Alphabetical Index.
- Abbott, the Maggie, clearance refused to Port de Paix from Port au Prince 980
- Abduction by Mexican soldiers of prisoners from Nogales, Ariz 1187, 1188, 1191
- Abolition of slavery in Brazil. (See Slavery.)
- Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges. (See Tonnage.)
- Accidents, exhibition of devices for the prevention of, at Berlin 682
- Ada, seizure of the, for illicit seal fishing1805, 1807–1818
- Adams, Alfred, seizure of the, for illicit seal fishing 1793, 1794, 1798, 1805
- Adams, D. J., seizure of the, for illicit fishing in Canadian waters 802
- Adulteration of wines and imitations of trademarks of wine in Spain 1470, 1471
- Agreement, commercial, with Spain 1431, 1466, 1467
- Aid to wrecked vessels in waters between Canada and the United States, arrangement for reciprocal 796, 824, 827.
- Alaska, British territory traversed by Lieutenant Schwatka on his reconnaissance in 768
- Albert, Isidore, exiled to Siberia 1401, 1403
- Almy, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Alsace-Lorraine, passport necessary to enter Germany through 540, 545, 635
- America, celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of discovery of, in Spain 1448, 1450
- American Bible Society, publication of the Bible in Turkey by 1624
- American Baptist Missionary Union, seizure by the Congo authorities of the Henry Heed, belonging to 24–26, 29–34
- American enterprises desired in Persia 1359
- Anaconda, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Anarchists, expulsion from Switzerland of 1517, 1533
- Protection of United States consulate at Zurich by Swiss authorities from threatened attack by 1515
- Anderson, John T., contract of, with the Guatemalan Government to build the Northern Railway 92, 108
- Anjouan. (See Johanna Island.)
- Annam, claim of China to suzerainty over 222
- Anniversary, four hundredth, of the discovery of America, celebration of, in Spain 1448, 1450
- Araunah, seizure of the, off Copper Island, while seal fishing 1819
- Arbitration by the President of the United States of the boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica 79, 134, 455, 456, 468, 1345
- Arbitration, conference of American States for the settlement of disputes by (circular) 1658
- Arbios, Pierre, forced enlistment of, in French military service 502, 510, 519, 522, 524, 530
- Arce, Aniseto, elected President of Bolivia 51
- Archaeological explorations in Turkey 1557, 1584, 1623, 1626
- Argentine Republic:
- All export duties removed 1
- Discrimination by United States import duties against Argentine unwashed wool in favor of Australian 1
- Steamship lines. 2, 6, 12
- Railroad guaranties increased 4
- Trip with the President 5
- Quarantine convention signed by commissioners of Argentine Republic, Brazil, and Uruguay 7
- A rival of the United States in the production of cereals 10
- Slavery, abolition of, in Brazil celebrated 12
- Immigration 13, 14
- Trade 10, 13
- Negro colony 14
- German colony 14
- Railroads 4, 15, 17
- Extra session of congress to consider guarantied railroads 17
- Submarine cable convention 568
- Armistead, Cadet, U. S. Naval Academy, obtains fifth place at Royal Naval College 744
- Arms and horses of United States taken at Janos returned 1293, 1300, 1301
- Army, hill providing for the increase of the German 616
- Arrest and search of Italians in Buffalo 1050, 1054, 1055
- Arrest of three United States sheriffs and two Indians in Mexico. (See Sheriffs.)
- Arrest. (See Imprisonment.)
- Art, international exhibition of, at Munich 667, 672, 674
- Arteaga, claim of, against Santo Domingo 1418, 1419, 1422
- Arvizú, Francisco, sentence of, for invading United States territory 1187, 1188, 1191
- Asehé, Henry, passport of 529, 534, 538, 539, 540
- Assumption of supreme executive power by the President of Guatemala 80
- Asylum, right of, in Hayti 936
- Attack by Mexicans on visiting Papago Indians 1197, 1199, 1223, 1225
- Audience of foreign ministers with the Emperor of China 291, 307
- Australia, exclusion of Chinese from 304, 340, 341
- Austria:
- Right to sue in forma pauperis 18, 20, 21
- Baron and Baroness Rothschild admitted to the court balls 22
- Reward to four members of the United States lifesaving stations and the wives of those killed in aiding the Kraljevica 23
- Submarine cables 568
- Treaty with Germany 611
- Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges 1919
- Bait, illegal sale of, by American vessels in Canada 808, 809, 810, 814
- sale of, to American vessels in Canada 803
- Baldwin, claim of Janet M., for the murder of her husband 1202, 1217
- Baldwin, Leon, murder of 1087, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1144, 1202, 1217, 1248, 1250, 1254
- Bandai-san, eruption of 1073
- Banking system of China 227
- Baptista, Maria da Luz, alias Mrs. Botelho, extradition of 1391, 1394
- Barcelona, exposition at, resolution of the Spanish Chambers congratulating the Queen and thanking foreign powers 1465
- Barillas, M. L., President of Guatemala, message of 80
- Baring Bros., of London, large stockholders in the Italian steam-ship line 6
- Bartel, W. E., passport issued to 9, 11
- Batoum, importation of kerosene to China from 267
- Beck, Anna, seizure of the, for illicit seal fishing 1805, 1807–1818
- Behring and Okhotsk seas, American whaling vessels forbidden to land for supplies or repairs in 1410, 1413
- Belgium:
- Flags on the Congo River 24, 27, 33, 36
- Debate on the subject of orders given Krupp for cannon 26
- Red flag forbidden to be displayed 28
- Spielmarken and imitations of stamps, Government obligations, etc 35, 41, 42
- Reception of Mr. Tree by the King 43
- International Exhibition of Sciences and Industry at Brussels 44, 45
- Peddlers, law governing, in the United States 46, 47
- Annual prize for the encouragement of intellectual effort 46
- Census, mutual interchange by governments of census of foreign residents 49
- Mission of the United States raised to the rank of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary 50
- Tonnage dues, differential rates of, 1866–1870, and navigation charges, abolition of 1920–1922
- Benson, J. A., extradition of 479, 480, 481, 482, 484
- Beriby district, claims of France and Liberia to 1084, 1086
- Bernhard, Albert, claim of, against Germany for arrest and imprisonment 631, 656
- Billington, Rev. A., complaint by, of seizure of the Henry Reed by the Congo authorities 24–26, 29–34
- Bible, publication of the, in Turkey 1624
- Blockade of—
- Bloomfield, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Bolivia:
- Bonded warehouses in China 245, 246, 265
- Bonding of kerosene in China 274
- Bonds issued by the Congo State 40
- Book on Mormonism, published without authority in Turkey, seizure of 1547
- Boston Ice Company, the 411, 412, 420, 429
- Botelho, Mrs. (See Baptista).
