- Abdullah, Emir of Transjordan, 552
- Abyssinia. See Ethiopia.
- Acheson, Barclay, 131, 133
- Acheson, Dean, 97, 281n , 292n , 293, 298, 299–300, 474, 682–683, 687, 687–688, 692
- Afghanistan, 44–62
- Ahmadi, Marshal, 208, 212
- Air bases and air transit rights, American. See Ethiopia: Air transport rights; Liberia: American air bases; Muscat and Oman; and Saudi Arabia: Air transit rights.
- Air services in the Near and Middle East, U.S.-British discussions regarding, 18–23
- Aktarzendi, Maj., 296–297
- Aktay, Ali Haydar, 832–833, 833
- Alexander, Gen. Sir Harold R. L., 633, 634
- Ali Mohammed Khan, 47–48, 50, 53, 60–61, 62
- Allen, George V., 660–661, 661–662, 703–704, 708
- Alling, Paul H., 43, 49–50, 76–78, 102, 102n , 123–124, 126, 197–198, 198–199, 230, 232, 233, 254–255, 269–270, 273–274, 274, 280–281, 292, 293, 293–294, 294n , 306, 316–317, 330, 338–339, 356, 378, 415–416, 468, 538n , 541–542, 542, 543, 557, 576, 662–664, 665, 706–707
- Amanullah Khan, 55–56
- American Export Lines, 38
- American treaty rights, reservation of. See Iran: Anglo-Soviet-Iranian treaty: U.S. reservation, etc.; Morocco: Tangier Zone; and Syria and Lebanon: U.S. limited recognition: Consideration of.
- Andrews, Gen. Frank M., 94, 315, 802
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 133, 139
- Arfa, Gen. Ebrahim, 219, 221
- Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 794, 796, 797, 798, 802, 803
- Atherton, Ray, 810n
- Atlantic Charter, cited, 28, 30, 105, 105n , 111, 137, 246, 263, 268, 273, 275, 291, 538, 539, 540, 548, 638, 639, 821
- Auchincloss, John W., 463
- Auchinleck, Gen. Sir Claude J. E., 86
- Axis activities and propaganda. See Axis victories, etc.; Egypt: Axis military advance; Iran: Arrest of certain suspected persons and Fifth column activities; Liberia: Expulsion of Germans and Submarine activities; Syria and Lebanon: British-Free French differences: Fifth column activities; Turkey: Germany, relations with.
- Axis victories and propaganda, U.S. consideration of steps
to combat impact on political stability of the Near East, 24–36
- Appointment of a Diplomatic Agent to Syria and Lebanon, consideration of, 27, 31
- Germano-Italian Joint Declaration of July 3 respecting Egypt, suggested rebuttal, 24–25, 26
- Hoskins mission to the Near East, proposed: Discussions concerning activities and functions of proposed mission, and British attitude, 26–29, 33–36; dispatch of Lt. Col. Hoskins to Cairo, 35
- Issuance of a policy declaration on U.S. attitude toward the Near East, suggestions and discussions with the British, 25–26, 27, 29–33
- Azam, Kalid, 673–674, 675
- Baelen, M., 610, 633–634, 635
- Bahrein Islands, 577, 578, 582
- Bahrein Petroleum Co., 577
- Bale, Capt., 582, 583, 584
- Balfour Declaration (1917), commemoration of 25th anniversary of, 548–550, 550–551, 552
- Barazi, Husni el, 673–674
- Barclay, Edwin, 355–396 passim, 370n , 371–412 passim, 418–432 passim, 436–437, 438
- Barclay, R. E., 661–662
- Baudet, Philip, 660–661, 662, 662–664, 665–666
- Beard, Capt. William N., 360, 366
- Ben-Gurion, David, 551
- Bennett, J. C. Sterndale, 777n , 777–778, 779, 782, 783, 784, 785, 785–786, 786
- Bergson, Peter H., 545
- Berher, Sevki, 805n , 805–806
- Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 19–21, 92, 101, 101n , 102, 116, 118, 118–119, 198, 259, 304–306, 306, 354, 418, 544–545, 545–546, 565
- Betts, Col. Thomas, 41, 42
- Bewley, Thomas Kenneth, 304–305, 306–307, 308, 707
- Bissell, Col., 356
- Board of Economic Warfare (BEW), 38, 42, 59, 392, 483, 710, 711, 712–713, 718, 722, 723, 732, 784
- Bohlen, Charles E., 810
- Boisson, Pierre, 429
- Bolte, Gen. Charles L., 29
- Boone, Lt. Col., 248, 252, 259
- Boulos, Philippe, 658, 662, 664, 666, 667
- Brereton, Gen. Lewis H., 87
- British Broadcasting Company (BBC), 394, 410
- British Overseas Airways Corp. (BOAC), 413–419
- British strategic responsibility in Middle East area, 9n , 27, 70, 568, 569, 583, 589, 590, 609, 622
- Brown, Capt., 797, 802
- Bullard, Sir Reader W., 122n , 122, 143, 144, 147, 150, 151, 154, 160, 163, 164, 165, 171–206 passim, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 229, 231, 232, 234, 236, 264, 266, 270, 306n , 301–302, 303, 325n , 329, 332, 336n , 336, 336–337, 337–338
- Bullitt, William C, 10, 70, 120, 227, 265, 343, 628
- Burns, Gen. James H., 314
- Butler, Gen., 107
- Butler, Harold, 544
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 226, 229, 509
- Cakmak, Marshal, 728
- California Arabian Standard Oil Co. (Casoc). See Saudi Arabia: Oil fields.
- Campbell, Sir Ronald I., 118, 415, 544, 612, 616
- Canada, wheat shipments to Iran, question of, 121–122
- Carvajal, Col., 487, 489, 490, 491–492, 493, 494
- Casey, Richard G., 10, 36, 76, 156, 158, 183, 202, 210, 217, 573, 582, 584, 593, 597, 606, 607, 610, 611, 612, 622–623, 623, 626, 627, 631–632, 633, 655, 674, 675
- Castillo, Cristóbal del, 517, 518, 527
- Catroux, Gen. Georges. See Syria and Lebanon: British–Free French differences.
- Chapman-Andrews, Maj., 100–101
- Chatel, Yves, 439
- Chipman, Norris B., 3, 15
- Chrome. See under Turkey.
- Churchill, Winston S.:
- Clodius, Carl, 718, 718n , 725, 726, 745, 745n , 746–783 passim
- Collet, Gen., 653, 673–674, 676
- Combined Chiefs of Staff (U.S.-British), 33–34, 36, 36n
- Cornwallis, Sir Kinahan, 343n , 350n , 350, 352
- Craw, Col., 797, 798
- Crittenden, Maj., 41
- Dardanelles. See Straits under Turkey.
- Darlan, Adm. Jean Francois, 628, 638, 666
- Davallou, H. Hadjeb-, 292
- Davies, Fred, 576, 580
- Davis, Elmer, 544, 558
- de Gaulle, Gen. Charles. See Syria and Lebanon: British-Free French differences: Independence, etc., Madagascar situation, Understanding, etc., and Visit by de Gaulle.
