874.00/10–2345: Telegram

The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

623. Implications Kolarov’s announcement early return Georgi Dimitrov reported my telegram 615, October 20, should not be underestimated. Postponement August elections has not dispelled fears many Bulgarians set forth my 426, August 7. Neither has Prime [Page 353] Minister’s disavowal Soviet form of government for Bulgaria (my telegram 615). I believe that if FF (Fatherland Front) contrives appearance overwhelming victory November 18 “elections” Dimitrov’s “buddy” Kolarov stands good chance being next Prime Minister shortly after which Dimitrov may become President Bulgarian Republic. Agrarian leader Petkov repeated last night in presence Ethridge that some time ago Kolarov had offered him post Foreign Minister on condition he, Petkov, would accept Dimitrov as President and Kolarov as Prime Minister. Government’s nervous reaction Stoichev’s statement Washington (my telegram 612, October 19) may also be straw in wind.

Repeated to Moscow as 273.