- Bougon, Lefevre, vs. Anthony Drexel et al., letters rogatory in the case of, issued by a New York court to be executed in France 510, 520, 532
- Boulanger, General 524, 526, 529, 533, 557, 560, 567
- Boulder Creek, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Boundary, dispute between—
- Boundary, trespasses of Mexican troops on the United States 1184
- Crossing of, between the United States and Mexico by cattle. (See Cattle.)
- Bounties, sugar, conference. (See Sugar.)
- Brazil:
- Boundary dispute with the Argentine Republic 55
- Cotegipe ministry, fall of 57
- Emigration of negroes from the United States 55, 59
- Quarantine convention with Argentine Republic and Uruguay 55
- Republican party organized 74
- Slavery, abolition of 57, 72, 73, 74, 75
- Telegraph lines 55
- Trademarks, law of 62
- Submarine-cables convention 568
- Tonnage and navigation charges, abolition of 1922
- Bribery attempted by the French minister to Hayti 931
- Bridgewater, claim for the illegal seizure of the, by Canadian officials 811
- Brudigam, Henry, imprisonment of 1095, 1140, 1142, 1221, 1227
- Brunner, J. A., arrested in Germany for nonperformance of military service 656
- Bueron & Co., Messrs. J. L 109, 126, 135, 152, 157, 163, 165, 169, 170
- Buffalo, arrest and search of Italians in 1050, 1054, 1055
- Burmah, claim of China to suzerainty over 222
- Burnett, James, imprisonment of 1256, 1257, 1258
- Butman, F. C., complaint of, of discrimination against direct trade with Cape Verde Islands 1381, 1384, 1385
- Byczik, Andrew, arrested in Germany for nonperformance of military service 657
- Cable. (See Telegraph.)
- Caisse d’amortissement bonds 877, 881
- Camacho, General, arrest of 52
- Camphor monopoly in Formosa 252, 262, 269, 300
- Campo, Marquis de. (See Spanish Central American steamship line.)
- Canada:
- Permission to sell cargoes of fresh fish refused two American vessels, at Halifax for repairs 695, 696, 697, 779, 780
- Seizure of property of Davis & Co. for illegal fishing 769
- Discriminatory duties on American vessels 770, 775, 794, 813, 814, 824
- The Golden Hind refused fresh water 772
- Aid to wrecked vessels in waters between the United States and 796, 824, 827
- Articles from the United States placed on the free list 789, 800
- Seizure of the Adams and the Doughty for illegal fishing 802
- Sale of bait to United States fishing vessels 803
- License, form of, for United States fishing vessels 808
- Illegal sale of bait by United States vessels 808, 809, 810, 814
- Claim for the illegal seizure of the Bridgewater 811
- Discrimination against United States vessels in Welland Canal 813, 814, 824
- Discrimination against products of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope entering through the United States 823, 824
- Seizure of Canadian sealing vessels in Behring Sea 1746–1822
- Fur-seals, treaty with Great Britain for protection of 1827–1844
- Canal, Nicaraguan100, 101, 458
- Canisius, Consul, charges of the German Government against 594, 663
- Cannon for the Belgian army, debate on the subject of orders given Messrs.
- Krupp for 26
- Canton, obstructions to navigation at 224, 250, 270, 336
- Lekin on kerosene reduced at 199
- Cape Haytien, revolution at 905
- (See Revolution in Hayti.) Blockade of, declared 928, 988, 990
- Cape Verde Islands, discrimination against the direct trade of the United States with, in favor of that through Lisbon 1381, 1384, 1385
- Capitation tax on United States citizens in Colombia 422, 424
- Caratal, British claim to jurisdiction over the gold-mining region of 698, 702
- Carazo, E., President of Costa Rica 101
- Carnot, Sadi, elected President of France 567
- Carolena, seizure of the, for illicit sealfishing1746–1757, 1788–1797, 1803–1806
- Carpio, José Manuel del, first vice-president of Bolivia 51
- Castanedo, Don Vicente, capture and execution of 87
- Cattle:
- Cavass, eviction of the, of the United States consulate at Jerusalem 1553, 1568, 1572, 1591, 1602
- Celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America at Madrid 1448, 1450
- Census of foreign residents, interchange of 49
- Census of Belgium 49
- Central American States, forcible union of, by Guatemala 131, 133, 144
- Central American States, congress of 165
- Cereals, the Argentine Republic, Paraguay, and Uruguay, rivals of the United States in the production of 10
- “Chaco limits,” dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay in regard to 1357
- Champerico and Northern Transportation Company of Guatemala 108, 126, 134, 152, 156, 163, 165, 168, 169, 170
- Chandler, Rear-Admiral, courtesies of Mr. Dinsmore to 438
- Chester, Commander, report of Haytian affairs 922
- Children, Belgian law regulating work of 1323
- Chili:
- Chi-Nan-Fu, missionary troubles at 238, 243, 266, 292, 309, 349
- China Merchants’ Navigation Company 245, 265, 275, 281
- China:
- Lekin on kerosene oil at Canton reduced 199
- Claim of the Ward estate 199, 227
- Russian railroads in Siberia 218, 221
- Missionaries, indemnity paid to 219
- Missionary troubles at Kwai Ping 220, 236, 266
- Claim to suzerainty over neighboring countries 223
- Foreign mission of Corea 220, 222, 225, 236, 248, 380, 381
- Overflow of the Yellow River 223, 232, 348
- Obstruction to navigation in the Pearl River near Canton 224, 250, 270, 336
- Monetary and banking system 227, 283
- Missionary troubles at Chi-Nan-Fu 238, 243, 266, 292, 309, 349
- Civil service 241
- Opium smuggling 244
- Coolies for Panama Canal 245, 291
- Bonded warehouses 245, 246, 265
- Drawbacks 251, 267, 278
- Camphor monopoly in Formosa 252, 262, 269, 300
- Rights of foreigners in China 254, 270, 325
- Taxation of goods of foreigners in China. (See Lekin, next line).
