 189, 257, 262, 263
- Bunn, Charles, 538–539
- Burov, Atanas, 155, 156, 213, 259, 269, 315, 316, 328, 343–344, 345
- Byrnes, James F., 109–111, 492–493, 496–497, 502n , 707–711; conversations with Bidault, 711, 713–721, 722–724, 878–879
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 444–445
- Caffery, Jefferson, 451
- Carandini, Nicolo, Count, 971
- Carinthia, 1156
- Carpathian Ruthenia. See under Czechoslovakia: Boundary and territorial settlements.
- Carpentier, Gen. Marcel. See Treaties, conventions, etc.: France: Morgan–Carpentier agreement.
- Červenka, Dr. Karel, 552–553
- Charles, Prince, Count of Flanders, 115, 119, 120, 122, 123, 133
- Charles, Sir Noel, 1047
- Charlois, Maurice J., 759–760
- Chauvel, Jean, 704–705
- Cherepanov, Gen. Alexander I., 210, 306
- Chervenkov, Vulko, 346
- Cheshmedjiev, Gregor, 257, 260, 271, 284, 285, 287, 288, 295, 331
- Chicayev, Ivan A., 429–430
- Cholakov, Stanko (Stancko), 295, 342, 375, 379
- Christensen, Knud, 558n
- Christian X, King of Denmark, 558, 559, 574
- Churchill, Winston S., 3, 13, 37n , 142, 146, 428, 559, 630, 661, 675, 713, 740, 1120n , 1153
- Chÿle, Dr. Oldrich, 539–540
- Civil Aeronautics Board, 1323, 1324, 1326n , 1327, 1328
- Clark, Gen. Mark, 730–731
- Clark Kerr, Sir Archibald J. K. See Kerr, Sir Archibald J. K. Clark.
- Clayton, William L., 90–91, 107, 541–543, 1225–1227, 1261–1263
- Clementis, Vladimir, 468–469, 473n , 490, 505, 514–515
- Clipperton Island. See under France.
- Coleman, Nathaniel R., 395
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, activities and views regarding:
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee, 779–780, 994, 1114, 1117, 1118, 1119–1121, 1137, 1222, 1227–1228
- Combined Liberated Areas Committee, 1290, 1298
- Conferences at Malta and Yalta. See Crimea conference.
- Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), July 17–Aug. 2 (see also Berlin Declaration), 44, 267, 276, 282, 295–296, 299, 347, 408, 619, 704, 709, 711, 718
- Cooke, Adm. Charles M., Jr., 1060
- Correa, Maj. Matthias F., 496–497
- Council of Foreign Ministers in London, Sept. 11–Oct. 2, 53, 283, 318, 326, 341, 351, 366, 490n , 494n , 524, 620, 723, 1023, 1024, 1030, 1069, 1202, 1205, 1207, 1215, 1218
- Crane, Gen. John A., 137n , 208, 321, 348
- Crimea Conference, Feb. 4–11, 162, 163, 168, 177, 178, 183, 290, 420n , 421, 433, 671, 677–678, 712, 713, 718, 892, 919, 924, 942, 1103, 1124, 1255
- Croce, Benedetto, 971
- Crowley, Leo T., 549–550, 1221–1222, 1240–1244
- Cuba, Republic of, 546–547
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 564–566, 579–580, 580–581
- Cunningham, Adm. Sir John, 1013, 1016, 1017, 1143–1144, 1147
- Curzon Line, 520
- Cyril (Kiril), Prince of Bulgaria, 154
- Czechoslovakia, 420–557
- Boundary and territorial settlements, discussions and decisions regarding:
- Carpathian Ruthenia. See under Boundary and territorial settlements, supra.
- Cotton credit. See under Rehabilitation: U.S. financial aid, infra.
- Currency, problems regarding, 438–439, 505–506
- Customs. See Trade relations: Interim arrangements, infra.
- Diplomatic relations, 416
- Duties. See Trade relations: Interim arrangements, infra.
- Germans, questions regarding. See Minority groups, infra.
- Glatz (Kladsko). See Boundary and territorial settlements, supra.
- Government:
- Grosse Schuett. See Boundary and territorial settlements, supra.
- Hlutschin (Hlubčlcko). See Boundary and territorial settlements, supra.
- Hungarian armistics terms, Czechoslovak interest in, 422
- Imports and exports. See Trade relations: Interim arrangements, infra.
- Liberation of:
- Little Hungarian Plain. See Boundary and territorial settlements, supra.
- Minority groups:
- Monopolies, question of. See Trade relations: Interim arrangements, infra.
- Nationalization program. See under Rehabilitation: Czechoslovak participation: Views on, infra.
- Occupation:
- Civil affairs agreements with—
- Czechoslovak attitude concerning, 455–457, 472–473, 477, 478–479, 483–484, 490–494
- Klieforth incident, 459–460, 476–477
- SHAEF directive on, 437–439
- Troops, withdrawal of:
- U.S. views, 457–459, 463–464, 469–470, 472–473, 488–490, 493, 499–500
- Zones, 461, 463, 467, 469, 472–473, 489
- Press, censorship of, 455, 458, 501
- Property:
- Provisional government. See under Government, supra.
- Quislings and renegades, Czechoslovak request for custody of, 525–526; U.S. and British policy regarding, 526–530
- Railroad lines, 520, 521
- Řatibor. See Boundary and territorial settlements, supra.
- Rehabilitation:
- Reparations, 425, 428, 535
- Repatriation. See Minority groups: Population transfers, supra.
- Tariffs. See Trade relations: Interim arrangements, infra.
- Teschen (Těšín). See Boundary and territorial settlements, supra.
- Trade relations, U.S.-Czechoslovak negotiations regarding reestablishment of, 537–549
- Transit, freedom of. See Diplomatic relations: Reestablishment with United States, supra.
- War booty. See property: American interests, supra.
- Danish Freedom Council. See under Denmark.
- Davidson, Adm. L. A., 787–788
- Davis, Monnett Bain, 570–571
- Declaration on Liberated Europe. See under Crimea Conference.
