Presentation of a park to the Danish Government by American citizens of Danish descent
[478] The Secretary to the President to the Secretary of State.
The White House,
Washington, January 6, 1912.
Washington, January 6, 1912.
File No. 859.155D22.]
[480] The Acting Secretary of State to the American Minister.
Department of State,
Washington, February 17, 1912.
Washington, February 17, 1912.
File No. 895.155D22/5.]
[481] The President to the American Minister.
The White House,
Washington, July 8, 1912.
Washington, July 8, 1912.
File No. 859.155D22/7.]
[482] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Copenhagen, August 8th, 1912.
Copenhagen, August 8th, 1912.
File No. 859.155D22/11.]
- Should be 1912.↩