Negotiations for a Lend-Lease agreement between the United States and Ecuador76

76. See also section entitled “General policy of the United States for the negotiation of the basic agreements relating to Lend-Lease to other American Republics,” vol. vi, pp. 133 ff.

[238] The Minister in Ecuador (Long) to the Secretary of State


[239] The Chargé in Ecuador (Drew) to the Secretary of State

822.24/96: Telegram

[240] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Ecuador (Drew)

822.24/96: Telegram

[241] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Liaison Officer (Wilson)

810.20 Defense/1371

[242] The Minister in Ecuador (Long) to the Secretary of State


[244] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Armour)

722.2315/2429: Telegram