The Department of State to the Mexican Embassy
Further reference is made to the memorandum of His Excellency the Ambassador of Mexico, dated October 7, 1941, regarding a cooperative program embracing the expansion of the natural resources and industry of Mexico, and to the Memorandum of this Government, dated November 26, 1941, which stated the opinion that such [Page 403] collaboration would be of essential and strategic benefit to both the United States and Mexico. It was also stated that this Government was accordingly prepared to make available every facility for the examination of the individual projects composing the broad program outlined in the Ambassador’s Memorandum, and to this end would designate a well qualified and experienced representative, to be assisted, where necessary and desirable, by appropriate technical experts, who would proceed to Mexico to carry out this work in cooperation with the Mexican authorities.
Careful consideration is being given to the selection of the representative referred to, and it is expected that the designation will be made in the near future. Meanwhile, Dr. Alan M. Bateman has been designated by this Government as the technical expert to assist in matters pertaining to the production of minerals. The brief biography attached35 clearly indicates, it is believed, Dr. Bateman’s high qualifications for this important work.
It is expected that Dr. Bateman will proceed to Mexico within the next two or three weeks, and it is hoped that by the time he reaches Mexico the Mexican Government will have designated the minerals expert with whom he will cooperate.
- Not attached to file copy.↩