Efforts of the Department of State to secure equitable treatment for American interests with respect to Chilean exchange restrictions1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. v, pp. 103–153. See also section entitled “Special Mission of John H. Williams To Investigate Foreign Exchange Problems in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay,” ibid., 1934, vol. iv, pp. 390 ff.
[31] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Sevier)
Washington, August 8, 1934—4
825.5151/211: Telegram
[32] The Ambassador in Chile (Sevier) to the Secretary of State
Santiago, August 14, 1934.
[Received August 27.]
[Received August 27.]
810.5151 Williams Mission/48
[33] The Ambassador in Chile (Sevier) to the Secretary of State
Santiago, August 14, 1934.
[Received August 23.]
[Received August 23.]
[34] The Ambassador in Chile (Sevier) to the Secretary of State
Santiago, October 17, 1934.
[Received October 25.]
[Received October 25.]
[35] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Chile (Scotten)
Washington, November 5, 1934—6
825.5151/227: Telegram
[36] The Chargé in Chile (Scotten) to the Secretary of State
Santiago, November 21,
[Received 1:45 p.m.]
[Received 1:45 p.m.]
825.5151/234: Telegram
[37] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Chile (Scotten)
Washington, November 23,
825.5151/234: Telegram
[38] The Chargé in Chile (Scotten) to the Secretary of State
Santiago, December 4, 1934.
[Received December 15.]
[Received December 15.]