793.94Commission/837: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

125. My 122, February 22, 7 p.m.33 Drummond’s letter to Secretary of State transmitting the report34 and requesting an expression of the view of the American Government was handed me today. The letter reads as follows:

“By the last paragraph of the report which the Assembly of the League of Nations has adopted today I am instructed ‘to communicate a copy of this report to the states nonmembers of the League who are signatories of or who have acceded to the Pact of Paris or the Nine Power Treaty, informing them of the Assembly’s hope that they will associate themselves with the views expressed in the report and that they will if necessary concert their action and their attitude with the members of the League.’

Accordingly, I have the honor to transmit to you herewith a copy of the report as adopted by the Assembly. I should be grateful if you would communicate to me so soon as you find it possible to do so the reply of the Government of the United States to the hope expressed by the Assembly in the words which I have quoted.

I venture at the same time to draw your attention to the text of recommendation 3 which will be found in part 4 section 2 of the report. That recommendation lays down that if the two parties accept the recommendations of the Assembly it will be my duty to inform your Government thereof and to invite it to appoint, if it should wish to do so, a member of the negotiations committee which is to be set up. This question does not at present arise inasmuch as only one of the parties has today accepted the report. Should the recommendations of the Assembly be later accepted by both parties I shall not fail to address the above invitation to your Government without delay.”

  1. Not printed.
  2. For the text of the report of the Special Committee of the Assembly (Committee of Nineteen), see League of Nations, Official Journal, Special Supplement No. 112, p. 56.