- Dejean, Maurice, 636, 636–637
- Dekanosov, V. G., 827, 827–828
- Desta Demptu, The Ras, 114
- Dill, Field Marshal Sir John, 545, 546
- Donovan, Col. William J., 562, 628
- Douglas Aircraft Corp., 347, 348, 349
- Dunn, James Clement, 538
- Durnan, James J., 278, 279, 281
- Eddy, Lt. Col. William A., 450, 452–454, 455, 456, 526
- Eden, Anthony, 18–19, 21, 30–31, 183, 188–189, 214, 231, 265, 319, 429, 430, 508, 509, 592, 592–593, 601, 605, 606, 607, 620, 623–624, 630, 631, 634, 669, 688–689, 813n , 816, 821
- Egypt, 63–99
- American military personnel, problems arising from presence in Egypt, 87–95
- Axis military advance into Egypt, U.S. concern regarding effect of, 71–87
- British activities concerning Egyptian political crisis, U.S. unwillingness to interfere with, 63–71
- Cotton trade, Egyptian representations regarding effect of U.S. Peruvian reciprocal trade agreement on, and U.S. reply, 95–97
- Germano-Italian Joint Declaration of July 3 respecting Egypt, 24–25, 26
- Pan American air services in, 21–23
- Political situation. See British activities, etc., supra.
- Representations by Egyptian Minister regarding an article in Time Magazine alleged to be derogatory to King Farouk, 97–99
- Severance of relations with Vichy Government, 63–64
- Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 35, 525, 557
- El Alamein, 78n , 85–86
- Engert, Cornelius Van H., 49, 50, 50–51, 51–52, 58, 602, 602n , 657
- Erol, Orhan H., 708
- Ertegün, Mehmet Münir, 45n , 45, 46–47, 47, 49–50, 58, 682n , 686–687, 689, 693, 698, 703–708 passim, 791n , 793, 795
- Esteva, Adm. Jean Pierre, 439
- Ethiopia, 100–119
- Adherence to United Nations Declaration of Jan. 1, 104–105, 105, 108, 111, 114–115
- Air transport rights in Ethiopia, 116–119
- Anglo-Ethiopian treaty of Jan. 31: Cited, 100, 110, 116, 117; U.S. request for clarification of certain exclusive features of, 116–119
- British position with relation to (see also Anglo-Ethiopian treaty, supra), 100–101, 104–105, 106–108, 110
- Conditions in Ethiopia, reports concerning, 106–108, 108–111
- Diplomatic representation by United States at Addis Ababa, consideration of resumption of, 100–112; establishment of U.S. Consulate at Asmara, Eritrea, 102, 103, 104, 106
- Greece, consular representation of, 110
- Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia: Adherence of Ethiopia to United Nations Declaration, 108, 111, 114–115; desire for reestablishment of diplomatic relations with United States, 103–104, 108–109, 111–112; exchange of messages with President Roosevelt, 112–116
- Treaty of friendship with United States (1914), cited, 111
- Export-Import Bank, 397
- Fagan, Melvin M., 463–464
- Farouk I, King of Egypt, 63–70 passim, 97–98, 99
- Feis, Herbert, 1, 40
- Fellers, Col. Bonner F., 74, 75, 78
- Finletter, Thomas K., 463, 775
- Firestone, Harvey S., Jr., 356
- Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., 356, 357, 359, 361, 365, 366, 369, 380, 382, 385, 386, 391, 397, 398, 425, 430, 437
- Fitzgerald, Gen. S. W., 37, 40, 42, 348, 390, 393, 395, 413, 419, 534, 537, 571
- Foroughi, Mohammed Ali, 228, 263n , 264, 266, 325n , 326, 327
- Fowler, William A., 279
- Fox, Col. Leon A., 360, 366
- France:
- Free French. See Syria and Lebanon: British-Free French differences.
- Vichy Government:
- Franco, Gen. Francisco, 446, 451, 452, 509, 513, 513n
- Frangie, Hamid, 588n , 605, 641n , 641–642, 643, 651, 657
- Gailani, Rashid Ali al-, 321, 600
- Gascoigne, A., 444, 445, 451, 494n , 494–511 passim, 525
- General Motors, 349
- George, W. Perry, 463
- George VI, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 157, 158, 164
- Gerber, William, 661n
- Germano-Italian Joint Declaration of July 3 regarding Egypt and Near East, 24–25, 26
- Germany. See Axis activities; Axis victories; Liberia: Declaration of war and Expulsion of Germans; and under Turkey.
- Giffard, Gen. Sir George James, 37
- Giraud, Gen. Henri, 512
- Greece, consular representation in Ethiopia, 110
- Greely, Gen. John, 235, 239, 240, 241, 242, 253, 254
- Greenland, U.S.-Danish agreement of Apr. 9, 1941, for defense of, cited, 361
- Gromyko, A. A., 810
- Hackworth, Green H., 538
- Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia. See under Ethiopia.
- Hakken, Rev. Bernard, 353–354
- Halifax, Lord, 117, 193, 194, 198, 213n , 213–214, 231, 294n , 294, 302, 327n , 327–328, 341–342, 342n , 401, 429n , 429, 430, 467, 544n , 544, 545, 545–546, 546–547, 551, 590n , 590–591, 592, 612, 644n , 644, 647, 678n , 678, 687, 687–688, 688, 691–692, 701–702
- Halverson, Col. Harry A., 797, 798
- Hamilton, James G., 560, 564, 566
- Hamilton, John, 604, 605
- Handy, Gen. Thomas T., 418–419
- Harriman, W. Averell, 2, 247, 312, 312–314, 314, 679–680, 688, 688–689
- Hassan Bey, Mahmoud, 79n , 79–80, 83, 95, 97–98, 99
- Hassani, Tajeddine, 643, 670n , 672–673, 674
- Hawkins, Harry C, 276–277, 278, 279, 279–280
- Hayter, W. G., 43, 197, 198, 254–255, 269–270, 294, 294n , 304–305, 306–307, 308, 308n , 310
- Helleu, Jean, 637
- Helm, A. K., 19, 20–21
- Herrick, Myron T., 649, 650
- Hibbard, Frederick P., 37, 378, 378n
- Himmler, Heinrich, 825–826
- Hoare, Sir Samuel, 451, 464–465, 466, 509n , 509–510, 512
- Holmes, Gen. Sir William G., 608–610, 611, 615, 635, 664
- Hopkins, Harry, 679, 682–683
- Hoskins, Lt. Col. Harold B., 26–29, 33–36, 538
- Howe, R. G., 110
- Hull, Cordell, 30, 33n , 253, 387–388, 448–449, 469–470, 548, 655n , 677
- Hull, Gen., 523–524
- Huston, Cloyce K., 557
- Ibn Al-Mu’ammar, Ibrahim, 560–561
- Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia: Air transit rights for American planes, question of, 567–575 passim; attitude toward Zionism, and political position in Arab world, 550, 553–556, 562, 645; exchange of messages with President Roosevelt regarding agricultural mission to Saudi Arabia, 563, 566–567; protection of oil fields, question of, 585
- Imperial Airways, 20–21
- India, consideration of wheat shipments to Iran, 122, 195–196, 198–199, 200–201, 202
- Inönü, Ismet, 682, 683–684, 754, 765, 793n , 816, 823n , 833, 834n
- Iran, 120–342
- American advisers for Iranian Government, U.S.
