Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 7, 1911

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 7, 1911
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President, annual
- List of papers with subjects of correspondence
- Circulars: (Documents 1–4)
- Expatriation (Document 1)
- Declaration of foreign-born children Required by Section 6, Act of March
2, 1907 (Document 2)
- Registration of citizens of Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands (Document 3)
- Rules to prevent collision of vessels (Document 4)
- Expatriation (Document 1)
- Argentina: (Documents 5–15)
- Message of the President to the Congress (Document 5)
- Argentine flour. (See Brazil.)
- Construction of the “most favored nation” clause in commercial
treaties (Documents 6–7)
- Presentation of a statue of George Washington to Argentina by American
citizens resident there (Documents 8–9)
- Celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Don Domingo
Faustino Sarmiento President of Argentina, 1868–1873 (Documents 10–13)
- Joint correspondence of Argentina, Brazil, and the United States relating to the Peru-Ecuador boundary dispute.
- Visit of the Argentine school ship “Presidente Sarmiento.” (Documents 14–15)
- Message of the President to the Congress (Document 5)
- Austria-Hungary: (Documents 16–19)
- Belgium: (Documents 20–24)
- Recognition by Belgium of American vice and deputy consul general at Boma,
Kongo (Documents 20–21)
- Merging of the consular representation of the Kongo State with consular
representation of Belgium (Document 22)
- Maritime Law — Salvage — Collisions — Third International Conference,
Session Of 1910 (Documents 23–24)
- Recognition by Belgium of American vice and deputy consul general at Boma,
Kongo (Documents 20–21)
- Brazil: (Documents 25–33)
- Message of the President (Document 25)
- Joint Correspondence of Brazil, Argentina, and the United States in Regard to the Peru-Ecuador Boundary Dispute.
- Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products (Documents 26–32)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Brazil (Document 33)
- Message of the President (Document 25)
- Chile: (Documents 34–35)
- Message of the President to the Congress (Document 34)
- Participation of Chile in the Correspondence Concerning the Boundary Dispute Between Ecuador and Peru
- Asylum Sought at the American Consulate at Iquique by the Peruvian Consul General; Temporary Refuge Granted
- Arbitration of the Claim of Alsop and Company, an American Corporation,
v. Chile, Award (Document 35)
- Message of the President to the Congress (Document 34)
- China: (Documents 36–70)
- Joint International Commission for the investigation of the opium question
in the Far East (Documents 36–39)
- The plague in Manchuria (Documents 40–50)
- Naturalization of Chinese by other Governments (Documents 51–54)
- Illegal taxation of foreign products in Manchurian Provinces (Documents 55–58)
- Payment of Changsha indemnity claims (Documents 59–60)
- Russo-Japanese agreement as to railways in Manchuria (Document 61)
- Right of foreigners to own land in Tientsin outside of concessions (Documents 62–63)
- Visit of the Chinese cruiser “Hai Chi” (Documents 64–70)
- Hukuang Railway, Currency Reform, and Reorganization Loans
- Joint International Commission for the investigation of the opium question
in the Far East (Documents 36–39)
- Colombia: (Documents 71–72)
- Costa Rica: (Documents 73–79)
- Cuba: (Documents 80–156)
- Reciprocity treaty: proposal to amend and prolong it (Documents 80–92)
- Sugar: proposal to adhere to the Brussels Convention (Documents 93–106)
- Tobacco: proposal to alter tariff rates (Documents 107–109)
- U. S. Naval Station at Guantánamo (Documents 110–134)
- Proposal of France, Germany, and Great Britain to arbitrate certain
insurrectionary claims arising prior to 1898 (Documents 135–147)
- Claims for the cost of intervention in Cuba, 1906–1909, otherwise called
the Military Claim (Documents 148–153)
- Sovereignty of the Isle of Pines (Documents 154–156)
- Reciprocity treaty: proposal to amend and prolong it (Documents 80–92)
- Dominican Republic: (Documents 157–224)
- Extract from the Message of the President, Don Ramon Caceres, Concerning
Relations between the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the United
States (Document 157)
- Tariff modifications under the treaty of 1907 between the Dominican
Republic and the United States (Documents 158–167)
- Boundary dispute between the Dominican Republic and Haiti (Documents 168–202)
- Assault on an American inspector of Customs by a Dominican Customs
Official (Documents 203–205)
- Assault on an American commanding officerOF U. S. S. “Chester” by a
Dominican Officer (Documents 206–208)
- Revolutionary movements (Documents 209–219)
- Assassination of the President, Don Ramon Caceres, and Assumption of the
Office by Don Eladio Victoria as Provisional President (Documents 220–224)
- Extract from the Message of the President, Don Ramon Caceres, Concerning
Relations between the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the United
States (Document 157)
- Ecuador: (Documents 225–238)
- Message of the President, Gen. Eloy Alfaro, to the Congress, August 10,
1911 (Document 225)
- Boundary dispute with Peru; mediation of the United States, Argentina and
Brazil. (Documents 226–234)
- Revolution; overthrow of President Alfaro; inauguration of President
Estrada (Document 235)
- Death of the President, Don Emilio Estrada (Documents 236–238)
- Message of the President, Gen. Eloy Alfaro, to the Congress, August 10,
