File No. 738.3915/179.]
The American Minister to Haiti to the Secretary of State.
No. 1138.]
American Legation,
Port au Prince, October 10, 1912.
Port au Prince, October 10, 1912.
Sir: Referring to the Department’s telegram of September 24th, I have the honor to enclose herewith copies of the correspondence passed between this Legation and the Haitian Government regarding the temporary frontier line between the Haitian and Dominican Republics.
I have [etc.]
H. W. Furniss.
- Article 3 of the treaty between Haiti and Santo Domingo of November 9, 1874, reads in translation as follows: “The two contracting parties obligate themselves to maintain with all their force, with all their power, the integrity of their respective territories, not to cede, encumber or alienate in favor of any foreign power their territory or any part thereof or the adjacent islands dependent thereon. They engage likewise neither to request nor consent to any annexation or foreign domination.” (File No. 738.3915/186.↩