Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1939, General, The British Commonwealth and Europe, Volume II

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1939, General, The British Commonwealth and Europe, Volume II
- Matilda F. Axton
- Rogers P. Churchill
- Francis C. Prescott
- John G. Reid
- N. O. Sappington
- Louis E. Gates
- Shirley L. Phillips
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
United States Government Printing Office
- General (continued from Volume I): (Documents 1–173)
- Reservation of rights of the United States with respect to claims of other
nations to sovereignty in the Antarctic (Documents 1–7)
- Establishment of the United States Antarctic Service for exploration and
scientific studies (Documents 8–20)
- Meeting of representatives of chief cotton exporting countries to discuss
international regulation of production and marketing, Washington, September
5–9, 1939 (Documents 21–23)
- Participation of the United States in preliminary negotiations for a conference to conclude an international wheat agreement
- Participation of the United States in the international conference to
exempt liquid fuel and lubricants used in civil aviation from taxation,
London, February 21–March 1, 1939 (Documents 24–30)
- Participation of the United States in an informal conference to consider
regulation of whaling, London, July 17–20, 1939 (Documents 31–34)
- Status of intergovernmental debts owed the United States by reason of the First World War
- Favorable reply by the United States to League of Nations appeal for
greater collaboration by non-member states in the non-political activities
of the League (Documents 35–36)
- Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees to assist
persons forced to emigrate, primarily from Germany, for political or racial
reasons (Documents 37–136)
- Representations to Japan in regard to regulation of fisheries off the
coast of Alaska (Documents 137–173)
- Reservation of rights of the United States with respect to claims of other
nations to sovereignty in the Antarctic (Documents 1–7)
- British Commonwealth of Nations: (Documents 174–316)
- United Kingdom: (Documents 174–292)
- Representations to the British Government on effects of import
controls on American business and agriculture (Documents 174–197)
- Negotiations between the United States and the United Kingdom for the
exchange of strategic agricultural products and raw materials; agreement
signed June 23, 1939, for exchange of cotton for rubber (Documents 198–224)
- Representations to the British Government with regard to censorship of
American mail (Documents 225–232)
- Operation of the British censorship of American telecommunications to
and from British territory (Documents 233–244)
- Investigation concerning the responsibility for the sinking of the
British S. S. “Athenia”, September 3, 1939, with loss of American
lives (Documents 245–264)
- Decision against sale by United States Maritime Commission of surplus
merchant vessels to the British Government (Documents 265–270)
- Conflicting American and British claims to various islands in the
Pacific Ocean;
agreement for the joint administration of Canton and Enderbury Islands,
effected by exchange of notes, April 6, 1939 (Documents 271–285)
- Representations regarding British import and exchange restrictions in
Kenya Colony and the mandated territory of Tanganyika in violation of
American treaty rights (Documents 286–292)
- Representations to the British Government on effects of import
controls on American business and agriculture (Documents 174–197)
- Australia: (Documents 293–301)
- Canada: (Documents 302–310)
- Discussions respecting the St. Lawrence waterway project (Documents 302–303)
- Cooperation between the United States and Canada for the preservation
of the fisheries of the North Pacific (Documents 304–310)
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada governing the use of radio for civil aeronautical services, effected by exchange of notes, signed February 20, 1939
- Proclamation by the President of the United States issued on November 30, 1939, pursuant to article III of the reciprocal trade agreement between the United States of America and Canada, signed November 17, 1938, respecting allocation of tariff quota on heavy cattle during the calendar year 1940
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada regarding visits in uniform by members of defense forces of either country to the territory of the other country, effected by exchange of notes, signed March 7, April 5, and June 22, 1939
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada regarding air transport services, effected by exchange of notes, signed August 18, 1939
- Supplementary trade agreement between the United States and Canada with regard to fox furs and skins, signed at Washington December 30, 1939
- Understanding between the United States and Canada regarding the application of the Rush-Bagot Agreement of April 28 and 29, 1817, as to the construction of naval vessels on the Great Lakes
- Discussions respecting the St. Lawrence waterway project (Documents 302–303)
- India: (Documents 311–316)
- United Kingdom: (Documents 174–292)
- Europe: (Documents 317–871)
- Albania: (Documents 317–371)
- Absorption of Albania by Italy (Documents 317–371)
- Absorption of Albania by Italy (Documents 317–371)
