811.248/546: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (Steinhardt)

271. Your 581, June 12, 11 a.m. All the facts regarding the operation are not yet available but a preliminary investigation reveals that the flight took off from belligerent territory with instructions to avoid passing over Turkish territory in approaching the enemy objective or in returning to base. Furthermore, the range of the planes was such that they could easily make the necessary flight without passing over Turkish territory.

It is surmised, therefore, that the planes which came down on Turkish soil did so because of engine trouble of the leader’s plane, and that the two other planes merely followed their leader in accordance with their general instructions.

Please seek Urgently an interview with the Prime Minister90 or the Minister for Foreign Affairs,91 whichever you consider more appropriate, and, in informing him of the foregoing, express the profound regret of this Government that American planes were forced to land on neutral Turkish territory and assure him that the landing was not in any way premeditated or intentional.

I am making a similar statement92 to the Turkish Ambassador93 here.

If upon the receipt of further and complete facts it appears necessary or desirable to make an additional statement to the Turkish Government instructions will be sent to you.

  1. Refik Saydam.
  2. Sükrü Saraçoğlu.
  3. Memorandum of conversation not printed.
  4. Mehmet Münir Ertegün.