- De Gasperi, Alcide, 964–965, 984–985, 991–992, 997, 1024–1029, 1261
- de Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 669, 680–681, 686–687, 689, 696, 725, 727–729, 733, 771–773; visit to Washington, D.C., question of, 672–674, 675
- de Gruben, Baron, 95–96
- de Kauffmann, Henrik, 579–584 passim, 587, 588, 591–593
- Denmark, 558–597
- Ally status, appeal for tripartite recognition of, 558; U.S. and British positions regarding, 559–568
- Bornholm, Soviet occupation of, 579–580, 581
- Buhl government, U.S. recognition of, 568–571
- Civil Affairs Agreement, Danish-SHAEF negotiations regarding, 570, 571–574
- Danish Freedom Council, 558–559, 561–562, 567, 569
- Greenland:
- Ships requisitioned by United States, Danish compensation claims for:
- Derzhanski, Angel, 189, 257, 287, 288, 295
- de Tassigny, Gen. Jean de Lattre, 680, 681, 696
- Devers, Gen. Jacob L., 728–729
- Dewing, Gen. R. H., 568–569, 571
- Dietrich, William F., 799
- Dimitrov, Georgy:
- Dimitrov, Georgy M. See under Bulgaria: Opposition, suppression of.
- Dobrudja, 278
- Doessing, Thomas, 560, 567
- Doyen, Gen. Paul (see also Doyen-Truscott agreements), 728, 730–731, 733, 738
- Doyen–Truscott agreements, 742–746 passim
- Draganov, Purvan, 154
- Dragoycheva, Tsola, 139, 167, 168, 213, 215, 296–297
- Dulles, John Foster, 887
- Dumbarton Oaks Conference, Aug. 21–Oct. 7, 1944, 428, 433, 670–671, 672, 678–679
- Dunn, James C., 89–90, 677, 679, 886–887, 955–956, 1057–1058
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 286
- Duriš, Jan, 431n
- Ecker-Racz, L., 799
- Eckhardt, Tibor, 805n
- Eden, Anthony, 50, 144, 149, 152–153, 192, 197–198, 441–442, 992–993, 1118–1119
- Edgcumbe, Gen. Oliver P., 816–817, 822, 893
- Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.:
- Enckell, Carl J. A., 626–627
- Erdei, Ferenc, 828n , 829, 857
- Erhardt, John C., 532
- Erkko, Eljas, 600–601
- Erskine, Gen. George W. E., 115, 119, 124
- Ethridge, Mark: Investigation of political situation in Bulgaria, 346–348, 353–372, 382–383, 386, 391–392, 394, 398, 400; mission to Moscow, 354–356, 358–359, 363–364, 371–372, 374–375, 377–378, 380, 382–383, 391–392, 400–401
- European Advisory Commission, 149, 151, 195, 198, 253, 511–513, 1118
- European Coal Organization (see also France: Coal), 978
- European Petroleum Supply Committee, 781
- Export-Import Bank, 112, 551, 553, 554, 648–649, 659–660, 768–769, 772, 776, 1293, 1298
- Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23, 1913, cited, 166
- Federal Reserve Board, 166
- Fenard, Adm. Raymond, 788, 792
- Fierlinger, Zdenek, 430–433 passim, 455, 457, 469n , 473, 477, 478–479, 485, 510n , 514–515, 519n
- Filov, Bogdan, 154, 212–213, 342
- Finland, 186, 233, 598–660, 723
- Allied Control Commission, 598–599, 605–606, 607–609, 613–615, 617–619, 646
- Commerce and trade relations, 627–628, 633n , 641–644, 646–652, 654–656, 657
- Diplomatic relations with United States, 624–632, 649–650
- Elections and political situation, 600–601, 608, 609–613, 614, 616–617, 622, 630
- Loans and assistance, 598, 599, 600, 626, 627, 633, 637, 640–642, 658–660
- Relief supplies, 635, 637–640, 644–646, 653
- Reparations to Soviet Union, 598, 599–600, 652, 656, 657
- Soviet-Finnish relations, 601–602, 604–606, 608, 609–610, 613, 619–620, 624
- Foreign Economic Administration, 1221–1222, 1252, 1265, 1290, 1291
- Foreign Ministers’ meeting, Moscow, Dec. 16–26:
- Forrestal, James V., 496–497
- Foss, Erling, 561–564, 566–568
- Fowler, William A., 537–538
- France, 661–795
- Air services, U.S.-French provisional arrangement for, 795
- Clipperton Island, establishment of armed observation party and weather station, discussions regarding, 783–795 [Page 1343]
- Coal, question of, 686–687, 708, 712–714, 715, 722, 724
- Diplomatic relations, establishment with Bulgaria, 416
- Foreign exchange and tariffs, 716–718
- French Civil Import Program. See Trade relations, infra.
- French-U.S. relations, 661–725
- French grievances and anti-American propaganda, 661–665, 686, 689–690, 708
- Meetings, Roosevelt–de Gaulle, proposed, 668, 669, 672–674, 675; Truman–de Gaulle, 689, 690, 697, 700–702, 703
- Status of, and U.S. policy toward France, 665–667, 687, 688, 690–691, 697, 698, 710–711, 725; U.S. and British concern, 675, 676–677
- U.S. relief assistance and discussions regarding, 668, 676–677, 686–687, 689, 691, 707–708, 710–711, 722
- Germany, U.S.-French interest in dismemberment and treatment of, 667, 670, 685, 688, 691, 693–695, 697–699, 703–704, 706, 709–710, 718–721, 723–724; Stuttgart, 680–681, 682–683, 683–684, 685, 687, 689
- Indochina, French interest and policy regarding, 668, 679, 704–705, 706, 795
- Italy, territorial control of and French troop withdrawal from:
- Allied Military Government, question of transfer to Italian administration, 731, 743–749, 751
- British interest, 727
- French participation and representations regarding, 696, 705, 722–723, 725–745
- Italian views, 735–736, 1260
- U.S. policy and position, 732–734, 734–735, 743, 745–747
- Val d’Aosta, 695–697, 698, 700
- Japan, French participation in U.S. military operations, question of, 689, 691, 692
- Merchant Marine, 721–722
- Military bases, cession to United States, question of, 705
- Petroleum Supply Agreement, Mar. 15, 775–777
- Poland, displaced nationals, French interest in, 693; effect of war on, U.S. observations concerning, 719
- Reconstruction, reparations, and restitution, 695, 706, 708, 711–716, 719
- Syria and Lebanon, increased French military presence, U.S. concern regarding, 686, 692–693, 700
- Trade relations, U.S.-French discussions regarding reestablishment, 762–774
- Trusteeship, question of 678–679, 724
- United Nations Conference, San Francisco, French participation in, 677, 678, 690
- Frashëri, Midhat, 7–8, 21–23
- Frenay, Henri, 700
- French Commission in Shanghai. See France: Indochina.