1911 (Document 225)
- France: (Documents 239–240)
- Germany: (Documents 241–294)
- Export duty levied by Germany on potash salts (Documents 241–286)
- Presentation of a statue of Gen. von Steuben to the German Emperor and the
German People by the United States (Documents 287–294)
- Export duty levied by Germany on potash salts (Documents 241–286)
- Great Britain: (Documents 295–315)
- Convention XII of the Second Hague Peace Conference regarding the creation
of an International Prize Court, and an additional protocol thereto (Documents 295–299)
- Coronation of His Majesty King George V (Documents 300–310)
- Preservation and protection of fur seals–Treaty
between the United States and Great Britain and convention between the
United States and other powers (Documents 311–312)
- Treaty Between the United States and Great
Britain. (Document 311)
- Convention Between the United States and Other
Powers. (Document 312)
- Treaty Between the United States and Great
Britain. (Document 311)
- Arbitration of Pecuniary Claims. (Document 313)
- Minutes of conferences held at Washington the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th of
January, 1911, as to the application of the award delivered on the 7th
September, 1910, in the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration to
existing Regulations of Canada and Newfoundland (Document 314)
- Minutes of conferences as to objections of the United States to existing
laws and fisheries regulations of Canada as recorded in Protocol XXX,
Proceedings of North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration (Document 315)
- Convention XII of the Second Hague Peace Conference regarding the creation
of an International Prize Court, and an additional protocol thereto (Documents 295–299)
- Guatemala: (Documents 316–323)
- Haiti: (Documents 324–360)
- Honduras: (Documents 361–401)
- Italy: (Documents 402–413)
- War with Turkey; declaration of neutrality of the United States (Documents 402–403)
- Medical inspection of Italian immigrants (Documents 404–408)
- Treaty of Commerce and Navigation—Protocol of a Provisional Tariff
arrangement between the United States and Japan (Documents 409–413)
- War with Turkey; declaration of neutrality of the United States (Documents 402–403)
- Japan: (Documents 414–431)
- Treaty and protocol between the United States and Japan—Commerce and
navigation (Documents 414–415)
- Extraterritorial jurisdiction in Chosen; validity of consular records;
control of funds and property of foreign settlements; consular jurisdiction
over Americans under arrest or condemned to imprisonment; changes in the
place of their detention and in the trial court (Documents 416–429)
- Extradition of criminals from and to the Philippine Islands (Documents 430–431)
- Treaty and protocol between the United States and Japan—Commerce and
navigation (Documents 414–415)
- Liberia: (Documents 432–453)
- Extract from the President’s Message (Document 432)
- The Liberia-Sierra Leone boundary (Documents 433–441)
- The Franco-Liberian boundary
- Financial reforms (Documents 442–453)
- Extract from the President’s Message (Document 432)
- Mexico: (Documents 454–888)
- Political affairs—Revolution. Organization of revolutionary government of
Francisco I. Madero. Suspension of constitutional guaranties. Message of
President Diaz. Armistice and treaty of peace. Resignation of President
Diaz. Provisional presidency of de la Barra. Recognition of de la Barra’s
Government by the United States. Progressive Constitutional party convention
and platform. Message of President de la Barra. Election and inauguration of
President Madero. Arrest of Gen. Reyes in the United States. Measures taken
in anti-American demonstrations and to prevent breach of neutrality laws.
Action of diplomatic corps in City of Mexico. Transportation of Mexican
troops through border States of the United States (Documents 454–792)
- Overflow of the Colorado River into the Imperial Valley or Salton Sea sink
region, California, and restoration of the broken levees. Transportation of
Mexican troops and a constabulary force through territory of the United
States, and American troops over Mexican territory (Documents 793–845)
- Convention and Supplemental Protocol between the United States and Mexico;
Award and Dissenting Opinions—Chamizal Tract Arbitration (Documents 846–857)
- Convention. (Document 846)
- Supplementary protocol. (Documents 847–850)
- Award by the International Boundary
Commission. (Document 851)
- Dissenting opinion of the American
commissioner. (Documents 852–857)
- Convention. (Document 846)
- Imprisonment of Edward M. Blatt and Lawrence F. Converse in Mexico (Documents 858–873)
- Protection of Chinese subjects in Mexico by American diplomatic and
consular officers. Temporary refuge granted. Waiver of exclusion act (Documents 874–885)
- Permission to foreigners in prison to be visited by consul or diplomatic
officer (Documents 886–888)
- Political affairs—Revolution. Organization of revolutionary government of
Francisco I. Madero. Suspension of constitutional guaranties. Message of
President Diaz. Armistice and treaty of peace. Resignation of President
Diaz. Provisional presidency of de la Barra. Recognition of de la Barra’s
Government by the United States. Progressive Constitutional party convention
and platform. Message of President de la Barra. Election and inauguration of
President Madero. Arrest of Gen. Reyes in the United States. Measures taken
in anti-American demonstrations and to prevent breach of neutrality laws.