- Lekin in Formosa 254, 259, 270, 297, 335
- Rendition of fugitives from justice 258
- Diplomatic etiquette 260, 296, 300, 313
- Slavery 263
- Smuggling of fire-arms into China 265, 296, 297, 310
- Kerosene oil, exclusion of 266, 275
- Summer palace of the Emperor 268
- Land tenure of foreigners 270, 301
- Kerosene, bonding of 274
- Gold mines 1279, 321
- Earthquake in the province of Yunnan 285
- Taxation, internal, of imported goods.286
- Visit of the Emperor to the Temple of Heaven 287
- Audience of foreign ministers with the Emperor 291, 307
- Naval college 301
- Exclusion of Chinese from Australia 304, 340, 341
- Trade statistics 306, 322
- Treaty between Portugal and China 313, 341
- Exclusion of Chinese from the United States 313, 341, 350, 352, 354, 356, 360, 362, 363, 366, 371, 375, 379, 381, 388, 392, 393, 394, 396, 400, 401, 403, 404
- Marriage of native women with foreigners in China 319, 347, 349
- Formosa, description of 326
- Salvage regulations in Shantung province 337, 342
- China railway, the 339
- Copper and lead mines 339
- Retirement of the Empress regent 341
- Laws of descent, wills, etc 346
- Assumption of government by the Emperor 347
- Outrages on Chinese at Juneau 363, 391
- Indemnity for losses of Chinese by mob violence in the United States 363, 369, 378, 383, 389, 390, 392, 397
- Outrages on Chinese at Rock Springs 366, 391, 392, 397
- Evasion of laws restricting immigration by Chinese 379, 382
- Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges. 1923–1925
- Chinese:
- Claims for indemnity for outrages on 363, 369, 378, 383, 389, 390, 392, 397
- Emigration to Hawaii and exclusion of 864, 868, 871
- Exclusion of, from Australia 304, 340, 341
- Exclusion of, from the United States 313, 341, 350, 352, 354, 356, 360, 362, 363, 366, 371, 375, 379, 381, 388, 392, 393, 394, 400, 401, 403, 404
- Laborers for Panama Canal 245, 391
- Murder of, at Log Cabin Bar, Snake River 383, 387, 391, 395, 401, 403
- Officials, visit of 221
- Outrages on, at Juneau 363, 391
- Outrages on, at Rock Springs 366, 391, 392
- Women, sale of 379, 382
- Women, married to foreigners, status of 319, 347, 349
- Cholera in Chili 178, 179, 194, 196
- Christians, massacre of, in Tiary and Tehoman 1362, 1363
- Christmas, Fanning, and Penrhyn Islands, claim of Great Britain to 712, 727, 865, 866
- Cipriani, Leonetto, passport of 545, 549
- Citizenship and naturalization circular 1648
- Citizenship and naturalization, Norwegian law of 1490
- Citizenship and military service in France of United States citizens of French origin 510, 513, 519, 522, 530, 543, 556
- Citizenship of:
- Civil service in China 241
- Claims (against or by countries, see under each.; individuals, see Arteaga, Baldwin, Bernhard, the Bridgewater, Chinese, Cutting, Escobar, Frary, Lopez & Co., Lozano, MacCord, the Monitor, the Panama Star and Herald, Panama Canal Company, Panama Railroad Company, United States and Paraguayan Navigation Company, Van Bokkelen, Wachong &, Co., Walker, Ward, Wilson).
- Claret, Chilian 191
- Clearance refused in Hayti to the Winnie Lawry, Maggie Abbott, and Julia Fowler (which see).
- Cleveland, President, Bartholdi’s medal for 494
- Closing of Venezuelan ports against Curacao for harboring refugees, threatened 1636, 1637, 1639, 1640
- Clyde, The G. W., and Saginaw, charged with carrying contraband to Hayti 992, 997, 1000
- Coal Creek Mine, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Coalmines, Chilian 192
- Coasting and river trade of Ecuador opened to foreigners 490
- Coe, William, seizure by Germany of a pilothouse at Apia on land leased to 627, 648, 676
- Coins, etc., imitations of. (See Spielmarken.)
- Colombia:
- Telegraph line across the Isthmus of Panama 405, 406, 407, 408
- Quarantine of ports of, against Chili1 78, 179, 194, 196, 408, 409, 410, 422
- Political 409
- Financial 409
- Passport of F. W. Putnam 410, 420
- Ice monopoly on the Isthmus of Panama 411, 420, 429
- Concordat with the Holy See of Rome 416
- Capitation tax on United States citizens 422, 424
- Claim of the Panama Star and Herald 423
- Extraordinary powers given the President 425
- Message of President Nunez to the Colombian Congress reflecting upon foreign Governments 426, 427, 429
- Colonization of Lower California by United States citizens 1098
- Commerce. (See Trade.)
- Commercial agreement with Spain 1431, 1466, 1467
- Comoro Islands. (See Johanna Island.)
- Compensation for seizure of British sealing vessels in Behring Sea 1805
- Concordat between the Holy See of Rome and the Colombian Government 416
- Congo, Independent State of the—
- Conference, international maritime 740, 742
- Congress—
- Connell, E. R., enrollment of, at Batavia, for military service 1318, 1324, 1329, 1330
- Constitution, revised, adopted by the Netherlands 1321
- Consul, United States, not allowed to visit United States vessels at Puerto Cabello without a permit 1640
- Consular certificate sufficient in Spain in the case of sailors discharged and sent home 1430
- Consular and diplomatic correspondence, prepayment of 1537, 1539
- Consular judgments, execution of, in Turkey 1600
- Consulate, protection of American, by Swiss authorities from anarchists 1515
- Contraband of war taken on the Saginaw and G. W. Clyde for Hayti 992, 997, 1000
- Contracts, agreement of the Guatemalan Government to enforce contracts of Mr. Anderson with laborers imported for working on the Northern Railroad 92, 108
- Convention:
- Conveyances, law of, in China 346
- Convicts:
- Cook’s Islands, British protectorate over 875
- Coolies, Chinese, for Panama Canal 245, 291
- Copyright, International Convention 1511
- Cordova, University of 5
- Corea:
- Claim of China to suzerainty over. (See Mission.)