assistance in securing, 222–263
- British interest in, and Anglo-American cooperation regarding, 224–227, 229, 230–232, 233–235, 235–237, 242, 246–247, 248, 254–255
- Iranian request for, and discussions concerning the
dispatch of American experts with regard to—
- Agriculture, 232, 236, 262, 263
- Education, 228–229, 232, 239
- Finance, 186, 188, 194–195, 195, 198, 200, 201, 203, 205–206, 224–227, 229–230, 233, 236, 237, 238, 242, 243, 244, 245, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256–258, 258, 261, 262
- Food and supplies, 131, 141–142, 143, 146, 148, 149, 155, 156, 157, 158–159, 195, 218, 237, 241–242, 243–244, 245, 251–252, 258
- Health, 258, 262–263
- Military matters, 232, 233, 235–236, 237, 239–241, 242, 246–248, 251, 252–253, 254–255, 258, 259–261, 262
- Police and gendarmerie, 222–224, 232–233, 236, 238, 242–243, 248, 251–252, 252, 258, 342
- Political and economic situation, relation to, 155–157, 158–159, 215, 223–224, 225, 227–228, 230–232, 242, 245, 246–248, 249–251, 259
- U.S. and Iranian legislation affecting, 260–261
- U.S. policy as to relationship of advisers to U.S. Legation and to Iranian Government, 248–249
- Anglo-Soviet-Iranian treaty of alliance, signed Jan. 29, 263–275
- Cited, 184, 246, 315, 316–317, 318, 319, 321, 325, 338, 339
- Iranian desire for U.S. public declaration concerning integrity of Iran, and U.S. unwillingness to make, 263, 264–265, 273–275
- Progress of treaty negotiations, 264, 265–267, 269–270
- Signing of treaty, and exchange of messages between the Shah of Iran and President Roosevelt, 268–269
- U.S. reservation of American rights, and assurances from the three Governments, 267–268, 270–272
- Arrest of certain suspected persons, British demands for, and Iranian request for U.S. support regarding (see also Fifth column activities, infra), 208, 212, 217, 218, 324–325, 336–342
- Azerbaijan. See Kurdish disorders, etc., infra.
- British policy in Iran. See U.S. representations, infra; also individual subjects, supra and infra.
- Currency question. See Food shortages: Agreement: Financial situation, infra.
- Economic aid. See Food shortages, Lend-Lease aid, and Trade agreement with United States, infra.
- Exchange rates, U.S. efforts to facilitate settlement of dispute between Iran and United Kingdom, 300–311, 335; financial agreement between United Kingdom and Iran, signed May 26, 311n
- Fifth column activities, 151, 179, 181, 184, 188–189, 203, 204–205, 209, 218, 247, 321, 326
- Food shortages (see also
Supply problems, infra), U.S. concern regarding,
- Agreement between United States, United
Kingdom, and Iran regarding wheat supplies, signed Dec. 4, negotiation of, 155–206
- Anglo-American assurances concerning food, discussions and reports concerning, 157, 157–158, 159, 160–161, 163, 167–168, 168–171, 172–188, 191–206; British draft proposals, Iranian counterdraft, and other proposed changes, 161–162, 163–165, 171–172, 178, 184
- Anglo-Iranian financial agreement of May 26, relation to, 173, 177, 178–179, 184, 186–187, 187, 188, 192
- Financial situation and currency difficulties, 156–157, 158, 160, 166, 167, 173, 175, 176, 177–178, 178–179, 180, 182, 191, 197–200, 201–202, 203, 204; currency commission, discussions concerning formation of, 160, 167, 186–187, 188, 191–192, 194–195, 197, 201, 202–203
- Formation of an Anglo-American-Soviet-Iranian food board, consideration of, 143, 146, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173
- Signing of agreement Dec. 4, 206
- Soviet attitude, and request for purchase of food, 160–161, 165–166, 170, 171, 173–174, 175, 182, 183, 198, 199, 203, 213; desire to participate in wheat declaration and in Transport Committee, 183, 188, 193, 206
- American participation in decisions regarding supply and distribution of food, 120–126
- Appeals by Iran for direct American aid, and complaints regarding British economic policy, 120–121, 123–124, 126–128, 135–137, 140–141
- Financial situation, relation to. See under Agreement, etc., supra.
- Food riots, 152, 176, 207–209, 209–210, 211, 219
- Political situation, relation to, 151, 155–157, 158–159, 166–167, 180–181, 187, 203, 204, 206–208, 210–212, 212–213, 219–220, 220–222
- Shipments of wheat from Canada, question of, 121–122; from India, consideration of, 122, 195–196, 198–199, 200–201, 202
- Soviet position. See under Agreement, etc., supra.
- Wheat. See Agreement, etc., supra, and under Supply problems: Allocation and distribution, infra.
- Agreement between United States, United
Kingdom, and Iran regarding wheat supplies, signed Dec. 4, negotiation of, 155–206
- Japanese Legation in Tehran, expulsion of, 325–335
- Kurdish disorders in Soviet-occupied province of Azerbaijan, 318–325
- Lend-Lease aid, 289–300
- Political and economic situation. See under American advisers, supra; also Financial situation and Political situation under Food shortages, supra.
- Soviet policy. See Anglo-Soviet-Iranian treaty of alliance, Kurdish disorders, and under Food shortages: Agreement, etc., supra; also Supply route to Soviet Union and Trans-Iranian Railroad, infra.
- Supply problems (see also
Food shortages, supra):
- Allocation and distribution of—
- Central Supply Committee in Tehran (CSC), organization and functions of, 124–125, 126, 127, 130–141 passim, 147–148, 152—153, 154
- Middle East Supply Center, U.S. participation in, 124–126, 127, 129, 138–139, 344
- Transport Board (Anglo-American-Iranian), organization of, 150, 152, 154, 155, 170–171
- United Kingdom Commercial Corporation (UKCC), activities in Iran and difficulties with Iranian Government, 120, 124–125, 127, 128–134 passim, 138–151 passim, 185, 218, 227
- Supply route to Soviet Union, protection of, 5–6, 77, 156, 159, 168, 190, 197, 214, 215, 223, 225, 226, 234, 236, 304–305, 313
- Trade agreement with United States: Negotiations for, 276–289; signature of agreement and supplementary exchange of notes, Apr. 8, 1943, 289
- Trans-Iranian Railroad, American operation of
southern section of, 311–318
- Understanding between United States and United Kingdom regarding: Exchange of views, and decision for American operation, 311–314; notification to Iranian Government, and Iranian consent subject to British and Soviet approval, 314–315, 316–318
- U.S. armed forces in Iran in connection with operation, question of jurisdiction over, 315–316
- Tripartite treaty of alliance. See Anglo-Soviet-Iranian treaty of alliance, supra.
- U.S. armed forces in Iran, 191, 315–316
- U.S. representations regarding British policy in Iran, and circumstances leading to (see also Political situation under Food shortages, supra), 179, 184, 185, 187–191, 193–194, 196, 204, 206–222
- American advisers for Iranian Government, U.S.
assistance in securing, 222–263
- Iraq, 343–354
- Customs and transit dues, U.S. insistence on exemption of American war materials sent to or through Iraq, 346–353
- Lend-Lease aid, arrangements for, 343–346
- Residence tax, U.S. unwillingness to request exemption for Americans, 353–354
- Views of Iraqi Consul General at Beirut regarding British-Free French differences in Syria and Lebanon, 601–602, 604–605
- Isthmian Steamship Lines, 346–347
- Italy, Joint Declaration with Germany, July 3, regarding Egypt and Near East, 24
- Jackson, Charles D., 775–776, 783, 788
- Jackson, R. G. A., 3n , 3–4, 124, 736–737
- Jacobs, Joseph Earle, 12, 13, 16, 17
- Jadwin, Col., 794, 797
- Jahanbani, Gen. Amanollah, 322n , 323
- Japan. See Iran: Japanese Legation in Tehran.
- Jawdat, Ali, 541n , 541, 541–542, 543
- Jernegan, John D., 126–128, 189–191, 197–199, 232–233, 294n , 295–296, 296–297, 299, 306–307, 317–318, 450–451, 463–464
- Jester, Perry N., 38–43
- Jews. See Palestine, Zionist and Arab agitation, etc.
