840.48 Refugees/1832: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)

824. Your 1378, September 2, 4 p.m. We have considered the future of the Committee with Mr. Taylor, who has discussed it with the President, and come to the following conclusions:

The Committee should not be dissolved, although there may be a period during which the Chairman will not wish to call a full meeting;
The meeting called by the President for October 16 should take place and the participating governments should be requested by the Secretariat in London to indicate at the earliest opportunity who their respective representatives will be;
An effort should be made to dissuade Winterton from resigning, but if he insists upon submitting his resignation another Chairman will have to be chosen by the Committee in his place;
The Foundation should without any question be maintained and Van Zeeland encouraged to organize the work; and
The Bureau of the Committee should be kept intact.

We attach particular importance to (4) and (5) since it is our view that the machinery which has been set up is valuable and should not be lightly scrapped.

Please inform Winterton and Emerson.