- Mission to the United States 220, 222, 225, 236, 248, 380, 381, 433, 436, 440, 441, 443, 444, 453
- Military instructors for the army 437
- Infectious diseases, regulations for preventing the introduction of 442, 668
- Missionaries 444, 446, 447
- Disturbances in Seoul 448, 449, 452
- Telegraph line from Seoul to Fusan 452, 454
- Correspondence, prepayment of diplomatic and consular 1537, 1539
- Cotegipe ministry, fall of 57
- “Corvée,” partial suppression of, in Egypt 1629, 1630
- Costa Rica:
- Boundary dispute between Nicaragua and79, 134, 455, 456, 468, 1345
- Nicaraguan Canal 100, 101
- Discriminatory duties in favor of vessels of Pedro Terres 93
- Discriminatory duties in favor of the Spanish Central American Steamship line 83, 90, 91, 95, 98, 116, 121, 124, 151, 154, 166, 469, 470
- Contracts with German and English steamship lines 159
- Discriminatory duties, retaliatory, imposed on Costa Rican vessels in the United States 469, 470
- Crown Prince of Germany, illness of 581, 583, 667
- Courts of justice in China 346
- Cousiña, Señora 192
- Cuba:
- Curaçao, closing of Venezuelan ports against, for harboring refugees, threatened. 1636, 1637, 1639, 1640
- Customs immunities of missionaries in Turkey 1562, 1568
- Cutting, A. K., claim of, against Mexico 1113, 1187, 1199, 1201
- Dahomey, Portuguese protectorate over 1389, 1390
- Davis, S. H. & Co., seizure by Canadian officials of property of 769
- Denmark:
- Petroleum test in 472, 473, 486, 487
- Protection to Swiss citizens by American minister 472
- Convict emigration to the United States 473, 476, 478
- Prohibition of importation of American pork 475, 477, 478, 486
- Extradition of J. A. Benson 479, 480, 481, 482, 484
- Discrimination against United States vessels 484
- Tonnage and navigation dues 484, 485
- Citizenship of C. A. B. Johnson 488
- Tonnage dues, differential rates of 1870–1871
- Tonnage dues and navigation charges 1925–1927
- Delivery of ships’ papers required by Venezuelan customs officers, 1642, 1644, 1645, 1646
- Descents, law of, in China 346
- Diamond, Julius, arrest of, in Germany for nonperformance of military service 657
- Diaz, President:
- Differential rates of tonnage dues. (See Tonnage.)
- Diplomatic etiquette in China 260, 296, 300, 313
- Diplomatic and consular correspondence, prepayment of 1537, 1539
- Discrimination:
- In Canada against the products of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope entering by way of the United States 823, 824
- Against the direct trade of the United States with the Cape Verde Islands in favor of that through Lisbon 1381, 1384, 1385
- Against United States vessels in Denmark 484
- In Spanish West Indies against United States vessels 1435
- (See also the J. W. Parker, Jeanie, Uranus.)
- Against American vessels in Welland Canal 813, 814, 824
- In favor of the Spanish Central American line by Mexico and the Central American States. (See Spanish Central American line and under each State.)
- Discriminatory:
- Disease, regulations for the prevention of infectious, in Corea 442, 468
- Disturbances in Seoul 448, 449, 452
- Dolphin, seizure of the, for illicit seal fishing 1788, 1795, 1797, 1805, 1807, 1818
- Doughty, E. M., seizure of the, for illegal fishing in Canada 802
- Drainpipe at El Paso 1254, 1264, 1282
- Drawbacks in China 251, 269, 278
- Drexel, Anthony, et al., letters rogatory issued by a New York court, to be executed in France 510, 520, 532
- Duties:
- Claim of Calixto, Lopez & Co. against Spain for refund of 1452
- Export, of every kind removed by the Argentine Government 1
- Internal, levied upon imported goods in China 286
- On Mexican tobacco in the United States1285, 1292
- On supplies for war vessels 1388
- Levied on the Saale and Leerdam (which see).
- Or dues. (See Discrimination or Discriminatory.)
- Eagle Pass, attempted kidnapping of a deserter by Mexican soldiers at 1176, 1185, 1186, 1187
- Earthquake in the province of Yunnan 285
- Easton, Rev. Mr., refused permission to pass through Russian territory 1411, 1414
- Ecuador:
- River and coasting trade opened to foreign vessels 490
- Claims, law disclaiming liability for foreign 490
- Quarantine of ports of, against Chili. (See Quarantine.)
- Egypt:
- Ehrenbacher, Mauny, application of, for passport 589, 593
- El Paso. (See Drainpipe and Wing-dam.)
- Emigration—
- Emperor of China assumes the Government 347
- Empress, dowager, of China, future residence of 285, 341
- Engineers and geologists, American, wanted in Persia 1359
- Entry refused American medical goods in Russia 1400, 1402
- Eruption of Mount Bandai-san 1073
- Erbers (alias Eberson), Albert, extradition of 1483, 1484, 1486, 1487, 1489, 1490
- Escobar y Armendariz, J., claim of, to the Santa Teresa grant 1294, 1303
- Etiquette, diplomatic, in China 260, 296, 300, 313
- Eureka, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Eviction of the cavass of the United States consulate at Jerusalem 1563, 1568, 1572, 1591, 1602
- Exclusion of kerosene from China 266, 275
- Exhibition, international, of art at Munich 667, 672, 674
- Exile to Siberia of Isidore Albert 1401, 1403
- Explorations, archajlogical, in Turkey 1557, 1584, 1623, 1626
- Exposition at Barcelona, resolution of the Spanish Chambers congratulating the Queen and thanking foreign powers 1465
- Expulsion of Jews. (See Jews.)