- Freyburg, Gen. Sir Bernard C., 1139
- Ganev, Venelin:
- Garrod, Air Marshal Guy, 1016
- Gartz, Ake, 635–636, 646–648, 654
- Gascoigne, Alvary D.F., 816–817, 830, 886, 890, 893, 894
- Gašpar, Tido, 525–530 passim
- Georgiev, Kimon:
- Germany (see also under France), 105, 442n , 451, 515, 534, 713, 1254–1255, 1256, 1301–1304
- Gero, Erno, 884
- Gichev, Dimitri (Dimiter), 155, 213, 259, 269, 328, 343, 345, 370–371
- Gordon, Ferenc, 917–920
- Grady, Henry F., 1242
- Greece. See under Bulgaria: Reparations and restitution.
- Greenland. See under Denmark.
- Grew, Joseph C., 453, 687–689, 691–697, 698–699, 819, 1011
- Gyöngyösi, János, 820–821, 831, 847, 848, 868–869, 874–877, 881n , 885, 900–901, 910, 926–927; repatriation of Hungarian nationals, 938–939, 941–942, 945–946, 947, 949, 951–952
- Hajný, Emanuel J., 537–539
- Harding, Gen. Sir John, 1032, 1047–1048, 1212–1213
- Harmon, Gen. Ernest N., 466, 470–472, 485, 486–487, 492, 498, 499–502 passim, 509
- Harriman, W. Averell, 436, 476, 862–863, 893–894
- Harvey, Oliver C., 1087–1088
- Hayter, William G., 57, 58
- Hickerson, John D., 787–788
- Hitler, Adolf, 1148, 1157
- Hlinka Guards, 525–526
- Hodgson, Brig. D.E.P., 26, 36, 45
- Hollis, Walter, 537–539
- Holvoet, Amaury, Baron, 119
- Hopkins, Harry L.:
- Houstoun-Boswall, William E., 144, 174, 306
- Hoxha, Enver, 4n , 5, 6, 7, 9–20 passim, 24, 25, 27; report on interview with Joseph E. Jacobs, 28–34, 35, 43–44, 71–73
- Hoxha, Kadri, 11, 14, 15
- Humbert, Crown Prince of Italy, 968, 971
- Hungary, 798–952
- Allied Control Commission:
- Agreement among United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union, Jan. 20, 800–803
- Functions and procedures of, 798–799, 805–807, 810–813, 837, 850–851, 858–859, 864–866, 913–914
- Meetings of, 806–807, 809–811, 822–823, 837–838, 855–856, 889, 909, 935
- Revision of procedures and statutes:
- Statutes of Jan., 802–803
- Statutes of Aug., 844–847
- U.S. representation, membership and instructions, 798–799
- Armistice agreement between United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and Hungary, signed Jan. 20, 798; implementation of, 823–827
- Army, 805–806, 810, 824, 903–904, 907, 909, 911–912, 916
- Diplomatic relations and recognition (see also U.S. Mission, infra), 826, 839, 848
- Displaced persons, 838
- Economic and financial crisis, reports on, 917–921, 926–927
- Economic rehabilitation, proposed tripartite (U.S., U.K., U.S.S.R.) consideration of:
- Elections:
- Budapest municipal elections, Oct., 871–872, 883
- National elections, Nov.:
- Hungarian views, 851, 852–854, 856–858, 866–867, 873, 876–877, 890–891, 897–898
- Proposed tripartite (U.S., U.K., U.S.S.R.) consultation on, 854, 867, 870, 877–878
- Results of, 904
- Soviet views, 853, 856, 890–891, 895
- U.S. views, 828–829, 834, 852–853, 854, 858–859, 863–864, 867, 873–874, 875, 878–879
- Governments, Provisional government, 804–806; new government of Nov., 906–907; Communization of, report on, 871
- Peace treaty, question of, 830, 868, 869, 871–872, 875
- Police, 871
- Political parties:
- Population transfers:
- Press: Censorship, 817, 847, 889–890; entry of American newsmen, 861–862, 865; newsprint crisis, 873–874
- Prisoners of war, 804, 806, 824, 826, 837, 848–849, 908
- Protection of American business interests: Entry permits for American businessmen, 840–841, 850–851, 865–866; MAORT case, 814–816, 921–922; Tungsram case, 813, 823, 824, 825
- Reparations, 806–807, 810, 823, 824–826, 831–832, 838, 868–869
- Restitution, Hungarian gold, 831–832; Danube barges, 902–903, 905–906
- Trade and economic assistance:
- Soviet-Hungarian economic collaboration agreement, Oct., 881–882, 890
- Soviet-Hungarian trade agreement, Oct., 881–882, 911
- U.S. attitude on general economic relations with Eastern Europe, 838–839, 915–916, 922–925
- U.S. economic assistance, question of, 868, 904, 905, 914–915, 919
- U.S.-Hungarian trade, proposals for, 860–861, 912–913
- U.S. Mission, composition, function, status, 798–800, 804, 807–809, 817–818, 819, 840–841, 864–866; clearance of Mission aircraft, 818, 820
- War criminals, renegades, and quislings, 836–837, 848
- Allied Control Commission:
- Husak, Gustav, 436
- Iceland, 953–954
- U.S.-Icelandic agreement regarding the defense of Iceland, July 1, 1941, negotiations for a new agreement, 953
- U.S.-Icelandic agreement respecting air transportation of Icelandic passengers and mail, effected by exchange of notes signed Jan. 27 and Apr. 11, cited, 954
- U.S.-Icelandic agreement respecting air transport services, effected by exchange of notes signed Jan. 27, cited, 953
- U.S. military bases in, 579–580
- Indochina. See under France.
- International Military Tribunal, 928–929
- International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. See Czechoslovakia: Property: American interests.
- Italy (see also under
France), 955–1331
- Advisory Council for, Italian proposal, 1001
- Allied Commission, transfer of responsibilities to
Italian administration:
- Demobilization of, Italian proposal for, 1001
- Economic controls, 1246, 1247–1248
- Financial controls:
- Political controls, 1245–1246
- Regional officers, withdrawal of, 1246
- Supply program, 1246–1247
- Tripartite Economic Advisory Council, proposal for, 1006–1007
- Allied Military Government. See Northern provinces and Venezia Giulia, infra.
