File No. 815.00/1266.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 163.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose copy and translation of a manifesto to the nation issued by President Bertrand on the 29th ultimo.1

The President states that the government of Gen. Dávila and the provisional government of Gen. Bonilla have given to the country unequivocal proofs of abnegation and patriotism by submitting their differences to a peace conference which met in Puerto Cortes aboard the Tacoma under the presidency of a delegate of the Government of the United States, who acted as friendly mediator; that the outcome of the conference was his designation for the presidency and the bases which will serve as guide for his Government; that he considers his Government as truly national; that his Government will have only time to put into practice the bases which constitute his political and administrative program, but that it will, in so far as possible, attend to all branches of the public service.

The President invites all Hondurans to forget past differences, to support the Government, and thus united work for the best interests of Honduras.

I have, etc.,

Fenton R. McCreery.
  1. Not printed.