General (continued from Volume I):
- Reservation of rights of the United States with respect to claims of other
nations to sovereignty in the Antarctic (Documents 1–7)
- Establishment of the United States Antarctic Service for exploration and
scientific studies (Documents 8–20)
- Meeting of representatives of chief cotton exporting countries to discuss
international regulation of production and marketing, Washington, September
5–9, 1939 (Documents 21–23)
- Participation of the United States in preliminary negotiations for a conference to conclude an international wheat agreement
- Participation of the United States in the international conference to
exempt liquid fuel and lubricants used in civil aviation from taxation,
London, February 21–March 1, 1939 (Documents 24–30)
- Participation of the United States in an informal conference to consider
regulation of whaling, London, July 17–20, 1939 (Documents 31–34)
- Status of intergovernmental debts owed the United States by reason of the First World War
- Favorable reply by the United States to League of Nations appeal for
greater collaboration by non-member states in the non-political activities
of the League (Documents 35–36)
- Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees to assist
persons forced to emigrate, primarily from Germany, for political or racial
reasons (Documents 37–136)
- Representations to Japan in regard to regulation of fisheries off the
coast of Alaska (Documents 137–173)