File No. 815.00/1221.

The Secretary of State to the Secretaries of the Peace Conference.

Gentlemen: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 14th instant in which, in fulfillment of special instructions of the peace conference at Puerto Cortes, you quote the resolution adopted by the delegates thereto at their meeting on March 4: “To give a vote of thanks to the President of the United States of America, the Hon. William H. Taft, for his friendly mediation toward the reestablishment of peace in the Republic of Honduras.”

Having laid your communication before the President, I am happy to discharge the duty he has entrusted to me by making known to you, and through you to the honorable delegates, his high appreciation of their courteous recognition of his friendly efforts toward the settlement of the differences which have disturbed the peaceful progress of a Republic whose welfare and prosperity he has so much at heart.

In the fervent hope that the labors of the conference will result in that stability of government so necessary to the happiness and well-being of the Honduran people,

I have, etc.,

P. C. Knox.