- Johnson, Col., 415–416
- Johnson, Col. Charles R., Jr., 465, 466, 516, 520, 522–523
- Johnson, Col. J. P., 313
- Johnson, Col. Louis, 533
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (U.S.), 26, 27, 33–34, 35, 35–36, 36n
- Jones, Capt., 3, 13
- Jones, George Lewis, Jr., 3, 13, 17
- Jordana, Count, 509, 524, 527
- Kaufman, Prank A., 690–691
- Kazemi, S. Bagherr, 250, 251, 257
- Kelley, Robert F., 727, 728, 825
- Kemp, Col. Phillip, 365, 366, 375
- Keynes, John Maynard, 302
- Khouri, Faiz. See Khowry, Fayes el.
- Khouri, Faris. See Khowry, Faris.
- Khoury, Beshara el, 588
- Khowry, Faris, 673–674, 675
- Khowry, Fayes el, 656–657, 659, 664, 670n , 670–671, 671–672, 673, 673–674, 674–675
- King, Adm. Ernest J., 311
- King-Crane Commission (1919), 671, 675
- Kirchhoff, Col., 390, 400
- Kirk, Alexander C, 71–73, 75, 76n , 78–79, 559
- Knatehbull-Hugessen, Sir Hughe M., 692n , 692–693, 693, 694, 697, 702, 705, 705–706, 727n , 727, 730, 731, 732, 732–733, 742n , 742, 746–787 passim, 809n , 809–810, 815n , 822n
- Kroll, H. A., 695–696
- Kuniholm, Bertel E., 318
- Kurdish disorders in Azerbaijan. See under Iran.
- Kuwatly, Shukri, 645–646, 647
- Lampson, Sir Miles, 63n , 63–64, 65, 65–66, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 80–81, 84, 85, 88n , 88, 91, 92
- Laval, Pierre, 628
- League of Nations, 614, 624, 625, 646; Mandate Act of July 24, 1922, interpretation of, 642–643, 646, 669, 670
- Leahy, Adm. William D., 33–34, 34n , 628
- Lehman, Herbert H., 224
- Lenahan, William, 576, 579–580, 583, 584
- Lend-Lease Act (1941), cited, 4, 136, 298, 345, 404, 405, 405–406, 406–407, 678
- Lend-Lease aid (see also Middle East Supply Center):
- Leslie, Kenneth, 545
- Levant States. See Syria and Lebanon.
- Lewis, Sir Wilmot, 822
- Liberia, 355–438
- American air bases in Liberia. See British activities: Desire for use of, infra; and Defense agreement, infra.
- British activities:
- Currency in Liberia, question of replacement by American currency, 430–438
- Desire for use of American air bases in Liberia: Attitude of State Department and of Liberian Government, 375, 407–415; position of War Department, 409, 411, 412, 414, 415–416, 418–419; recommendations of Harry A. McBride, 416–418
- Position regarding expulsion of German Consul from Liberia, 426, 427–428, 429–430
- Publicity regarding American military activities in Liberia, 399–400, 400–401
- Currency, negotiations regarding replacement of British currency in Liberia by American currency, 430–438
- Declaration of war against Germany, question of, 356–357, 395, 398, 402, 403
- Defense agreement with United States, signed Mar. 31, 355–403
- Appointment of Harry A. McBride as Special Representative of President Roosevelt to negotiate agreement, 355–357; reappointment to discuss fulfillment of agreement, 387–390, 391–392
- Discussions concerning—
- Airports and defense areas, U.S. military use of, and American troops for defense of Liberian territory, 355–371, 377–379, 382, 384, 386–387, 390–391, 393–394, 396, 401–402
- Censorship, 368–369, 369, 380, 395, 396–397, 397–398, 399–401, 426
- Credits for road construction and other defense measures, 357, 359–360, 364, 366, 367–368, 370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 391, 397
- Health conditions, 357, 360, 368, 369, 371
- Road construction. See Credits, supra.
- Draft text and amendments, 361–364, 368, 372–373, 373
- Implementation of agreement and related matters, 377–382, 386–398
- Messages to Liberian President Barclay in conection with, 367, 373, 374–375, 375–376, 383–384, 389–390, 403
- Negotiations, 355–375
- Press announcement, Dec. 3, Liberian statement in connection with, and Roosevelt message to President Barclay, 402–403
- Signature Mar. 31, and submission to Liberian Legislature for ratification, 375, 377, 380, 381, 382–385; exchange of notes Oct. 6, clarifying article II of agreement, discussions leading to, 385–386, 387–390, 391, 393–394, 395, 396
- Export-Import Bank loan, discussed, 397
- Expulsion of Germans from Liberia: British position concerning, 426, 427–428, 429–430; discussions concerning, 365, 366, 379, 380, 380–381, 383, 384, 388, 389, 391, 392–393; U.S. insistence on, 419–430
- Invasion of North Africa by American Forces, Liberian reaction to, 401–402
- Lend-Lease aid: Consideration of, 367, 368, 373, 378, 391; preparatory discussions and public announcement of Liberia’s eligibility for, 404–407
- Roberts Field and Fisherman Lake (see also Defense agreement, supra): Arrangements for American use for defense purposes, 355–356, 377, 386–387; British desire to use American air bases at, 375, 407–419
- Roosevelt’s exchange of messages with Liberian President, 383–384, 389–390, 403, 405–406
- Severance of relations with Axis Powers, 356–357, 358, 403; with Vichy France, 403
- Submarine activities off Liberian coast, 370, 378, 379
- U.S. defense aid. See Defense agreement and Lend-Lease aid, supra.