- Extradition treaty proposed between China and the United States 370, 375, 378
- Extraordinary powers given the President of Colombia 425
- Extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction, claim of Mexico to 1114, 1189
- Fanning, Christmas, and Penryn Islands. (See Christmas Island.)
- Featheringill, General, claim of Mrs. Samuel Prewett to estate of, in Spain 1467, 1468
- Filibustering expedition against Cuba from the United States 1471, 1472, 1473
- Finances of—
- Fine imposed on the Monserrat. (See Monserrat.)
- Firearms, smuggling of, into China 265, 296, 297, 310
- Fish, refusal of permission to two American vessels, at Halifax for repairs, to sell cargo of fresh 695, 696, 697, 779, 780
- Fisheries, Canadian, case of the Golden Hind 772
- Fishing, illegal, seizure of the Adams and Doughty at Halifax for 802
- Flags in the Independent State of the Congo, regulation in regard to the flyingof 24, 27, 33, 36
- Foreigners, land tenure of, in China— 270, 301
- Formosa:
- Fowler, Julia, the refused clearance from Port au Prince to Gonaives 981
- France:
- Claims against Chili 172, 181
- Tonnage and navigation dues 493
- Military service forced in France of American citizens of French origin.
- Pork, American, efforts to repeal laws prohibiting importation of 500, 508, 515
- Deportation of convicts from Tahiti to the United States 506
- From New Caledonia to the United States 507
- Letters rogatory, foreign 510, 520, 532
- Citizenship, American, and military service in France (see also military service) 510, 513, 519, 522, 530, 543, 556
- Naturalization certificate, sufficiency of, as proof of United States citizenship 510, 513
- Submarine cables convention 518, 528, 568
- Political situation 524, 526, 529, 533, 557, 560, 567
- Claim of B. F. Wilson against the Sultau of Johanna Island 527
- Registration of foreigners 558, 561
- Claim to Liberian territory 1084, 1086
- Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation with Mexico 1192
- Furseals, proposed treaty for protection of 1024–1826
- Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges 1927
- Frary, C. E., claim of, against Santo Domingo 1418, 1419, 1422
- Frederick III, Emperor of Germany, accession of 621
- Free port of Livingston and free zone abolished 159, 162
- Free ports in the Dutch West Indies 1948
- Free zone, Mexican 1266, 1282, 1283, 1284
- Freedom of religion in Japan 1078
- French minister to Hayti charged with attempted bribery 931
- Fruchier, J., forced enlistment of, in the French military service 493, 502, 510, 513, 519, 522, 524, 530
- Fruit, seeds, plants, trees, and shrubs from the United States placed on the Canadian free list 798, 800
- Fugitives from justice in China, rendition of 258
- Fulton, Rev. A. A., and sister mobbed at Kwai Ping 220, 336
- Fur-seals, negotiations for treaties for the protection, of 1804, 1823–1856
- Gallagher, Anthony, immigration of the family of 773, 774
- Gendrot, Albert, forced enlistment of, in the French military service 495, 497, 498, 499, 530
- Geologists and engineers, American, wanted in Persia 1359
- German colony for Argentine Republic 14
- Germany:
- Expulsion of Peter Mackeprang 571, 576
- Samoan affairs. (See Samoa.)
- Seizure at Apia of a pilothouse on land leased to William Coe 627, 648, 676
- Arrest and imprisonment of Schwab, Postel, Jaeobsen, Bruner, Byczik, Nielsen, Diamond, Oeriel, Klein, Goldschmidt, Jessen, q. v.
- Illness of the Crown Prince 581, 583, 667
- Pork, trichina in German 584, 609
- Pork, exclusion of Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian 585
- Pork, exclusion of German and French, from the United States 629
- Socialist law 609, 613
- Spielmarken 611, 613
- Treaty with Austria-Hungary 611
- Army, bill increasing 616
- Death of Emperor William 620, 675
- Accession of Frederick III 621
- Death of Frederick III 637, 639, 644, 647, 682, 683
- Income tax levied on Mrs. S. R. Honoy 623, 630, 649, 650, 655, 660
- Claim of Albert Bernhard for arrest and imprisonment 631, 656
- Accession of Emperor William II 639
- Marriages of Americans abroad, validity of 645, 649
- Military cases (see Jacobsen) 656
- International art exhibition at Munich 667, 672, 674
- The Saale, tonnage dues collected on 673, 674
- Exhibition of devices for the prevention of accidents 682
- Marriages between Chinese subjects and foreigners in China 683
- Furseals, treaty for protection of 1826
- Tonnage dues, differential rates of 1871–1878
- Tonnage dues and navigation charges, abolition of 1927–1933
- Ghoorkat, claim of China to suzerainty over 222
- Glasier, B. B., imprisonment of 1203, 1215
- Goldmines. (See Mines.)