- Allied troops, redeployment of, 1020, 1071, 1091
- Armistice and Surrender Instrument, Sept. 3 and 29, 1943,
revision of:
- British views, 1063–1064, 1073–1074, 1087–1088
- Italian requests for, 991–992, 994–995, 1062–1063, 1069–1070, 1088–1089, 1096–1099, 1099–1100, 1202, 1220–1221, 1234–1235, 1280; draft agreement, 997–1002; Bonomi appeal to Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, 995–996
- Proposals:
- Publication of Armistice with revisions:
- Soviet attitude, 1063–1064, 1070, 1074, 1076, 1087, 1100
- U.S. position, 1087, 1089, 1096
- Assets. See Allied Commission: Financial controls: External assets, supra; and under Reparations and restitution, infra.
- Assistance to. See under Economic factors, infra.
- Azienda Generate Italiana Petroli, 1305, 1307, 1309, 1314, 1315, 1319, 1321
- Azienda Nazionale Idrogenazione Combustible, 1305, 1307, 1309, 1319
- Banca d’ltalia, 1236, 1237, 1249, 1272
- Bolzano province. See Northern provinces, infra.
- Comitato Italiano di Petroli. See under Petroleum, infra.
- Constituent Assembly. See under Government, infra.
- Credit. Italian requests for. See Economic factors: Assistance: Rehabilitation supply program: Financing, infra.
- Currency. See under Allied Commission: Financial controls, supra.
- Decree Law 151. See Government: Constituent Assembly, infra.
- Diplomatic relations, restoration of, 1000, 1076, 1245, 1279
- Economic factors:
- Assistance:
- Coal supplies, 978
- Lend-Lease, extension to Italy, 1250–1251, 1253, 1258, 1263, 1264
- Military civilian supply program, 1077–1078, 1259, 1264
- Oil supplies:
- Rehabilitation supply program:
- Surplus Army-Navy property, disposal of in Italy, 1253–1254, 1262, 1263, 1274–1277, 1289–1290, 1294–1295, 1301
- UNRRA program for Italy, 1287–1288, 1291, 1292–1293, 1296–1298
- U.S. supply policy, discussions of:
- Conditions, 1007, 1228–1231, 1257, 1265, 1280
- Technical mission to United States (Quintieri-Mattioli mission):
- Trade, return to private channels:
- Assistance:
- Elections. See under Government, infra.
- Government, form of, 963–991
- Determination, means of:
- Elections:
- Institutional question, reopening of:
- Regional decentralization:
- Institutional question. See under Government, supra.
- Istituto Commercio Estero, 1291, 1295, 1297
- Japan, declaration of war against, July 15:
- Joint statement by Roosevelt and Churchill on policies toward Italy, Sept. 26, 1944, cited, 1221–1222, 1226, 1244, 1266, 1271
- Landing and transit rights for U.S. airlines, 1323–1331
- Lend-Lease aid. See under Economic factors: Assistance, supra.
- Navy:
- Disposition of. See Peace treaty: Military, naval, and air clauses, infra.
- Implementation of Cunningham–De Courten agreement of Sept. 23, 1943, regarding, 1079, 1090, 1094; question of publication, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1077, 1081
- Northern provinces, return to Italian administration:
- Peace treaty, proposals for a preliminary agreement:
- British views, 992–998, 1002–1004, 1030, 1032
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee, U.S. members’ views, 1227
- Economic clauses, 1038–1039
- Military, naval, and air clauses, State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee report, and discussions regarding, 1034–1047, 1049, 1050–1051, 1059
- Territorial settlement:
- Treatment of Italy:
- Petroleum (see also, Economic factors: Oil supplies, supra), 1304–1323 [Page 1348]
- Political parties, 966, 967–968
- Population movements. See under Venezia Giulia, infra.
- Prisoners of war, 1000, 1091, 1246
- Rehabilitation. See under Economic factors: Assistance, supra.
- Reparations and restitution:
- Repatriation of Italian nationals. See under Venezia Giulia: Population movements, infra.
- Territorial questions. See Northern provinces, supra; Venezia Giulia, infra; and under Peace treaty, supra.
- Trade. See under Economic factors, supra.
- Udine Province. See Northern provinces, supra.
- U.S. policy toward, 969, 1008–1009, 1052, 1056
- Venezia Giulia, 1103–1219
- Administration of:
- Allied liaison mission to Yugoslav Administrative Headquarters, 1195, 1200, 1208
- Elections, 1195, 1199, 1200, 1208
- Italian views on, 1140, 1162, 1164
- Method, 1012, 1195, 1199, 1207–1208
- Status of inhabitants, 1195–1196, 1199–1200
- Trieste Committee of National Liberation, uncooperative attitude of, 1197
- U.S. concern for, 1192–1194
- Alexander–Tito agreement implementing the Belgrade agreement, signed at Duino, June 20 (see also Belgrade Agreement, infra), 1188–1189, 1189–1191; text, 1186–1187
- Alexander–Tito operational agreement of Feb., establishing the Robertson Line:
- Alexander–Tito operational agreement of May 9, establishing the Morgan Line, 1142–1143, 1144–1147, 1149–1150, 1153, 1154, 1159–1160
- Belgrade Agreement, Anglo-American-Yugoslav agreement respecting the provisional administration of Venezia Giulia signed June 9 (see also Alexander–Tito implementing agreement, supra):
- Combined Chiefs of Staff Directive of April 28:
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee discussions, 1117, 1119–1121
- Conditions in:
- Correspondence concerning between—
- Miscellaneous references, 975, 1011, 1012, 1047, 1050, 1058, 1067, 1095
- Occupation of:
- Population movements:
- Soviet Union, intentions toward, 1105, 1154–1155
- U.S. policy, discussions of, 1113–1114, 1136, 1144, 1147, 1148, 1152–1153, 1155–1156
- Yugoslav aims, 1103, 1108–1109, 1111, 1113, 1130, 1131, 1152, 1153, 1217
- Administration of:
- War crimes, 1000–1001, 1091
- Jackson, Robert H., 527
- Jacobs, Joseph E., In, 1n , 16, 26; report on interview with Enver Hoxha, 28–34; report on and recommendations concerning Albanian regime, 38–41, 46–52
- Japan. See under France and Italy.