- War aims, question of joint U.S.-Liberian declaration regarding, 394–395, 398
- Livesey, Frederick, 301–302, 307–308
- Lockard, Lt. Cmdr., 578, 581
- Long, Breckinridge, 79–80, 83
- Lozevsky, S. A., 807
- Luthringer, George F., 307–308, 308n , 309–310
- Lyttelton, Sir Oliver, 10, 69, 69–70, 73, 614, 614n , 622, 623, 625, 626, 631
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 72
- MacMichael, Sir Harold, 551n , 551–553
- MacMurray, John Van A., 811–816
- Madagascar, British views regarding Free French civil administration of, 632–633, 634, 636, 637, 662
- Maglione, Cardinal Luigi, 107
- Magnes, Judah, 556
- Maher Pasha, Aly, 63, 64, 65
- Maisky, Ivan, 183, 193
- Makins, Roger, 37, 395
- Mardam, Jamil, 644–645
- Marshall, Gen. George C, 408–409, 409
- Maxwell, Gen. Russell L., 1, 3, 4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 33, 34, 69, 73, 74, 77, 89, 94n , 312, 313, 562, 564, 571, 578, 797, 798
- McBride, Col. Harry A., 37–38, 40, 355, 356, 357, 357–358, 358n , 359–370 passim, 370n , 371, 372, 374–375, 375, 375–376, 378, 379, 387–405 passim, 413, 415–416, 416–418, 418, 419, 426, 427, 428, 430, 431–432, 432, 433, 434
- McDaniel, Charles B., 397, 397n
- McNarney, Gen. Joseph T., 35
- Menemencioğlu, Numan, 680n . 681, 692, 695, 695–697, 698, 700–701, 705, 724n , 724–726, 739n , 739, 755n , 756–786 passim, 795n , 795, 800, 805n , 809, 809–810, 823n , 825, 828–829, 829–830, 834n , 834, 835
- Merchant, Livingston T., 58–59, 775
- Merriam, Gordon P., 542–543, 557, 579–580
- Middle East Supply Center (MESC), U.S. participation in (see also under Iran: Supply problems, and under Turkey: Wheat), 1–17
- Millar, F. R. Hoyer, 429–430, 542
- Millspaugh, Arthur C., 160, 167, 186, 188, 194–195, 195, 198, 200, 201, 203, 205–206, 238, 238n , 243, 244, 245, 252, 253, 256, 257, 257n , 258, 261, 262
- Minor, Harold B., 139, 144, 150, 155
- Mohammed Hashim Khan, 52–53
- Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shahanshah of Iran, 157, 158, 164, 196, 203, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 217, 219, 232, 254, 263, 268, 269, 318–319, 321
- Mohammed Zahir Shah, 51n , 51, 51–52, 53, 56
- Molotov, V. M., 137, 319, 322, 814, 819, 820, 821, 822
- Monroe, Paul, 228–229, 239
- Moose, James S., Jr., 564, 568
- Morocco, 439–530
- American economic aid to Spanish Zone of Morocco and
Tangier, negotiations between American Chargé at Tangier and Spanish
High Commissioner, 439–486
- Economic accord along lines of arrangement with French
North Africa (see also
Petroleum accord
Political situation, infra):
- British attitude, 450–452, 463, 464–469, 470–471
- Consideration of, and discussions concerning, 441–446, 447, 450–451, 453–454, 455–464, 469–470, 471–474, 475–481, 483–484; basis for agreement, 470, 471–473
- Issuance of export licenses and navicerts prior to conclusion of economic accord, question of, 445–446, 483, 484, 485–486
- Spanish position that commercial negotiations must be carried out in Madrid, 484–486
- Petroleum accord for Spanish North Africa and Tangier, 474–475, 478, 483–484
- Political situation in North Africa, reports concerning, and consideration of a political démarche, 439–441, 446–450, 451–453, 455–456, 465–466, 469, 481–483
- Economic accord along lines of arrangement with French
North Africa (see also
Petroleum accord
Political situation, infra):
- Invasion of French North Africa by American Forces,
U.S. policies and actions regarding Spanish Morocco in connection
with, 505–530
- Assurances with regard to territorial integrity of Spanish Morocco, U.S. and British policy regarding, 482–483, 505–510; delivery of messages to authorities in Spanish Morocco and Madrid, 510–512, 513–514, 529
- Flights of American planes over Spanish territory in North Africa, protest by Spanish High Commissioner, and U.S. reply, 522, 523
- Internment of American aviators after forced landings in Spanish Morocco: Discussions concerning welfare and release of crews, and safeguarding of the planes, 512–513, 515–517, 517–521, 521–522; exchange of American and British aviators against interned Axis personnel, question of, 517–518, 518–519, 521
- Propaganda activities among natives, U.S. assurances regarding, 514–515, 517, 521
- Relations of American troops with native population, 529
- Spain’s political attitude, 526–527
- U.S. troop movements in connection with military occupation, 522–523, 523–524
- Visit of General Patton with Spanish High Commissioner Orgaz, 524–526, 528–530
- Reservation of American treaty rights. See Tangier Zone, infra.
- Spanish Zone. See American economic aid and Invasion of French North Africa by American Forces, supra.
- Tangier Zone (see also
American economic aid, supra):
- Controversy over attempts by Spanish Customs officials to open packages addressed to foreign diplomatic and consular representatives in Tangier, 494–505
- Provisioning of Tangier Zone from French Morocco, question of continuation of, 441–443
- Taxes and price controls in Tangier Zone without prejudice to American treaty rights, informal cooperation between the American Diplomatic Agency and Spanish authorities, 486–494
- American economic aid to Spanish Zone of Morocco and
Tangier, negotiations between American Chargé at Tangier and Spanish
High Commissioner, 439–486
- Morrill, Capt. Paul M., 106n , 107
- Mugica, Gen., 462, 511, 511–512
- Murdoch, Mr., 399, 400, 401
- Murphy, Robert D., 456n , 525
- Murray, Wallace, 24–25, 25, 26, 34n , 40, 41, 44–45, 46–47, 49, 68–71, 97–98, 98, 100–101, 101–102, 102n , 121, 126, 127–128, 189–190, 190–191, 191, 193–194, 197–198, 222–224, 230, 238, 242–243, 248–249, 269, 270, 273, 274, 275, 281n , 292–293, 304–306, 306, 307, 330, 332, 333–334, 341–342, 342n , 356, 392, 429–430, 452, 523, 538, 553–556, 557, 558, 677, 687
- Muscat and Oman, negotiations concerning use by United States of air bases, 531–537
- Nabors, Capt, 405
- Naccache, Alfred, 586–605 passim, 618, 643, 663, 664, 666, 667, 667–668, 670, 671
- Nahas Pasha, Mustapha, 65–66, 66, 66–67, 67, 68, 69, 70, 80n , 80–81
- Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act (1909), cited, 287
- Nasr, T., 279, 281
- Nesbitt, Capt. Frederick, 803
- Neuman, Emmanuel, 542–543
- Nielsen, Orsen N., 197, 198–199
- Nixon, Sir Frank, 146–147, 148–149
- Noguès, Gen. Albert, 439, 441, 442, 443, 447, 452, 453, 466
- North Africa. See Morocco.
- Nowrouz Khan, 46n , 47–48
- Nuri as-Said, 343n , 350n , 350–351, 352, 541n , 541, 542, 543
- Office of War Information (OWI), 27–28, 38, 42, 544, 557–558, 638–641, 667, 672
- Ohliger, F. W., 577
- Oil. See Morocco: American economic aid: Petroleum accord; and under Saudi Arabia.
- Orbay, Gen. Kazim, 684, 684n , 771
- Orbay, Rauf, 681–682
- Orgaz, Gen. Luis, 440–486 passim, 487n , 487, 497n , 502, 506–530 passim
- Pahlavi. See Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi.
- Palestine, Zionist and Arab agitation regarding British
policy in Middle East, and future status of Palestine, 538–558
- Analyses and background, 551–558
- Arab States: Attitude toward United States, 556, 557; future independence of, alleged U.S. assurances, 541–542, 543; Ibn Saud, attitude toward Zionism, and political position in Arab world, 553–556
- Balfour Declaration (1917), commemoration of 25th anniversary of, 548–550, 550–551, 552
- Jewish army, question of creation of, 539–540, 542–543, 544, 544–545; British position, 544, 545–547
- U.S. attitude toward (see also Jewish army, supra): Declaration of policy, consideration of, 538–540, 543–544; exchange of views between Jewish leaders and Department of State officials, 541, 542–543, 544–545, 550–551
- Zionism: Arab attitude toward, 552, 553–556, 557, 558; “Biltmore resolutions”, British views regarding political consequences of, 551–553
- Pan American Airways, operations in Near East and Africa, 18–23, 38, 347–348, 349–350, 355, 356–357, 359, 361, 366, 367, 373, 376, 377, 378, 380, 387, 391, 533, 534, 536, 570
- Papen, Franz von, 696, 766n , 766, 823–833
- Parker, W. Leonard, 46–47, 276, 278, 557–558
- Patton, Gen. George S., 523n ; visit to Spanish Morocco, 524–526, 528–530
- Peterson, Sir Maurice, 237
- Piburn, Lt. Col. Edwin, 15
- Poincaré, Raymond, 649, 650
- Potemkin, V. P., 819, 831
- Preston, Capt., 248, 252, 259
- Pyron, Gen., 580
- Qadri, Tahsin, 601n , 601–602, 604–605
- Qavam, Ahmad, 151–166 passim, 176, 179, 180, 181, 184, 186, 187, 193–221 passim, 244n , 245–261 passim, 325n , 336n , 336, 336–337, 337, 341
- Recognition. See Syria and Lebanon: U.S. limited recognition.
