793.94Commission/837: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)
78. Your 125, February 24, 7 p.m. Communicate to Drummond as a letter from me under today’s date the following:
“There has been communicated to me the text of your letter of February 24, 1933, transmitting to me a copy of the report of the Committee of Nineteen as adopted by the Assembly of the League of Nations on this day.
I note your request that I communicate to you as soon as possible the reply of the Government of the United States.
In response to that request I have the honor to state the views of the American Government as follows:
In the situation which has developed out of the controversy between China and Japan, the purpose of the United States has coincided in general with that of the League of Nations, the common objective being maintenance of peace and settlement of international disputes by pacific means. In pursuance of that objective, while the League of Nations has been exercising jurisdiction over a controversy between two of its members, the Government of the United States has endeavored to give support, reserving to itself independence of judgment with regard to method and scope, to the efforts of the League on behalf of peace.
The findings of fact arrived at by the League and the understanding of the facts derived by the American Government from reports made to it by its own representatives are in substantial accord. In the light of its findings of fact, the Assembly of the League has formulated a measured statement of conclusions. With those conclusions the American Government is in general accord. In their affirmations respectively of the principle of non-recognition and their attitude in regard thereto the League and the United States are on common ground. The League has recommended principles of settlement. In so far as appropriate under the treaties to which it is a party, the American Government expresses its general endorsement of the principles thus recommended.
The American Government earnestly hopes that the two nations now engaged in controversy, both of which have long been in friendly relationship with our own and other peoples, may find it possible, [Page 116] in the light of the now clear expression of world opinion, to conform their policies to the need and the desire of the family of nations that disputes between nations shall be settled by none but pacific means.”
2. The text of Drummond’s letter to me and my reply are being released to the press here for publication in the Sunday morning papers. I hope that Drummond also will release the texts.