- Joanna, Queen of Bulgaria, 159
- Joergensen, Joergen, 558n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 448–449, 469n , 549–550, 681, 1059, 1072
- Jovanović, Gen. Arso R., 1145, 1147n , 1186n
- Juin, Gen. Alphonse P., 737–740 passim
- Jutila, Kalla T., 632, 638
- Kauffmann, Henrik. See de Kauffmann, Henrik.
- Kennan, George F., 151–152, 432n , 445–446, 453–454, 510n , 532–533, 813–814, 1154
- Kerr, Sir Archibald J. K. Clark, 177, 183, 443, 451–453, 917, 961–962
- Key, Gen. William S., 799, 806, 807, 811, 822, 823, 826, 827, 832–834, 836n , 841, 852, 854–856, 858–860, 865–867, 875–876, 885, 887–890, 893, 896–898, 900, 903n , 907, 912, 916, 919, 926
- Kirk, Alexander C., 798n
, 1103n
, 1219n
- Views on—
- Economic factors in Italy, 1232, 1265, 1297–1298
- Formation of Italian government, 965–967, 988
- Peace treaty for Italy, 1004, 1013, 1100–1102
- Return of Northern provinces to Italian administration, 1022, 1034
- Revision of armistice and surrender instrument, 1005–1008, 1016, 1052–1054, 1076, 1235, 1239–1240
- Venezia Giulia, 1104, 1112–1114, 1122, 1124, 1142–1144, 1146–1147, 1148, 1192–1194
- Views on—
- Kirsanov, Stepan P., 228, 306–307
- Klieforth, Alfred W. (see also Czechoslovakia: Occupation: Klieforth incident), 468, 473–474
- Knatchbull-Hugessen, Sir Hughe M., 115, 119, 124
- Kočiš, Aladár, 525–530 passim
- Koev, Peter, 273, 284
- Kolarov, Vasil, 326, 327, 329–330, 332–333, 337, 346, 351, 352–353, 406, 413
- Kollontay, Madame Alexandra M., 560
- Konev, Ivan S., 459, 461, 490–492
- Kopecký, Vaclav, 473n , 504, 510n
- Kostov, Traicho, 242, 296, 346
- Kosturkov, Stoyan, 339, 342, 346, 353
- Kovacs, Bela, 892
- Kran, Ole B., 558n
- Krno, Dalibor, 951–952
- Kronacher, Paul, 82, 89–90
- Kruse, J. C. W., 568
- Kubala, Tomáš 525–530 passim
- Kubiš, Pavel, 525–530 passim
- Lacoste, Francis, 741, 742, 790–791
- Land, Adm. Emory S., 595, 596n
- Lausman, Bohumil, 431n
- Laval, Pierre, 661
- Lavrishchev, Alexander A., 176, 207
- Leahy, Adm. William D., 688, 707–711, 1127–1128
- Lebanon. See France: Syria and Lebanon.
- LeBovet, Harry, 799
- Lend-Lease (see also under Belgium; France: Trade relations; and Italy: Economic factors: Assistance), 547–550
- Leopold, King of the Belgians:
- Hitler, meeting with, 130n
- Liberation of, 116–117, 122
- Move to Switzerland, 134
- Return to Belgium, question of:
- Belgian Government request for, 119–120, 121
- Belgian public opinion regarding, 120–121, 123–124, 127, 131
- British views, 115, 119, 124
- Meetings with Belgian leaders regarding, 122, 123, 125–126
- Political situation, effect on, 116, 126–127, 133
- Transportation by SHAEF, question of, 118, 127–134
- U.S. views, 117, 124–125, 128–129, 130, 132
- U.S. treatment of, 133
- Levushkin, Gen. Ivan I., 806–807
- Liberty ships, availability of, 721–722
- Lindsay, Col. Franklin A., 1150
- Loebel, Evzan, 504
- Lower Silesia, 513
- Ludin, Hans E., 526–529 passim
- Lulchev, Kosta, 284, 355, 361, 367, 398, 419
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 689, 692
- Macedonia, 401
- Mach, Alexander, 525–530 passim
- Maclean, Brig. Fitzroy H., 1113
- Macmillan, Harold, 6, 7, 9, 675, 994, 1104–1105, 1106, 1111–1113, 1119, 1123–1124, 1142, 1143, 1220
- Magyar Amerikai Olajipari R. T. (MAORT). See under Hungary: Protection of American business interests.
- Majer, Vaćlav, 431n , 504
- Malinovsky, Marshal Rodion Y., 459, 461, 505
- Mannerheim, Baron, Marshal Carl Gustav, 600, 611, 622
- Marjolin, Robert, 760–761
- Markham, Reuben, 293–294, 299–300, 322–523, 353
- Marris, Adam D., 93–94
- Marshall, Gen. George C., 487–488, 1155
- Masaryk, Jan, 427n , 428, 450n , 485, 540–541, 556–557, 929, 931–932
- Masaryk, Thomas G., 455n
- Massigli, René, 670
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 95–96, 496–497, 1002, 1132–1133
- Mattioli, Raffaele, 1223n , 1251
- McCarthy, Col. Frank, 496
- McCloy, John J., 472n
- McFarland, Gen. Andrew J., 1059
- McNarney, Gen. Joseph T., 185, 1105, 1112
- Medrický, Géza, 525–530 passim
- Merrill, Frederick T., 799n , 804
- Metlin, Sidney D., 538–539
- Mexico, Clipperton Island, sovereignty question, 783–795
- Mihailović Gen. Draza, 1131–1132
- Mihov, Gen. Nikola, 154
- Mikhailov, Konstantin A., 445–446, 449–450, 453–454
- Miklos, Bela D., 804, 836n , 847, 851, 853, 857, 862, 873, 877–878, 879, 881n , 885, 890, 896, 903–904, 905–906
- Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw, 296, 433
- Military Appropriation Act of 1946, approved by Pres. Truman, July 3, cited, 110
- Moeller, Christmas, 568, 571, 572n
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 138, 143, 147–148, 186, 213, 244–245, 911–912, 1100
- Monnet, Jean, 768–769, 771–773
- Moravia, 442n , 454
- Morgan, Gen. Sir William D. (see also Treaties, conventions: France: Morgan-Carpentier agreement), 746, 747, 749–751 passim, 1030–1031, 1032, 1143, 1145, 1186n , 1194; conversations with Tito, 1149–1150, 1153, 1159
- Morgan Line, 1189–1190, 1206, 1211, 1213, 1216
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 1248, 1249
- Morosov, Gen. Alexander A., 532
- Moscow Commission on German Reparations. See Allied Commission on Reparations.
- Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, 1943, 1051; Declaration on Italy, 974, 977, 980, 986.
- Muftija, Sali, 7–8
- Munck, Ebbe, 563–564, 567
- Muraviev, Konstantin, 154, 155, 333, 345
- Murin, Ivan, 525–530 passim
- Murin, Karol, 525–530 passim
- Murphy, Robert D., 129, 451, 497–498, 499–502
- Mushanov, Nikola, 155, 213, 259, 269, 315, 316, 328, 343, 345
- Mussolini, Benito, 3, 1148, 1153
- Nagy, Ferenc, 805n , 892, 908n
- Nagy, Imre, 906
- National Federal Government of Slovenia. See Italy: Venezia Giulia: Occupation of: Trieste.
- National Redoubt, 445
- National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), 467
- Neichev, Mincho, 182
- Neikov, Dimiter:
- Nejedlý, Zdenek, 473n
- Nemec, Frantisek, 510
- Nenni, Pietro, 985, 1260–1261
- Neumann, Antonin, 525–530 passim
- Nichols, Philip B. B., 459–460, 464–465
- NKVD, 371
- Norway, extension of Lend-Lease aid to, 97
- Nosek, Václav, 473n
- Obbov, Alexander, 189, 252, 263, 296–297, 346
- O’Dwyer, Gen. William, 1242
- Offie, Carmel, 840n
- Opletal, Pavel, 525–530 passim
- Orgiow, Col. George H., 266n
- Orlov, Pavel D., 609–610, 617, 624, 644n , 646
- Overseas News Agency, 157, 264, 296, 349
- Oxley, Gen. W. H., activities as British representative on Bulgarian ACC:
- Paasikivi, Juho K., 598–600, 611, 615–616, 641
- Padev, Machael, 198–199, 261
- Padilla, Dr. Ezequiel, 783
- Panama Canal, 784
- Panama Canal Zone, 546–547
- Paris Reparations Conference, 1302, 1304
- Parri, Ferruccio, 977, 983–984, 989, 1021, 1062–1063, 1212–1213; correspondence with Truman, 1022–1024, 1051–1052
- Pastukhov, Dr. Ivan, 381
- Patterson, Richard C., Jr., 1133, 1150, 1155–1156
- Patterson, Robert P., 496–497, 502–503
- Patton, Gen. George S., 440–441, 448, 451, 683–684
- Pavlov, Asen, 189, 257, 284, 285, 287, 288
- Pavlov, Todor, 200, 245, 246, 298, 406
- Petain, Marshal Henri Philippe, 661
- Petkov, Nikola, 141n
- Petroleum Supply Arrangement (see also under France), 1314–1316
- Pez de Plata (ship), 787
- Phelps, Dudley M., 537–538
- Pirenne, Jacques, 124, 126, 130
- Pleven, René, 771–773
- Poland, 202, 213, 416, 424, 433, 529, 719; territorial settlements, negotiations concerning, 513–515, 518–519, 521–524
- Potsdam Conference. See Conference of Berlin.
- Potsdam Protocol. See Berlin Declaration.
- Poulos, Constantine, 157, 264, 272, 296–297
- President’s War Relief Control Board (PWRCB), 637, 644, 654
- Procopé, Hjalmar J., 601, 626, 628
- Prunas, Renato, 997
- Pružinskyý, Mikuláš, 525–529 passim
- Pushkin, Georgy M., 817–818, 827, 840, 848, 857, 881n , 882, 892, 898, 910, 941
- Quebec Conferences, 1082n , 1136
- Quintieri, Quinto, Baron, 1223n , 1251
- Quintieri-Mattioli mission. See Italy: Economic factors: Technical mission.
- Quislings and renegades. See under Czechoslovakia.
- Racheva, Mara. See under Bulgaria: Opposition.
- Radescu, Gen. Nicolae, 225–226
- Radoev, Capt. Petur, 386
- Rakosi, Matyas, 848–849, 891, 898, 906
- Reber, Samuel, 568–569
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act Revival Bill, July 5, 538, 540–542
- Rewinkel, Milton, interpretive reports on Bulgarian political situation, 325–326, 330–331, 331–332, 334–336, 338–339
- Ripka, Dr. Hubert, 424n , 440–441, 450n , 451–453, 514–515, 547n
- Roberts, Frank K., 443
- Robertson, Gen. Lord, 1113
- Robertson Line, 1113, 1116, 1143
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 97, 213, 668, 669, 673, 712, 783, 784, 958, 1242
- Rosenman, Samuel I., 1257
- Rumania:
- Ruthenian National Council. See Czechoslovakia: Boundary and territorial settlements: Carpathian Ruthenia.
- Salonika, 190n , 278
- Sargent, Sir Orme G., 405–406, 822, 828, 930–931
- Sawyer, Charles, 91–92, 93, 115–116, 119, 125–126, 128, 130–131, 131–132, 132–133
- Schoenfeld, H. F. Arthur:
- Activities and views as U.S. Minister to Hungary:
- ACC, U.S.-Soviet attempts for cooperation, 817–818
- Appointment and duties, announcement of, 799, 807–809
- Clearances, question of, 841
- Diplomatic relations, establishment of, 848, 862
- Election, 852–854, 857–859, 866–867, 891–892
- Newsprint shortage, 873–874
- Repatriation of Hungarian nationals, 930n , 940–941, 950–952
- U.S. economic aid, 917–920
- Activities and views as U.S. Minister to Hungary:
- Schuyler, Gen. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, 201, 225–226
- Sevez, Gen. François, 730
- Sforza, Carlo, Count, 971
- SHAEF. See Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.
- Shehu, Gen. Mehmet, 79, 80
- Shepherd, Francis M., 609–610, 617, 624
- Shishmanov, Dr. Dimiter, 154
- Široky, Viliam, 466–468, 471, 473n
- Slavik, Dr. Juraj, 948–949
- Slessor, Air Marshal John C., 1105–1106
- Slovak National Council, 429, 436
- Slovakia, 423, 429, 432, 525n
- Slovene-Italian Anti-Fascist Union. See Italy: Venezia Giulia: Conditions in: Yugoslav activities.
