No. 1062.
Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, January 28, 1888.
(Received February 20.)
No. 57.]
Sir: In answer to your instruction No. 51, of
October 31, 1887, I have the honor to report:
Shortly after the receipt of your instruction, I called at the Porte and had
an interview with the Grand Vizier on the subject in question. He informed
me that a regulation had been communicated by the Porte to the Imperial
authorities at Jerusalem to limit the stay of foreign Jews at Jerusalem to
the period of one month. At a second interview he further informed me that
the council of ministers was about amending the regulation so as to make the
period three months. He gave as a reason for such a regulation, that the
spirit of religious fanaticism rose to such a high pitch at Jerusalem that
at certain seasons of the year, during Easter, the Jews were compelled to
remain within their houses to avoid coming in contact with the Christians,
who would attack them and perhaps murder them.
The purpose of the regulation was to avoid the possibility of such
Another reason was also given by the Grand Vizier as the cause of this
regulation, namely, the report that had spread abroad that the Jews
throughout the world intended to strengthen themselves in and around
Jerusalem with a view, at some future time, of re-establishing their ancient
kingdom there.
I explained as to the first contingency, that it could be avoided by a strong
force of police. As to the second, the re-establishment of a Jewish kingdom,
I informed his highness that if the Porte would make inquiry it could easily
satisfy itself that no such purpose actuated the Jews throughout the world.
I informed him also that so far as concerned American citizens, naturalized
or native, it is one of the fundamental principles of my Government to make
no distinction as to its citizens based upon creed or race, and that,
uniformly in its relation with foreign nations, it had emphatically denied
their right to make such discriminations against American citizens. I quoted
to him several passages from your correspondence and instructions bearing
upon this principle, and referred to the ancient capitulations and the
provisions of our treaty with the Ottoman Empire.
His Highness assured me should the authorities threaten to expel any American
citizen he would give due weight to the foregoing considerations and give
instructions accordingly.
Shortly thereafter the Right Honorable Sir William A. White, the British
embassador, asked me what position my Government had taken
[Page 1560]
in reference to discriminations made against
its citizens who were of the Jewish faith. He said that he desired to know
in view of several cases before him arising under the aforesaid regulation
of the Porte. He stated that the foregoing principles fully coincided with
his own sense of duty and convictions, and that he would be guided
About the same time I sent a dispatch to our consul-general here requesting
him to instruct our consul at Jerusalem, Henry Gillman, esq., to make report
whether any American citizens had been expelled or were threatened with
expulsion; also to report such other facts relative to the subject as he
might deem important. A copy of his dispatch in reply of December 31, 1887,
I herewith inclose.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 57.]
Mr. Gillman to Mr.
States Consulate,
Jerusalem, December 31,
No. 1.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of copy of your No. 33, to Mr. Pringle, dated the 16th instant,
and forwarded to me from the consulate-general with a dispatch dated the
19th instant.
In compliance with your request desiring information as to the expulsion
of Jews from Jerusalem, I beg to make the following statement:
Though Jews belonging to other nationalities have been expelled from
Jerusalem and Palestine, no American citizen has been expelled during my
connection with this consulate. In all communications with the local
authorities I have invariably and decidedly held the position that I
could in no wise consent, much less render aid to expel from Palestine
citizens of the United States who are Jews; that a fundamental principle
of our Government was involved, which positively forbids any
discrimination made for or against American citizens on account of their
race or religion.
In this connection, I herewith inclose copy with translation of a
communication received from his excellency Raouf Pasha, governor of
Jerusalem and Palestine, dated September 10 last, a copy of which was
transmitted by me to the Department of State at Washington, with my
dispatch No. 26, dated September 28, 1887. This was followed by a verbal
message from the governor informing me that of the ten consuls in
Jerusalem I was the only one who had not assented and promised to render
aid in carrying out this decree (iradeh) regarding the expulsion of the
Jews. To this I simply affirmed my former declaration, informing the
governor that I had made the matter the subject of a special dispatch to
our Government and awaited the decision.
As my dispatch to the Department (No. 26, above referred to) inclosing
the copy of the governors letter was, as usual, transmitted through the
consulate-general, I did not consider it necessary to otherwise inform
Mr. Pringle regarding the matter, especially as the local Turkish
authorities were tacitly consenting to await the decision of our
Department of State, and their relations with me, both personally and as
the representative of our Government, have always been of the most
friendly and conciliatory character.
I may add that when the verbal message of the governor was delivered to
me the chancellor of the British consulate was present in this
consulate, and expressed his surprise at my friendship for the Jews.
When I took the occasion to ask him what the action of the British
consulate was in such cases, he replied they invariably rendered the
required aid to the Ottoman authorities in carrying out the decree, as
did the other consulates.
It has since come to my knowledge, however, that quite lately an order
from his Government to the British consul forbids such aid being any
longer rendered.
It is unnecessary that I should allude to the attitude of the Russian,
German, and other Governments toward the Jews, as it is doubtless well
known to you. About two years ago, I understand, a ship-load of Russian
Jews was not permitted to be lauded at Jaffa, but ordered to be returned
whence it came; thus entailing great misery on the unfortunate people,
who had been driven from their homes, many of them in poverty. Their
condition was described to me as pitiable in the extreme, some of them
being almost naked and without food, and suffering from sickness in
[Page 1561]
One peculiar phase of the case is that large numbers of the resident Jews
share in this dislike to the coming here of more Jews. This is explained
by the fact that it tends to the increase in price of all articles of
living, adds little or nothing to the wealth of the city, and reduces
the proportion of the charitable aid sent here by their wealthy
co-religionists from abroad.
You will at once perceive, therefore, that the position I have taken, and
that I am obliged to take, is a thankless one, exposing me on one side
to the disapproval of the Ottoman Government, and on the other to the
animosity of many of the resident Jews, not to take into the account the
feeling on the subject entertained by the representatives of the various
foreign governments.
In conclusion, and for a proper understanding of this decree, or iradeh,
it may be well that I should state, it does not seem to apply to all
American citizens in Palestine who are Jews, but only to those who have
recently come here.
I am, etc.,