File No. 812.113/965.
The American Consul at Nogales to the Secretary of State.
Department’s September 13. In order to make situation in regard to arms perfectly clear, Department is hereby informed that no arms have been passed into Mexico or supplied to Americans anywhere in this consular district by any consular officer except such as were passed last April for the use of the Consul at Hermosillo and those sent to Empalme for the use of employees of the Southern Pacific Railway, which went through the port of Nogales in my care. The 500 carbines and the 100 rifles from Tucson which were in my care at Naco, together with the 150,000 rounds of ammunition, were by me, when at Naco recently, placed under the control of the commander of the United States troops at Naco, I taking memorandum receipt for the same from his adjutant. When I arrived at Naco I found arms which were the subject of Department’s instruction 162 in dangerous proximity to border, so for safety I paid express charges from Tucson and placed them as above stated.