No. 1063.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus.
Washington, February 3, 1888.
Sir: I have received your No. 47, of December 27 last, in which you report the steps taken by you with regard to the additional regulations concerning public instructions which had been drawn up for presentation to the council with a view to enactment.
Your vigilance and your intelligent and energetic action in behalf of American educational establishments and interests in the Ottoman Porte is highly appreciated by this Department and will cause additional and wide-spread satisfaction throughout the United States.
That your action should have led the way for the representatives of other powers to join with you in preventing unfavorable action by the Turkish Government is a further source of satisfaction.
By this prompt and concerted action in prevention of the proposed charges, it is hoped that they will be arrested.
I shall be glad to have you report fully your progress in these transactions and the result of your useful labors.
I am, etc.,