- Reese, Ellis, 470
- Renchard, George W., 294
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 820
- Riddleberger, James W., 463, 464
- Ridley, Gen. Clarence S., 253, 254, 255, 258, 259, 298
- Rios Capape, Gen., 516
- Roberts Field and Fisherman Lake. See under Liberia.
- Rommel, Gen. Erwin, 65, 78n , 86, 87, 450n
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.:
- Afghanistan, appointment of Minister to, 49
- Areas of strategic responsibility, U.S. and British, 9n
- Egypt, 98–99
- Ethiopia, 108, 112–116
- Exchange of messages with Churchill, 311–312, 314; Haile Selassie I, 112–116; Ibn Saud, 563, 566–567; the Shahanshah of Iran, 268–269; the President of Liberia, 383–384, 389–390, 403, 405–406
- Iran, 136, 223, 224, 258, 261, 263, 268–269, 289, 298
- Iraq, 343
- Liberia, 355, 357, 383–384, 387, 388–390, 403, 404, 405–406, 407
- Palestine, 538, 539, 542, 543–544, 550, 555, 555n , 558
- Political stability of Near East, interest in measures to secure, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36
- Saudi Arabia, 559, 562, 563, 566–567, 568
- Spanish Morocco and Tangier, 448, 469, 470n , 513, 513n , 521, 529
- Syria and Lebanon, 664, 672, 673
- Turkey, 677, 695
- Routh, Augustus C., 409n , 409, 410, 410–411, 411
- Said, Nuri as-, 343n , 350n , 350–351, 352, 541n , 541, 542, 543
- Saleh, Allah Yar, 120–121, 121–122, 123–124, 126–128, 143, 152, 154, 212, 221, 248, 256, 276–277, 277, 278–279, 270–280, 281, 282, 285
- Samy Pasha, Salim, 63n , 63, 64
- Saraçoğlu, Sükrü, 680n , 680–681, 683, 702, 702–703, 727n , 727–742 passim, 746n , 746–748, 753, 754, 754–755, 764, 765, 767, 772, 773, 791n , 793, 796, 798–799, 801n , 801, 814n , 816–822, 823n , 830–831, 832, 833, 834n , 834, 835n
- Saudi Arabia, 559–585
- Air transit rights for American planes, U.S. negotiations for, and British cooperation, 562, 564, 567–574; Ibn Saud’s assent for American and British flights over certain routes, 575
- American Agricultural Mission to Saudi Arabia, 561–567; exchange of messages between President Roosevelt and King Ibn Saud, 563, 566–567
- American Legation at Jidda, establishment of, 550–561
- British assistance to Saudi Arabia, estimated value of, 572, 573
- British military responsibility in, 568, 569, 583
- California Arabian Standard Oil Co. See Oil fields, etc., infra.
- Dhahran oil installations. See Oil fields, etc., infra.
- Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia. See Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz.
- Oil fields and installations in Saudi Arabia, plans by oil company and U.S. and British Government officials for protection of, 576–585
- Saydam, Refik, 727n , 791n , 800, 823n , 834n
- Schayesteh, Mohammed, 137n , 137, 140, 148, 222, 223, 229–244, passim, 248, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 257n , 259, 273–274, 274–275, 279n , 279–280, 285, 290n , 292, 292–293, 293, 294, 295, 295–296, 316n , 316–317, 317–318, 330n , 330–332, 333–334, 334, 335, 338n , 338–339, 340
- Schwarzkopf, Col. H. Norman, 233, 238, 248, 252, 254, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 298
- Serrano Suñer, Ramón, 448, 449, 451, 452, 466
- Sevki Alhan, Mehmet Ali, 706n , 706–707, 741
- Shaw, G. Howland, 101, 102, 103, 559
- Sheridan, J. P., 155–170 passim, 195, 196, 207, 210, 218, 243–244, 245, 251–252
- Shingler, Col. Don G., 159
- Simpson, Clarence L., 362, 377, 380–381, 383, 384, 392–393, 396, 402, 402–403, 410n , 410, 420–421, 421, 422, 422–423, 423, 424, 425, 427, 428
- Sirry Pasha, Hussein, 63n , 63, 665, 65
- Smith, E. Talbot, 104, 105
- Smith, Capt. Lyman, 803
- Socony Vacuum Oil Co., 133, 390, 392
- Soheily, Ali, 131n , 132, 133, 138, 207, 219, 221, 228, 231, 232, 238–239, 241–242, 242, 257n , 257, 263n , 263, 264, 265, 270, 290n , 290–291, 291, 292, 293, 295, 315n , 318n , 319–320, 322, 324n , 325, 326n , 327n , 327, 328, 329, 330–332, 332, 333, 334, 335
- Somers, Andrew L., 545
- Somervell, Gen. Brehon, 314
- Soriano, Rafael, 487n , 487–489, 489, 490, 491, 495n , 495, 497, 498, 498–499, 501, 502, 503, 504, 518–519, 519
- Soviet Union. See the following under Iran: Anglo-Soviet-Iranian treaty of alliance; Food shortages: Agreement, etc.: Soviet attitude; Kurdish disorders; Supply route to Soviet Union; and Trans-Iranian Railroad. See also Turkey: Soviet-Turkish relations.
- Spain. See Morocco.
- Spalding, Gen. Sidney P., 312, 313, 314, 578, 581, 582, 582–583
- Spears, Gen. Sir Edward. See Syria and Lebanon: British-Free French differences: Discord, etc.
- Stalin, I. V., 311, 321, 324, 819–820
- Standard Vacuum Oil Co., 39
- Standley, Adm. William H., 291, 329
- Steinhardt, Laurence A., 291, 677, 701–702, 709, 802, 802n , 808, 808n , 811n , 832n
- Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 289, 299, 677, 678, 679, 682–683
- Stimson, Henry L., 297, 349, 356, 372, 373, 452
- Stonehewer Bird, F. H. W., 570–571, 573, 573–574, 575, 580, 582, 583, 584, 585
- Strelsin, Alfred A., 545, 546, 546–547
- Suleiman, Abdullah, 560, 570n , 570–571, 572, 573—574, 575
- Swinton, Lord, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 392, 395
- Syria and Lebanon, 586–676
- American institutions in Syria and Lebanon, decrees regarding tax exemption, 659, 662
- British-Free French differences, 586–641
- Civil administration and local politics, Catroux’s position and British views, 586–587, 589–590, 592, 592–593, 597, 605, 618, 667
- De Gaulle’s position and activities. See Independence, etc.: British versus Free French interpretation, infra.
- Discord between General Spears and General Catroux: British policy and U.S. attempts for settlement, 586, 587–588, 590–601, 602–606, 608–610; complaints by Lebanese President against General Spears, and request for U.S. help, 586, 588–589, 602–603, 605; views of Iraqi Consul General, 601–602, 604–605
- Elections, question of, 586–588, 589, 591–592, 597, 599, 606–607, 609, 610, 612, 617, 622, 622–623, 636, 637, 639, 640–641, 667, 668, 675, 676
- Fifth column activities, danger of, 600, 601, 604–605, 608, 609, 616
- Food shortages, 603, 605, 608, 609; establishment of Wheat Office, 596–597, 598–599, 603
- Independence of Syria and Lebanon and
related matters:
- British versus Free French interpretation of situation, and Churchill-de Gaulle exchange, 613–616, 619, 621–622, 623–626, 630, 631–632, 633–634; U.S. efforts for settlement, and attitude of de Gaulle, 610–612, 616, 618, 619–621, 626–630, 630–631, 632, 633
- Discussions regarding implementation of promises of independence, 588–589, 591–592, 598, 601–612
- U.S. recognition of independence, question of, 598, 600, 607–618, 617
- Lyttelton-de Gaulle agreement of July 19, cited, 614, 622, 623, 625, 626, 631
- Madagascar situation, relation to, 632–633, 634, 636, 637, 662
- Mandate Act of 1922, interpretation of, 642–643, 646, 669, 670
- Military and political situation, relation to, 586, 589, 600–601, 604–605, 606, 608–610
- Understanding reached between Free French National Committee at London and British Foreign Office, 636–637; conversation between U.S. Diplomatic Agent at Beirut and General Catroux in connection with, 638–641
- Visit by de Gaulle to clarify situation:
- Food situation (see also under British–Free French differences, supra), 645
- Military security, British responsibility for, 589, 590, 609, 622
- Nationalist activities in Syria, 644–646, 647
- Recognition of independent Governments by United States. See U.S. limited recognition, infra.