- Smith, Gen. Walter Bedell, 451, 681
- Solanko, Risto, 626, 628
- South Brandenburg, 513
- Soviet High Command, 430, 461, 480, 482
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 118–119, 120
- Spofford, Gen. Charles M., 1030, 1053, 1220
- Squires, Leslie A.:
- Stainov, Petko:
- Stalin, Iosif V., 313, 220, 427–433, 447–448, 490, 491, 629–630, 661, 1130
- Stambulisky, Alexander, 155, 167, 191, 365
- State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (see also Italy: Peace treaty: Military, air, and naval clauses), 502n , 527n , 842–844, 860
- Stefan, Metropolitan of Sofia, Exarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, 221
- Steinhardt, Laurence A., 425n , 426n , 485, 488–489, 490–492, 498, 499–502 passim, 933–935, 946–949; Czechoslovak nationalization, 555–556; financial needs, 556–557; lend-lease, question of, 549–550; war booty, 531–532
- Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 444–445, 677–679
- Stevenson, Adlai, 1241–1242
- Stevenson, Ralph C. Skrine, 1161, 1163, 1219
- Stimson, Henry L., 483–484, 1129–1130, 1133–1135
- Stoichev, Gen. Vladimir, 250, 269, 279–280, 309, 313, 315, 349, 386, 397
- Stone, Rear Adm. Ellery W., U.S.N.R., actions and views on Italy:
- Stoyanov, Petko, 219, 271, 284, 285, 287, 288
- Strang, Sir William, 511–513
- Stranský, Jaroslav, 459–462 passim, 465
- Straten-Ponthoz, Count Robert van der, 82
- Šubašić, Dr. Ivan, 1182
- Sudetenland (see also Czechoslovakia: Minority groups; Population transfers), 437–438, 453, 516
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, 83–84, 90, 92, 93, 98–99, 101, 117, 118, 125, 127, 128–129, 130, 450, 451–453, 474, 568–569, 570–574, 730
- Surplus Property Act, Oct. 3, 1944, cited, 1262, 1263, 1275, 1301
- Svoboda, Gen. Ludvik, 485, 490–491
- Sweden, 416, 962
- Swiss legation in Hungary, 809
- Switzerland, 416
- Syria. See under France.
- Szakasits, Arpad, 891, 898, 906
- Szalasi, Ferenc, 826, 831–832, 836n
- Tanjug, 264, 272–273
- Tanner, Väinö A., 601, 603–604
- Tarchiani, Alberto, 955–956, 958, 960–961, 962–963, 1010–1011, 1019, 1183–1184, 1201–1202, 1252–1253, 1256–1258, 1260–1261
- Tariff Act of 1930, 716
- Tass, 264, 272–273
- Tchitchaiev. See Chichayev, Iran A.
- Tedder, Field Marshal Sir Arthur W., 469n
- Tehran Conference, 1017, 1051
- Terpeshev, Gen. Dobri, 158, 167
- Thomas, Sheldon, 570–571
- Thrace, 250, 401
- Tildy, Zoltan, 805n , 852, 866–867, 870, 892, 897–898, 904, 906, 925–926, 940–941, 951–952
- Tiso, Jozef, 525–529 passim
- Tiso, Stefan, 525–529 passim
- Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 6, 10, 292, 373, 401, 698
- Togliatti, Palmiro, 964, 985
- Tolbukhin, Marshal Fedor I., 279
- Townsend, Col. Dallas S., 866, 926
- Trade Agreements Act, June 12, 1934; amended June 7, 1943; amended July 5, cited, 1277
- Trading-with-the-Enemy Act, Oct. 6, 1917, cited 1250
- Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., 1326, 1327
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Allied Armistice with Hungary, Jan. 20, 536n
- Allied Armistice with Rumania, Sept. 12, 1944, 536n
- Arbitration Treaty of June 14, 1928, cited, 590
- Belgium:
- Bulgaria:
- Czechoslovakia:
- Czechoslovak-Soviet civil affairs agreement, May 8, 1944. See under Czechoslovakia: Occupation: Civil affairs agreements.
- Czechoslovak-Soviet treaty incorporating Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic signed in Moscow, June 29. See Czechoslovakia: Boundary and territorial settlements: Carpathian Ruthenia.
- Czechoslovak-Soviet treaty of friendship, mutual assistance, and postwar collaboration signed in Moscow, Dec. 12, 1943, 463, 474
- “Little Entente,” between Czechoslovakia, Rumania, and Yugoslavia, conventions signed at Geneva, Feb. 16, 1933, 952
- Soviet Union-Czechoslovak agreement regarding utilization of war trophies signed at Moscow, Mar. 31, 530n , 536
- U.S.-Czechoslovak agreement on settlement of lend-lease, Sept. 18, 1948, 550n
- U.S.-Czechoslovak reciprocal trade agreement signed Mar. 7, 1938; amendment signed Apr. 15, 1938. See under Czechoslovakia: Trade relations.
- U.S.-Czechoslovak agreement regarding Air Transport Command facilities effected by exchange of notes, Oct. 25 and Dec. 6 and 11, 557
- U.S.-Czechoslovak agreement respecting exposed motion picture films effected by exchange of notes, May 18, 1938, 543, 548
- Denmark:
- France:
- Clark-Darlan agreements signed at Algiers, Nov. 22, 1942, 661
- Morgan–Carpentier agreement for the withdrawal of French forces from northwestern Italy signed June 11, 740n , 741, 742–749 passim, 754–755, 756
- Petroleum Supply agreement, Mar. 15. See under France.
- U.S.-French air navigation agreement, Dec. 28 and 29, 716
- U.S.-French civil affairs agreement effected by exchange of notes, Aug. 25, 1944, 679
- U.S.-French Lend-Lease agreement signed Feb. 28, cited, 96, 97, 99, 676, 684, 706, 758, 759, 769, 770, 771
- U.S.-French trade agreement of May 6, 1936, cited, 757–758
- Geneva Convention relative to treatment of prisoners of war, signed July 27, 1929, cited, 663
- Hungary:
- Iceland:
- U.S.-Icelandic agreement for termination of defense agreement of July 1, 1941 and provision for use of Keflavik airport by U.S. forces signed Oct. 7, 1946, 953
- U.S.-Icelandic agreement respecting air transport services effected by exchange of notes signed Jan. 27, 953
- U.S.-Icelandic agreement respecting transportation by air of Icelandic passengers and mail effected by exchange of notes signed Jan. 27 and Apr. 11, 954
- U.S.-Icelandic defense agreement signed July 1, 1941, 953
- Italy:
- Alexander–Tito agreement signed at Duino, June 20. See under Italy: Venezia Giulia: Alexander–Tito implementing agreement.