Action of diplomatic corps in City of Mexico. Transportation of Mexican
troops through border States of the United States (Documents 454–792)
- Morocco: (Documents 889–892)
- Nicaragua: (Documents 893–971)
- Establishment of a tribunal or mixed claims commission to settle claims of
aliens against Nicaragua (Documents 893–930)
- Political affairs: Recognition of Provisional President Estrada by the
United States; proclamation of a constitution by the constitutional
assembly; its rejection by presidential decree; dissolution of the assembly
and call for new elections; convening of second constitutional assembly;
resignation of President Estrada; succession of Vice President Diaz as
Provisional President; his recognition by the United States; election by
assembly of Gen. Mena as Constitutional President from January 1, 1913;
completion of the constitution by the second assembly and continuation of
the assembly as a legislature; revolutionary plots (Documents 931–971)
- Establishment of a tribunal or mixed claims commission to settle claims of
aliens against Nicaragua (Documents 893–930)
- Norway: (Documents 972–973)
- Panama: (Documents 974–981)
- Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica
and Panama; good offices of the United States (Documents 974–979)
- Greetings on the national anniversary (Documents 980–981)
- Convention for the settlement of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica
and Panama; good offices of the United States (Documents 974–979)
- Persia: (Documents 982–996)
- Employment by Persia of American experts as financial assistants (Documents 982–996)
- Employment by Persia of American experts as financial assistants (Documents 982–996)
- Peru: (Document 997)
- Portugal: (Documents 998–1010)
- Proclamation of the Republic; recognition by the United States (Documents 998–1010)
- Proclamation of the Republic; recognition by the United States (Documents 998–1010)
- Russia: (Documents 1011–1017)
- Termination of the treaty of 1832 between Russia and the United
States (Documents 1011–1017)
- Termination of the treaty of 1832 between Russia and the United
States (Documents 1011–1017)
- Salvador: (Documents 1018–1020)
- Message of the President (Document 1018)
- Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Document 1019)
- Extradition treaty between the United States and Salvador (Document 1020)
- Message of the President (Document 1018)
- Siam: (Documents 1021–1033)
- Obsequies of the late King Chulalongkorn. Coronation of King
Vajiravudh (Documents 1021–1033)
- Obsequies of the late King Chulalongkorn. Coronation of King
Vajiravudh (Documents 1021–1033)
- Spain: (Documents 1034–1045)
- Interpretation of articles 23 and 27 of the treaty of friendship and
general relations of July 3, 1902, between the United States and Spain (Documents 1034–1037)
- Interpretation of Article 23. (Document 1034)
- Interpretation of Article 27. (Documents 1035–1037)
- Interpretation of Article 23. (Document 1034)
- Interpretation of the extradition treaty of June 15, 1904, between the
United States and Spain (Documents 1038–1045)
- Interpretation of articles 23 and 27 of the treaty of friendship and
general relations of July 3, 1902, between the United States and Spain (Documents 1034–1037)
- Sweden: (Document 1046)
- Switzerland: (Documents 1047–1054)
- Interpretation of article XIII of the extradition treaty of May 14, 1900,
between the United States and Switzerland (Documents 1047–1048)
- Adhesion of the Imperial Ottoman Government to the Red Cross convention of
1906, and use of the Red Crescent as the emblem of her sanitary
service (Documents 1049–1054)
- Interpretation of article XIII of the extradition treaty of May 14, 1900,
between the United States and Switzerland (Documents 1047–1048)
- Turkey: (Documents 1055–1068)
- Venezuela: (Documents 1069–1078)
- Message of the Constitutional President to the Congress May 10,
1911 (Document 1069)
- Award of the tribunal of arbitration in the case of the Orinoco Steamship
Company v. Venezuela under the agreement of Feb. 13,
1909, between the United States and Venezuela (Documents 1070–1071)
- Celebration of the first centenary of the independence of Venezuela (Documents 1072–1078)
- Message of the Constitutional President to the Congress May 10,
1911 (Document 1069)
- Index