File No. 738.3915/177.]
The Haitian Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, September 30, 1912.
Dear Mr. Secretary of State: I had the honor to receive the letter of the 27th instant in which the Department of State was so kind as to communicate to me the text of a note which the American Minister at Port au Prince was directed on the 24th instant to deliver to the Minister for Foreign Relations.
In support of the determination of the United States Government to consider as a provisional boundary line between the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic the line indicated on the map prepared at Washington in 1907 and 1908 by the Second Division of the General Staff, you set forth considerations which I shall not fail to transmit to my Government. However, until the latter can let me know its feeling with regard to the effect of a convention to which it is a stranger, as well as of a mediation which it has always congratulated itself on having invoked, I feel persuaded that nothing will come to invalidate the formal assurance which was given it in 1905 by the Secretary of State, John Hay, with the full approval of the President of the United States.
While thanking you [etc.]