- Golden Hind, the, refused permission to get fresh water in Canada 772
- Goldschmidt, Julius, arrest of, in Germany for nonperformance of military service 659
- Gonaïves declared blockaded 928, 988, 899
- Good Hope, discrimination in Canada against products of countries east of the Cape of 823, 824
- Goods:
- Goutier, Stanislaus, rebuked for interfering in Haytian affairs 940
- Grace, seizure of the, for illicit sealfishing 1788, 1795, 1797, 1805, 1807–1818
- GraceAranibar contract 182
- Great Britain:
- Claims against Chili 172, 174
- Sugar-bounties conference 685, 686, 688, 706, 707, 708, 710, 711, 715, 716, 717, 721, 726, 732, 733, 737, 745, 771, 772, 775, 769, 792, 793, 794, 796
- Mails, transmission of across the Atlantic 688
- Fish, refusal of permission to two American vessels, at Halifax for repairs, to sell cargo of fresh 695, 696, 697, 779, 780
- Boundary of British Guiana and Venezuela 698, 702
- Samoa, affairs in 704, 714, 725, 728, 738, 743, 752, 780, 790, 794
- Gurr vs. Marquardt 704, 780
- Christmas, Fanning, and Penrhyn Islands, claim to 712, 727
- International Maritime Congress 740, 742
- American naval cadets at the Royal Naval College 744
- Protectorate over Mosquito Reservation 759
- British territory traversed by Lieutenant Schwatka 768
- Seizure of property of Davis & Co. for illegal fishing in Canadian waters 769
- Discriminatory dues on American vessels in Canada 770, 775, 794, 813, 814, 824
- The Golden Hind refused permission to get fresh water in Canada 772
- Immigration to the United States of the family of A. Gallagher 773, 774
- Guaranty of the independence of Hawaii 774, 788
- Americanowned ships sailing under British flag 774, 789, 825
- Resistance of the captain of the North Erin to a United States marshal 787, 804
- Pearl Harbor concession to the United States 788, 799
- Lights in the Red Sea 790, 796, 812
- Aid to wrecked vessels in waters between Canada and the United States 796, 824, 827
- Articles from the United States placed on the Canadian free list 798, 800
- Right of access by Great Britain to all Hawaiian harbors 799
- Seizure of the Adams and the Doughty for illegal fishing in Canada 802
- Sale of bait to United States vessels in Canada 803
- Immigrations of Indians into Alaska from British Columbia 808, 809
- License, form of, for United States fishing vessels in Canada 808
- Illegal sale of bait in Canada by American fishing vessels 808, 809, 810, 814
- Claim for the illegal seizure of the Bridgewater in Canada 811
- Discrimination against United States vessels in Well and Canal 813, 814, 824
- Discrimination in Canada against yjroducts of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope coming through the United States 823, 824
- Illegal recruitment of sailors by the Mary Anderson in the New Hebrides. 825, 826
- The Sackville-Murchison incident 1667–1730
- Extradition treaty with the United States 1730, 1740
- Seizure of British sealing vessels in Behring Sea 1746–1822
- Fur seals, proposed treaty for protection of 1827–1844
- Tonnage dues and navigation charges, abolition of 1933
- Greenebaurn, consul, action of, in Samoa 600, 663
- Grévy, Jules, resignation of, as President of France 567
- Guadeloupe, tonnage duties on vessels from, removed (proclamation) 1666
- Guano deposit, claim to discovery of, on Vivorilla Key, by J. R. Schultz 119, 132
- Guatemala:
- Champerico and Northern Transportation Company (which see).
- Representation of, by Uniced States representatives in foreign countries 82, 829, 830
- Message of the President 80
- Insurrection 87
- Supreme power assumed by the President 80
- Forcible union of Central American States 131, 133, 144
- Free port of Livingston and free zone abolished 159, 162
- Rights, duties, etc., of foreigners 167
- Right of citizens of the United States to sue in 142, 149, 155, 158
- Discriminatory duties in favor of the Spanish Central American Steamship Line 90, 95, 98, 141, 148
- Gurr vs. Marquardt. (See Marquardt.)
- Gutierrez, Benjamin, sentence of, for invading United States territory 1187, 1188, 1191
- Half Cavalla, intervention of the United States asked to punish natives of 1081
- Harvey Archipelago. (See Cook’s Islands.)
- Hawaii:
- Guaranties of independence of 774, 788
- Pearl Harbor convention 788, 799, 834, 844, 860, 861, 865
- Financial 832
- Telegraph cable to North America 832, 847, 873
- Political 833, 835, 837, 849, 852
- Oath required of foreign residents 833
- Pearl River Harbor concession 788, 799, 834, 844, 860, 861, 865
- Treaty of reciprocity with the United States 834, 835, 844, 860, 861, 865
- Veto power of the King 837, 849, 852
- Immigrant laborers 834, 864, 868, 871
- Interisland submarine cable 866
- Exclusion of Chinese 868, 871
- Hayti:
- Financial and the caisse d’amortissement bonds 877, 881
- Submarine telegraph cable from Mole St. Nicholas to Santiago de Cuba 883
- Rebellion in (see also the Haitian Republic and disturbances at Port au Prince, etc.) 884, 887, 891, 892, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 904, 905, 916, 917, 918, 920, 921, 924, 930, 931, 932, 936, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 958, 960, 961, 962, 977, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 997, 1001, 1005, 1006
- Disturbance and incendiarism at Port au Prince 884, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 904, 917, 924
- Sanitary measures at Port au Prince 918, 919, 920, 921
- Blockade of Cape Haytien, Gonaïves, and St. Marc 928, 988, 990
- Attempted bribery by the French ministry 931
- Seizure of the Haytian Republic 932, 936, 941, 942, 943, 945, 958, 962, 982, 983, 984, 989, 991, 993, 994, 1001, 1005, 1006
- Seizure of the William Jones 933, 942, 943, 944, 960
- Blockade of Mole St. Nicholas, Port de Paix, and Jacmel 932
- Right of asylum 936
- Interference in Haytian domestic affairs, Consul Goutier, 940; Mr. Thompson 942, 982
- Recognition of Légitime’s government deferred 943, 994
- Clearance from Port au Prince refused the Winnie Lawry, 961; the Maggie Abbott, 980; the Julia Fowler 981
- Claim of A. C. Van Bokkelen 984, 985, 987, 988, 1007
- Contraband of war shipped from the United States to the insurgents 992, 997, 1000
- Haytian Republic, the, seizure of, by Government of Hayti 932, 936, 941, 942, 943, 945, 958, 962, 982, 983, 984, 989, 991, 993, 994, 1001, 1005, 1006
- Hector, James, shipments of American pork by, to Netherlands 1331, 1333, 1334
- Heidenheimer, Stephen E., passport of 561, 563, 564, 565
- Hellman, Max., passport of 553, 555
- Hertenstein, death of President 1545
- Henry Reed, the, seizure of, by the Congo State authorities 24–26, 29–34
- Henry, Walter, murder of 1097
- Honduras:
- Honey, Mrs. S. R., income tax levied on, in Germany 623, 630, 649, 650, 655, 660
- Horses and arms taken from United States sheriffs at Janos returned 1293, 1300, 1301
- Horses belonging to the United States delivered by Mexican authorities 1249
- Houston, R. P., guaranty for steamship lines to New York and north of Europe nude to, by the Argentine Government to 212
- Ice, monopoly of, on the Isthmus of Panama 411, 420, 429
- Immigration into the Argentine Republic 13, 14
- Imitation of American goods in Argentine Republic 13
- Of coins, Government obligations, etc. (See Spielmarken.)
