General settlement of outstanding questions between the United States and Mexico1

1. For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1940, vol. v, pp. 1040 ff.

[308] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels)

711.12/1588a: Telegram

[309] The Mexican Embassy to the Department of State


[311] The Mexican Embassy to the Department of State

412.11 (41) Agreement/68

[312] The Mexican Embassy to the Department of State


[314] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Mexico (McGurk)

711.12/1683a: Telegram

[317] The Chargé in Mexico (McGurk) to the Secretary of State

711.12/1662: Telegram

[318] The President of Mexico (Avila Camacho) to President Roosevelt

711.12/1683: Telegram

[319] President Roosevelt to the President of Mexico (Avila Camacho)

711.12/1683: Telegram

[320] The Department of State to the Mexican Embassy


[322] The President of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (Farish) to the Secretary of State

412.11 Oil/27

[324] The Department of State to the Mexican Embassy