- Belgium: (Documents 372–407)
- Czechoslovakia: (Documents 408–419)
- Estonia: (Documents 420–423)
- Finland: (Documents 424–427)
- France: (Documents 428–511)
- Status under French law of American citizens of French origin with
respect to military service in France (Documents 428–431)
- Discussions respecting a revision of the trade agreement between the
United States and France (Documents 432–443)
- Efforts by the French Government to purchase airplanes and airplane
parts in the United States (Documents 444–472)
- Proposed lease of naval aviation base from France on Fakarava Island
in Tuamotu Group (Documents 473–480)
- Representations to the French Government with regard to American
mail (Documents 481–489)
- Operation of French censorship of American telecommunications to and
from French territory (Documents 490–503)
- Convention and protocol between the United States and France
respecting double taxation, signed July 25, 1939 (Documents 504–510)
- Exchange of notes between the United States and France effecting a
reciprocal arrangement relative to claims arising from sequestration of
property during World War I (Document 511)
- Arrangement between the United States and France with respect to air navigation, effected by exchange of notes, signed July 15, 1939
- Agreement between the United States and France regarding air transport services, effected by exchange of notes, signed July 15, 1939
- Status under French law of American citizens of French origin with
respect to military service in France (Documents 428–431)
- Germany: (Documents 512–551)
- Problems arising from the annexation of Austria by Germany: (Documents 512–521)
- I. Refusal of Germany to assume obligation of the Austrian
indebtedness (Documents 512–519)
- II. Extension of the extradition treaty of July 12, 1930, between
the United States and the German Reich to the territory in which the
former Austro-American extradition treaty was effective (Documents 520–521)
- I. Refusal of Germany to assume obligation of the Austrian
indebtedness (Documents 512–519)
- Unsatisfactory trade relations between the United States and
Germany (Documents 522–527)
- Persecution of Jews in Germany; representations by the United States
regarding rights of American citizens (Documents 528–545)
- Declaration by the German Government that inheritance claims of
American citizens to estates of persons deceased in Germany will be
transferred to beneficiaries (Documents 546–549)
- Representations by the German Government regarding proceedings before the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany
- Closing by Germany of the New York office of the German Student
Exchange Agency at the request of the American Government (Documents 550–551)
- Problems arising from the annexation of Austria by Germany: (Documents 512–521)
- Greece: (Documents 552–561)
- Hungary: (Documents 562–565)
- Italy: (Documents 566–604)
- Suggestions offered by President Roosevelt to the Italian Ambassador
regarding opportunity for Premier Mussolini to make contribution to
maintenance of peace in Europe (Document 566)
- Unsatisfactory trade relations between the United States and
Italy (Documents 567–594)
- Persecution of Jews in Italy (Documents 595–604)
- Suggestions offered by President Roosevelt to the Italian Ambassador
regarding opportunity for Premier Mussolini to make contribution to
maintenance of peace in Europe (Document 566)
- Monaco:
- Netherlands: (Documents 605–614)
- Poland: (Documents 615–667)
- Evacuation of the American Embassy staff from Poland and maintenance
of diplomatic contact with the Polish Government; retention of the
American Consulate General in Warsaw (Documents 615–643)
- Informal representations by the United States to the Rumanian
Government to secure the release of ex-President Moscicki of
Poland (Documents 644–667)
- Evacuation of the American Embassy staff from Poland and maintenance
of diplomatic contact with the Polish Government; retention of the
American Consulate General in Warsaw (Documents 615–643)
- Portugal: (Documents 668–675)
- Spain: (Documents 676–833)
- Spanish Civil War: (Documents 676–804)
- I. International political aspects (Documents 676–758)
- II. Efforts for the relief of Spanish refugees (Documents 759–774)
- III. Representations to the Spanish Nationalist Government for the
release of American citizens held as prisoners (Documents 775–804)
- I. International political aspects (Documents 676–758)
- Representations to the Spanish Government regarding American interests
in the Spanish National Telephone Company (Documents 805–833)
- Spanish Civil War: (Documents 676–804)
- Sweden: (Document 834)
- Switzerland: (Documents 835–840)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- Vatican: (Documents 841–847)
- Yugoslavia: (Documents 848–871)
- Proposals for the regulation of commercial relations between the
United States and Yugoslavia (Documents 848–852)
- Action by the Department of State to facilitate the purchase of war
materials in the United States by the Yugoslav Government (Documents 853–855)
- Failure of Yugoslavia to obtain American credits for purchase of
surplus cotton in the United States (Documents 856–871)
- Proposals for the regulation of commercial relations between the
United States and Yugoslavia (Documents 848–852)
- Albania: (Documents 317–371)
- Index