- Reservation of American treaty rights. See U.S. limited recognition: Consideration of, infra.
- U.S. limited recognition by appointment of a
Diplomatic Agent, 641–676
- Background and summary of status of Syrian and Lebanese Governments, 642–643, 646
- British inquiries concerning U.S. recognition, 590–591, 644, 647
- Consideration of: Proposals by Lebanese and Syrian Governments, 641–642, 643; U.S. views and reservation of American treaty rights, 598, 600, 607–608, 617, 644, 647–655, 656–659
- Nomination of George Wadsworth as American Diplomatic
Agent and Consul General at Beirut and Damascus:
- Inquiries by members of Free French Delegation and British Embassy at Washington in connection with, 655, 660–662, 662–664, 665–666
- Instructions to Wadsworth, résumé of, 664–665
- Presentation of credentials, and résumés of conversations with Heads of Government and high officials, 666–676; conversations with General Catroux, 666–667, 669
- U.S.-Vichy relations, considerations in connection with, 644, 647
- Wheat Office, establishment of, 596–597, 598–599, 603
- Tahri Saman, Bedri, 697
- Tariff Act of 1930, cited, 287
- Taylor, Col. Victor V., 679
- Tesfaye Tegagn, Ato, 103–104, 104, 112n
- Thayer, Charles W., 45, 46, 46–47, 47, 48, 50, 50n , 59, 61
- Thorold, G. F., 1, 197, 198, 199
- Time Magazine, Egyptian representations regarding article alleged to be derogatory to King Farouk, 97–99
- Timmerman, L. Stephen, 219, 219–220, 251–252
- Tixier, Adrien, 642–643, 655, 660–661, 662–664, 665, 669
- Tobruk, 78n , 80
- Trade Agreements Act (1934, extended 1940), cited, 278, 283, 286
- Trade agreements between United States and—
- Transcontinental Western Airlines, 38–39
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Agreement of Constantinople (1913), 650
- Franco-Lebanese and Franco-Syrian treaties of 1936, cited, 611, 639
- German-Soviet treaty of non-aggression (1939), cited, 812, 813
- International Opium Convention (1925), cited, 287
- Montreux Convention regarding the Straits (1936), 805–811, 818, 820, 831
- Spanish-Moroccan treaty of 1861, cited, 496, 499, 501–502
- Treaty of Jidda, (1927), cited, 554
- Turkey. See under Turkey.
- United Kingdom. See under United Kingdom.
- U.S.–Denmark, agreement for defense of Greenland (1941), cited, 361
- U.S.–Ethiopia (1914), treaty of friendship, cited, 111
- U.S.–France, convention regarding U.S. rights in Syria and Lebanon (1924), cited, 626, 639, 641, 643
- U.S.–Liberia. See Liberia: Defense agreement.
- U.S.–Muscat, treaty of amity and commerce (1833), cited, 533
- Trippe, Juan, 356, 357, 359, 387
- Turkey, 677–835
- American bombers, landing on neutral Turkish territory, 789–804
- American colleges in Turkey, U.S. representations concerning taxation of, 834–835
- American frozen funds in Turkey, 700
- Axis vessels, passage through Dardanelles, U.S., British, and Soviet representations based on Montreux Convention regarding the Straits, 805–811
- British-Turkish relations (see also Axis vessels, supra; Chrome, Lend-Lease, and Pre-emptive buying, infra), 819, 820–822
- Chrome, efforts by U.S. and British Governments to
acquire from Turkey and to prevent sale by Turkey to Germany, 742–788
- Anglo-Turkish chrome agreement, negotiations
for renewal of:
- British proposals and Turkish position, 742, 745–748, 753–757, 762–763, 765–767, 770–772, 773–774, 777–780, 782; question of treatment of Great Britain pari passu with Germany, 753, 755, 760, 761, 762, 764, 766–767, 769, 773, 779, 780
- Citation to agreement (1940) and contract (1941), 742n
- German efforts to obtain Turkish chrome, relation to. See German-Turkish commercial agreement, infra.
- Price considerations, 748–750, 769–770, 772, 773, 779, 780–781, 785, 786–787, 788
- Understandings reached, and questions of interpretation and implementation, 781–788
- U.S. collaboration with the British and representations to Turkish Government on all aspects of chrome situation, 742–745, 750, 752, 758–762, 763–765, 767–770, 772, 780–782, 783; observations on British policy by Embassy officers in Ankara, 775–776, 787, 788
- Wheat situation in Turkey, relation to, 755–756
- German-Turkish commercial agreement (Clodius
agreement, 1941):
- Cited, 718, 745
- Position of Turkey on obligation to supply chrome to Germany in return for war materials, 745, 757–758, 759–760, 761, 762–763, 764, 766–767, 767–768, 770, 776, 781–782
- U.S. and British efforts to minimize German benefits and to prevent expansion of agreement, 743, 750–752, 754, 756, 758, 759, 760–762, 767–768
- Anglo-Turkish chrome agreement, negotiations
for renewal of:
- German Ambassador von Papen, attempted assassination of, 823–833
- Germany, relations with (see also Axis vessels, Chrome, and German Ambassador von Papen, supra):
- Lend-Lease supplies for, negotiations regarding
handling of, 677–708
- British-U.S. discussions, and proposals for new procedures, 678–680, 682–683, 684–690, 691–692, 692–695, 701–702; Turkish approval of new procedure, 695, 697
- Concern of Turkey over delays and diversions, 680–682, 683–684, 700–701, 702–703
- Direct transfer of materials to Turkey or retransfer through the British, question of. See British-U.S. discussions, supra.
- German offer of war material to Turkey, relation to Lend-Lease situation, 695–697
- Master Lend-Lease agreement, proposed, 690–691, 692, 698–700, 707–708
- Payment for supplies, misapprehensions concerning, and U.S. efforts to clarify, 703–706
- Shipping problems, 679–680, 706–707
- U.S.-British Coordinating Committee, 685–686, 689–690, 694–695, 697
- U.S. views as to possible Turkish resistance to Axis, 677–678
- Wheat, arrangement of terms for additional supplies of, 737–738, 738–739
- Montreux Convention regarding the Straits, 805–811, 818, 820, 831
- Pre-emptive buying of Turkish goods, U.S. development of unified program with the British, 708–726
- Soviet-Turkish relations (see
Axis vessels
German Ambassador von Papen, attempted
assassination of, supra):
- Background of, résumé and explanation by Turkish Foreign Minister, 703, 818–822
- Improvement in, Soviet desire for and U.S. willingness to assist in efforts toward, 816–818
- Statement by American Ambassador MacMurray concerning, utilization by German propaganda agencies in Turkey, 811–816
- Turkish concern over Soviet interest in the Dardanelles, 683, 818, 819–820, 821–822
- Straits:
- Taxation of American colleges in Turkey, U.S. representations regarding, 834–835
- Treaties and agreements:
- Anglo-French-Turkish treaty of mutual assistance (1939), 684n , 704n , 820
- Anglo-Turkish chrome agreement (1940) and contract of Dec. 23, 1941. See under Chrome, supra.