- Imprisonment. (See Brudigam, Burnett, Glasier, Jacobsen, Mejia, Postel, Schwab, Woods, and Work.)
- Incendiarism at Port au Prince 897, 898, 899, 902, 917
- Indemnity for losses of Chinese by mob violence in theUnited States 363, 369, 378, 383, 389, 390, 392, 397
- Paid by Chinese Government to American missionaries 219
- Independence of the Sandwich Islands declared by France and England 774, 788
- Indians, immigration of, from British Columbia into Alaska 808, 809
- Industrial Property Convention 1390, 1391, 1535, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1545
- Infants, when of full legal age in China 346
- Infectious diseases, regulations for prevention of, in Corea 442, 668
- Instruction, proposed Turkish regulations for public 1550, 1561
- Instructors for the Corean army 437
- Insurrection in Guatemala 87
- Intellectual effort, prize offered by the King of Belgium for the encouragement of 46
- Interference in Haytian affairs, Consul Goutier rebuked for 940
- International. (See Congress, Exhibition, etc.)
- Intervention of the United States requested to punish the Half Cavalla tribes 1081
- Italy:
- Claim of, against Salvador 77, 78, 107, 120, 133, 143, 1050, 1416
- Claims against Chili 172, 186, 197
- Extradition of Salvatore Paladini 1037, 1046, 1047
- Pork, exclusion of American 1047
- Right of protection of foreign governments in Morocco 1049
- Arrest and search of Italians in Buffalo 1050, 1054, 1055
- Convict immigration law of the United States 1056, 1057
- Protectorate over Zoula 1057, 1058
- Tonnage dues, differential rates of, 1878–1880; and navigation charges, abolition of 1934–1937
- Italians, arrest and search of, in Buffalo 1050, 1054, 1055
- Jacmel declared blockaded 932
- Jacob, A. P., enforced enlistment of, in French military service 543, 556
- Jacobs, Jules, passport of 560
- Jacobsen, Hans, arrest of as a deserter from the German army 581, 586, 589
- Janos, arrest of United States sheriffs and posse at. (See sheriffs.)
- Japan:
- Trade with the United States 1059, 1061
- Political 1063, 1064
- Claim of the Monitor 1068
- Eruption of Mt. Bandai-san 1073
- Status of Mrs. Ratcliffe 1075, 1076, 1079
- Religious freedom 1078
- Fur seals, proposed treaty for protection of 1845, 1854
- Nemo, attack on the, while fishing off Copper Island 1849
- Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges 1937
- Jeanie, the, discriminatory duties levied on, at Havana 1445, 1449, 1469
- Jessen, H. F.,. arrest of, in Germany for nonperformance of military service 659
- Jews:
- Johanna Island:
- Johnson, C. A. B., citizenship of 488
- Joint-stock companies, Turkish regulations governing 1592
- Jones, Wm., seizure of the, by the Haytian authorities 933, 936, 942, 943, 944, 960
- Judgments, execution of consular, in Turkey 1600
- Juneau, outrages on Chinese at 363, 391
- Jurisdiction, claim of Mexico to extraterritorial criminal 1114, 1189
- Kai-Ping mines. (See Mines.)
- Karikuri, battle of 53
- Kerosene:
- Kessel, Frank, application of, for passport 615, 630
- Kidnaping attempted by Mexiean soldiers of a deserter at Eagle Pass 1176, 1185, 1186, 1187
- Klein, August, arrest of, in Germany for nonperformance of military service 659
- Kraljevica, reward to members of the United States lifesaving stations for aid to the 23
- Krupp, Messrs., orders given for cannon for the Belgian army 26
- Kwai Ping, missionary troubles at 220, 236, 266
- Kurds, attack by, on Nestorian Christians 1362, 1363
- Laborers, immigrant, in Hawaii 834, 864, 868, 871
- Lalanne, W.:
- Land:
- Lawry, the Winnie, refused clearance to Port de Paix 961
- Leary, R. P., commander, U. S. Navy, letters in regard to Samoan affairs 752
- Lease, restoration of real property in Turkey on termination of 1616
- Leerdam, the tonnage dues imposed on, in the United States 1342, 1344
- Légitime (see Revolution in Hayti), elected chief of the executive power 930, 993
- Lekin:
- Leper, emigration to the United States from Norway 1484, 1488
- Lesseps, Count F. de, letter presenting the Bartholdi medal to Mr. Cleveland 494
- Letters rogatory:
- Lewchew, claim of China to suzerainty over 222
- Liberia:
- License, form of, for American fishing vessels in Canada 808
- Life-saving—
- Life and property, imperial guaranty of, in Persia 1360
- Lights in the Red Sea 790, 796, 812
- Linden, J., medical goods of, refused entry into Russia 1400, 1402
- Lipszyc, Adolph, expulsion of, from Russia 1399
- Liquor law of Siam 1427
- Literary and artistic works, convention for the protection of 1542, 1545
- Livingston, free port of, and free zone abolished 159, 162
- Loan, Hawaiian 832
- Log Cabin Bar, Snake River, murder of Chinese at 383, 387, 391, 395, 401, 403
- Lopez & Co., Calixto, claim of, against Spain for illegally collected duties 1452
- Lower California, colonization of, by United States citizens 1098
- Lowinsohn, Sigismund, application of, for a passport 19, 20
- Lozano, Toribio, claim of, against the United States 1306, 1308
- Luis, Atanacio, attempted kidnapping of, by Mexican soldiers at Eagle Pass 1176, 1185, 1186, 1187
- MacCord, V. H., claim against Peru 1366, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1377
- Mackeprang, Peter, expulsion of, from Germany 571, 576
- Mails:
- Maneuvers of the Roumanian army 1396
- Maritime conference for greater safety of life and property at sea 740, 742, 1659
- Marriages:
- Marquardt, Gurr vs., question of jurisdiction at Apia in the case of 704, 780
- Mary Anderson, illegal recrui tment of sailors in the New Hebrides by the 825, 826
- Massacre of Christians in Tiary and Tehoman 1362, 1363
- Massowah. (See Zoula.)
