793.94Advisory Committee/3: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

128. My 127, February 24, 9 p.m.33 The following letter dated February 25th addressed to the Secretary of State by Drummond has just been received:

“I have the honor to inform you that the Assembly of the League of Nations adopted on the 24th February the resolution of which the [Page 115] text is enclosed herewith (see Gilbert’s telegram No. 60, February 24, 7 p.m.).35

The Advisory Committee set up under the terms of this resolution held a meeting today. In accordance with the instructions of the Assembly it requested me to convey to your Government an invitation to cooperate in its work.

I need not say that the committee attachés great importance to the cooperation of your Government and earnestly hopes that it will be able to accept this invitation.”

  1. Not printed.
  2. Telegram not printed; text of resolution printed, p. 113.