- German-Turkish commercial agreement (Clodius agreement, 1941). See under Chrome, supra.
- Montreux Convention regarding the Straits (1936), 805–811, 818, 820, 831
- Soviet-Turkish Declaration (1941), 821
- U.S. Ambassador MacMurray’s statement regarding Turkish-Soviet relations, clarification of, 811–816
- Wheat, Turkey’s requests for additional supplies,
and U.S. favorable response, 727–741
- Discussions of situation and U.S. readiness to meet Turkish requests, 727–730, 732–733, 735
- Middle East Supply Center, cooperation in advancing supplies, 730, 731–732, 733–734, 735, 736–737
- Relation of wheat situation to chrome negotiations, 755–756
- Shipping problems, Turkish efforts to purchase or charter vessels for transport of wheat, 728–729, 730, 731, 732, 734–735, 737, 738, 739–741, 756
- Terms of payment, question of, 737–738, 738–739
- Twitchell, Karl S., 561–562, 562, 563, 564, 566, 567, 569
- United Kingdom (see also
Air services in the Near and Middle East, Axis victories, Egypt,
Ethiopia, Iran, Liberia, Middle East Supply
Center, Morocco, Muscat and Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria and
Lebanon, Turkey, and
West Africa):
- British Chiefs of Staff, 34, 34n , 35n
- Churchill. See Churchill, Winston S. Lend-Lease agreement with United States, Fed. 23, cited, 296, 299
- Middle East as area of British strategic responsibility, 9n , 27, 70, 568, 583, 590, 609
- Treaties and agreements with other countries:
- Egypt, treaty of friendship and alliance (1936), cited, 65, 79n , 88, 89, 90, 91; “Immunities Convention”, 88
- Ethiopia, treaty of Jan. 31. See under Ethiopia.
- France and Turkey, treaty of mutual assistance (1939), cited, 684n , 704n , 820
- Iran, financial agreement, May 26, 173, 177, 178–179, 184, 186–187, 187, 188, 192, 311n
- Iran and Soviet Union, treaty of alliance, Jan. 29. See Iran: Anglo-Soviet-Iranian treaty.
- Iran and United States, agreement regarding wheat supplies, Dec. 4. See Iran: Food shortages: Agreement, etc.
- Iraq, treaty of alliance (1930), cited, 343
- Lend-Lease agreement with United States, Feb. 23, cited, 296, 299
- Morocco, general treaty of 1856, cited, 496, 497, 499, 501–502
- Soviet Union, treaty of alliance, May 26, cited, 821
- Treaty of Jidda (1927), cited, 554
- Turkey, chrome agreement. See Turkey: Chrome: Anglo-Turkish chrome agreement, Turkey and France, treaty of mutual assistance (1939), cited, 684n , 704n , 820
- United Kingdom Commercial Corporation (UKCC), 120, 124–125, 127, 128–134 passim, 138–151 passim, 185, 218, 227, 471, 708–726 passim
- United Nations Declaration of Jan. 1: Adherence of Ethiopia, 104–105, 105, 108, 111, 114–115; cited, 104, 111n , 114n , 638, 641
- United States Commercial Company, 464, 471, 708–726 passim
- Upston, Col. John E., 390, 393
- Uriarte, Gen. Jenaro, 444, 447, 453, 462, 466, 487, 491–505 passim, 527
- U.S. diplomatic and consular representation:
- Appointment of a Diplomatic Agent to Syria and Lebanon. See Syria and Lebanon: U.S. limited recognition.
- Establishment of Consulate at Asmara, Eritrea, 102, 103, 104, 106
- Establishment of Legation at Kabul, Afghanistan, 44–52; at Jidda, Saudi Arabia, 559–561
- U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 26, 27, 33–34, 35, 35–36, 36n
- U.S. Maritime Commission, 125, 346–347
- U.S. War Department, 409, 411, 412, 414, 415–416, 418–419
- Vey Haraki, Hikmat, 603
- Villard, Henry S., 40, 41, 43, 356–357, 368, 455, 463, 468, 523–524, 665–666
- Vinogradov, S. A., 816n , 816–817, 817, 825n , 828, 830, 830–831, 833
- Vyshinsky, A. Y., 322, 821, 827, 828, 829–830, 832
- Wadsworth, George, 631, 655, 660–669
- Wagner, Robert F., 549
- Waldheim, Gottfried von, 421–430 passim
- Walker, Norman, 297, 299
- Walker, Walter F., 392, 404n , 404–407
- Walton, Lester A., 358n , 365
- War Shipping Administration, 392, 706, 730
- Wathen, Albert L., 560, 564, 566
- Wavell, Gen. Sir Archibald P., 18
- Wedemeyer, Gen. Albert C., 189, 190, 191
- Weightman, H., 532–533, 535–537
- Weizmann, Ghaim, 550–551, 553, 554–555
- Welles, Sumner, 19, 34–35, 49, 70n , 71, 71n , 76n , 98n , 99, 101, 102n , 114n , 116, 137, 194n , 198, 213–214, 242n , 255, 258–259, 274n , 274–275, 292n , 293, 294, 327–328, 330–332, 334n , 378, 379, 429, 541, 544, 545, 550–551, 558, 559, 562–563, 590–591, 592, 593, 612, 616, 644, 647, 655, 677–678, 678, 685, 686–687, 691–692, 701–702, 741
- West, Paul, 557–558
- West Africa, consideration by Department of State of appointment of an American representative as counterpart of British Minister Resident, with headquarters at Accra, 37–43
- Weygand, Gen. Maxime, 440, 456n
- Wheat:
- Wheeler, Gen. R. A., 77, 223, 562
- White, C. Thayer, 276–277, 278–279, 279n , 279–280, 707
- White, Harry Dexter, 305–306, 307–308, 308n , 310
- Willkie, Wendell, 39, 258, 258n , 341, 552, 553, 630, 633, 634, 671
- Wilson, Gen. Sir Henry Maitland, 189, 599, 604, 605, 608n , 608, 609, 635
- Wilson, Orme, 379, 576–577
- Winant, Frederick, 4–12, 16, 17, 126n , 126, 127, 128, 138n , 158, 167–168, 175–176, 201, 345–346, 736
- Wise, Rabbi Stephen S., 541
- Wood, Col. John E., 380, 383, 411–412, 412, 412–413, 416
- Wylie, Sir Francis, 58n , 58, 60–61
- Wyndham White, Eric, 450–451, 464–465, 468
- Yalcin, Huseyin Cahid, 787, 816
- Yassin, Yusuf, 560, 574, 575, 585
- Yencken, Arthur Ferdinand, 449, 466–467, 467, 470
- Zahidi, Gen., 208, 212, 217, 218
- Zionism. See Palestine.
In indexing persons the intention has been to include all references to persons of significance for an understanding of the record, with the following exceptions: (1) The name of the Secretary of State or the Acting Secretary of State appearing as the signer of outgoing instructions unless there is a clear indication of the Secretary’s or Acting Secretary’s personal interest; (2) the name of an American officer in charge of a mission appearing as the signer of reports to the Department of State, except for personal items; (3) the names of persons to whom documents are addressed.
Persons are not identified by office in the index, but usually where a person is first mentioned in any section a footnote identification is given unless that person is identified in the text.