File No. 815.00/1254.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, March 25, 1911.
Sir: I have the honor to report that this afternoon the diplomatic and consular corps rode out some three miles to meet the President Designate. Dr. Bertrand was accompanied by about 300 persons, including the members of the peace conference, friends, delegations from the Congress, the Executive and the Supreme Court, and some 50 armed men. As we approached the city the cavalcade increased in numbers. First rode a small troop of cavalry. Next came Dr. Bertrand, on a white mule. I rode on his right, the Mexican minister on his left, and heads of delegations on either side. The streets were filled with people. An expression of relief, of satisfaction, and almost of joy was seen on every face. Perfect order prevailed.
All political factions cooperated to bring about the first peaceful entrance of a new executive that the capital of Honduras has seen in many years.
I have, etc.,