412.11 (41) Agreement/77

Memorandum by the Legal Counselor of the Mexican Embassy (Córdova), the Assistant Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Bursley), and the Assistant to the Legal Adviser (English)

The Legal Counselor of the Embassy of Mexico, Roberto Córdova, and the representatives of the Department of State, Herbert S. Bursley, Assistant Chief of the Division of the American Republics, and Benedict M. English, Assistant to the Legal Adviser, after exchanging their points of view on the Claims Convention now being negotiated between Mexico and the United States, herewith summarize their understanding with regard to the effects of the provisions of the said Convention.

The stipulations of the said Convention include exclusively claims which have or have had as their object the specific protection of one or more of the nationals of Mexico or the United States of America, presented, or not presented, by either of the Governments to the other and which have not been the subject of any international arbitral award, with the exception of the claims decided by the General Claims Commission, in accordance with the Convention of September 8, 192325 and the Protocol of April 24, 1934,26 which are included in the Convention being negotiated.

The representatives of the Embassy of Mexico and of the Department of State have agreed to record their understanding in this Memorandum, done in duplicate, in English and Spanish, and which they sign on the 14th day of October 1941, at Washington, D. C., United States of America.

  • R. Córdova
  • Herbert S. Bursley
  • Benedict M. English