- Alexander–Tito military agreement on occupation and control of Venezia Giulia, Feb. See under Italy: Venezia Giulia.
- Alexander–Tito military agreement on occupation and control of Venezia Giulia, May 9. See under Italy: Venezia Giulia.
- Allied military armistice with Italy, Sept. 3, 1943 (see also under Italy), cited 1002, 1221, 1230
- Cunningham–De Courten agreement on status of Italian navy, Sept. 23, 1943. See under Italy: Navy.
- French-Italian agreement on Tunisia, Feb. 23, cited, 1027
- German - Italian - Japanese Three Power Pact of Assistance, signed Sept. 27, 1940, cited, 956, 958
- Hitler–Mussolini agreement, respecting the South Tyrol, June 23, 1939, cited, 1083
- Instrument of Surrender of Italy signed Sept. 29, 1943 (see also under Italy: Armistice and Surrender Instrument), cited, 955, 967, 1002, 1104, 1106, 1221, 1230
- U.S.-Italian agreement on economic relations effected by exchange of notes signed Dec. 6, 1301
- U.S. - United Kingdom - Yugoslavia agreement respecting the provisional administration of Venezia Giulia signed at Belgrade, June 9. See under Italy: Venezia Giulia: Belgrade Agreement.
- Munich Agreement regarding the cession of the Sudeten area of Czechoslovakia to Germany signed by Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, Sept. 29, 1938, 512, 515, 516, 541, 947–948
- Soviet-Rumanian economic collaboration agreement signed May 8, 923
- Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria, signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Sept. 10, 1919, cited, 1141, 1166
- United Nations agreement on International Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed by United States, Dec. 27, 716–717, 1252, 1257
- United Nations agreement on International Monetary Fund, July 1944, 546; signed by United States, Dec. 27, 716–717
- U.S.-Netherlands mutual aid agreement, Apr. 30, cited, 97
- U.S.-Swedish military air transport agreement, Mar. 12, cited, 566n
- U.S.-United Kingdom Lend-Lease agreement of Feb. 23, 1942, cited, 112
- U.S.–United Kingdom–Soviet Union agreement on control machinery in Germany, signed at London, Nov. 14, 1944, 518n
- Vienna Award, signed Nov. 2, 1938, 515, 932n , 947, 948n
- Trieste. See under Italy: Venezia Giulia: Occupation of.
- Trieste Committee of National Liberation. See under Italy: Venezia Giulia: Administration of.
- Truman, Harry S., 34–35, 43–44,
109, 201, 205, 215n
, 282, 285,
290, 360, 629–631, 687–690, 690–691, 698–699, 712, 725, 732, 740, 956, 1009, 1127–1128, 1136, 1151, 1154–1155, 1257
- Conversations with—
- Correspondence with—
- Tito, 1200–1201
- Truscott, Gen. Lucian K. See Doyen–Truscott agreements.
- Tsankov, Alexander, 273
- Tuka, Béla, 525–529 passim
- Turkey, 190, 216, 336
- Ullman, Baron, 852
- United Maritime Authority, 782, 1282
- United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture, May 18–June 3, 1943, 428, 440n , 444n , 450n , 778; Quebec meeting, Oct. 16–Nov. 1, 581
- United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, Apr. 25–June 26, 163, 929
- United Nations Declaration, Jan. 1, 1942, 463
- United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, July 1–22, 1944, 546–547, 716n , 769
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (see also under Albania), 208, 421, 425, 428, 456, 504–505, 507, 552, 653, 942–943, 1275, 1287–1288, 1291, 1292–1293, 1295, 1296–1297, 1298
- United States Commercial Company, 1291
- Ursiný, Jan, 431n
- Ustashi, 1131
- U.S. War Department, 480, 486, 487, 488, 489, 492–493, 495, 508
- Vahervuori, Torsten O., 626, 628
- Val d’Aosta. See under France: Italy.
- Van Acker, Achille, 115, 119, 122, 124–125, 125–126, 127, 130
- Vandenberg, Sen. Arthur H., 724
- Varga, Bela, 805n , 892
- Velchev, Gen. Damian, 220, 236, 239
- Velehit, Gen. Vladimir L., 1113, 1150
- Venezia Giulia. See under Italy.
- Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, 159, 968, 970
- Vienna Award of 1938, 515, 932n , 947, 948n
- Virden, John C., 914
- Voice of America, 272, 273, 310
- Volksbund, 805n
- Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment E., 293, 805n , 806, 809–810, 812, 822, 823–827, 829, 834–835, 838, 840, 851, 855–859, 865, 875–876, 881n , 882, 886, 888–898, 903n , 906, 909, 914, 916, 919, 925, 935–936
- Vyshinski, Andrey Y., 66, 379, 454–455, 475–476, 480, 901–902, 917
- Warner, C. F. A., 564–566
- War Shipping Administration, 589–590, 595–596, 1291
- Wilcox, Clair, 762–765 passim
- Wilson, Gen. Sir Henry M., 1242–1243
- Wilson Line, 1179, 1180, 1189
- Woldike, Col. Aage, 426, 427n
- Yalta Conference. See Crimea Conference.
- Yeremenko, Andrey I., 461
- Yugoslav Army of National Liberation, 1108–1109
- Yugoslav Committee of National Liberation, 1107, 1108
- Yugoslavia (see also Italy: Venezia Giulia; and under Bulgaria), 147–148, 178, 190n , 192, 528, 1025–1026, 1029, 1031, 1047–1048, 1110
- Yugov, Anton S.:
- Zadar, 1105n
- Zhadov, Gen. Alebsey S., 507
- Zhdanov, Andrey A., 606n , 607–608, 625, 626, 639, 640
- Zog I, King of Albania, 53–55
- Zorin, Valerian A., 435n
- Zsedenyi, Bela, 829, 851, 857–858, 879–880, 885
In indexing persons the intention has been to include all references to persons of significance for and understanding of the record, with the following exceptions: (1) The name of the Secretary of State or the Acting Secretary of State appearing as the signer of outgoing instructions unless there is a clear indication of the Secretary’s or Acting Secretary’s personal interest; (2) the name of an American officer in charge of a mission appearing as the signer of reports to the Department of State, except for personal items; (3) the names of persons to whom documents are addressed.
Persons are not identified by office in the index, but usually where a person is first mentioned in any section a footnote identification is given unless that person is identified in the text.