811.248/553: Telegram
The Ambassador in Turkey (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 14—12:38 a.m.]
594. My 590, June 13, 11 a.m. The Foreign Office has just advised me telephonically that an eighth Liberator succeeded in crossing the Turkish frontier into Syria. The Foreign Office also confirms the safe [Page 792] landing of 1 plane in Mudanya and the safe landing of 1 plane in Arifiye with 2 members of the crew injured from gunfire received over Rumanian territory and that the plane which landed at Yalova was shot down by Turkish anti-aircraft guns having flown directly over a heavily fortified and forbidden zone. Only 3 members of the crew were on board of this latter plane of whom 2 are slightly wounded and third is in a dying condition. The Foreign Office expressed its deep regret over the occurrence at Yalova.
Repeated Cairo.