- Mediation of the United States requested by the Government of Salvador to settle the claim of the Italian Government 77, 78
- Medal for President Cleveland, from the committee of the Bartholdi statue 494
- Mejia, Manuel, arrest of, at Phœnix, Ariz 1253, 1301
- Menist, Alexander, citizenship of 1338, 1341
- Meriam, Mary B., complaint of, of race prejudice in Liberia 1083
- Merida, seizure of the 99, 106, 122
- Message of the President of:
- Meuse, works on the fortifications of the, progressing 27
- Mexico:
- Murder of Leon Baldwin 1087, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1144, 1202, 1217, 1248, 1250, 1254
- Claim of Mrs. Baldwin for the murder of Leon Baldwin 1202, 1217
- Discrimination by Mexico in favor of the Spanish Central American line of steamers 1091, 1092, 1094, 1102
- Quarantine against Mexican cattle in Arizona 1094, 1095, 1099, 1248, 1252, 1255, 1259, 1261, 1262
- Imprisonment of Henry Brudigam 1095, 1140, 1142, 1205, 1221 1227
- Murder of Walter Henry 1097
- Colonization of Lower California by United States citizens 1098
- Boundary between the United States and Mexico 1099, 1109, 1110, 1111
- Claim of Howard C. Walker 1103, 1137
- Wingdamson the Rio Grande 1110, 1200, 1241, 1242, 1244, 1245, 1246
- Imprisonment of Oliver Woods 1112, 1136, 1138, 1143, 1184
- Claim of A. K. Cuttings 1113, 1189, 1199, 1201
- Kidnapping by Mexican soldiers of a deserter at Eagle Pass 1176, 1185, 1186, 1187
- Imprisonment of B. C. Work 1182, 1185, 1191, 1223, 1228, 1234, 1239
- Trespassing by Mexican troops on the United States frontier 1184
- Abduction of prisoners from Nogales, sentence of Mexican officers 1187, 1188, 1191
- Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation with France 1192
- Attack on visiting Papago Indians 1197, 1199, 1223, 1225
- Imprisonment of B. B. Glasier 1203, 1215
- Extradition of Shields and Wilson 1216, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1228, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1243, 1247
- Political 1216, 1220, 1229
- Surrender of horses belonging to the United States 1249
- Arrest of Manuel Mejia in Arizona 1253, 1301
- Drain-pipe at El Paso 1254, 1264, 1282
- Imprisonment of J. Burnett 1256, 1257, 1258
- Fine imposed on the Monserrat 1261, 1262, 1263, 1286, 1288, 1291
- The Free Zone (Zona Libre) 1266, 1282, 1283, 1284
- Duty in the United States on Mexican tobacco 1286, 1292
- Crossing of cattle over the United States houndary 1286, 1289, 1290, 1296, 1298, 1299
- Arrest of United States sheriffs and posse at Janos 1287, 1288, 1293, 1300, 1301
- Claim of J. Escobar y Armendariz to land in New Mexico 1294, 1303
- Claim of Toribio Lozano against the United States 1306, 1308
- Claim for the murder of Mexican shepherds in the United States 1306, 1308
- Extradition of Paulino S. Preciado 1308, 1315
- Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges 1943–1945
- Military instructors for the Corean army 437
- Military cases of naturalized United States citizens in Germany (see Jacobsen) 656
- Military service:
- Mines:
- Mint, Chinese 1283
- Mission to Belgium raised to the rank of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary 50
- Missionaries:
- American, in Turkey 1547
- As an educating agency in Egypt 1632
- Catholic, in China 271, 319
- Customs immun ities of, in Turkey 1562, 1568
- In China, statistics of Protestant 257
- In Corea 444, 446, 447
- Indemnity paid by Chinese Government to American 219
- Schools in Syria and Adana 1553, 1558, 1561, 1574, 1581, 1584, 1590
- Troubles at Chi-Nan-Fu 238, 243, 266, 292, 309, 349
- Troubles at Kwai Ping 220, 236, 266
- Modification of passports in the Netherlands, in regard to 1332, 1336
- Mole St. Nicholas declared blockaded 1932
- Monetary and banking system of China 227, 283
- Money of the Congo State, specimens of 43
- Monitor, the, claim against Japan 1068
- Monopoly of ice on the Isthmus of Panama 411, 420, 429
- Monserrat, the, fine imposed on 1261, 1262, 1263, 1286, 1288, 1291
- Moore, the William S., seizure of 91, 99, 106
- Morocco, right of protection in 1049
- Mormonism, book on, published without authority in Turkey, seizure of 1547
- Morse, A. P., selected as arbitrator in the Van Bokkelen claim, award 984, 985, 1007
- Mosquito Reservation, protectorate over 759
- Murebison-Sackville incident 1667–1730
- Murder of:
- Myerston, Morris, passport of 1422
- Nanchang, claim of China to suzerainty over 222
- Naval college of China 301
- Navigation charges, abolition of (See Tonnage.)
- Naturalization and citizenship circular 1648
- Naturalized citizens:
- Negro immigration to the Argentine Republic 14
- Nemo, the, attack on, while fishing near Copper Island 1849
- Nepaul, claim of China to suzerainty over 222
- Netherlands, The:
- Enrollment of E. R. Connell in the “Schuttery” at Batavia 1318, 1324, 1329, 1330
- Revised constitution adopted 1318
- Neutrality of the Suez Canal 1322
- Law regulating the work of children 1323
- Naturalization 1323
- Prohibition of pork 1330, 1331, 1333, 1334
- Modification of passports 1332, 1336
- Emigration of Belgian soldiers 1337
- Citizenship status of Alexander Menist 1338, 1341
- Tonnage duties levied on the Prins Mauritz 1341, 1343
- Tonnage dues levied on the Leerdam and Schiedam 1342, 1344
- Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges 1945, 1951
- Neutrality:
- New Hebrides, illegal recruitment of sailors by the Mary Anderson in 825, 826
- New Caledonia, deportation of convicts to the United States from 507
- New Year’s calls in China, etiquette of 260, 296, 300, 313
- Nicaragua:
- Nielsen, George, arrest of, in Germany for nonperformance of military service 657
- Nogales, abduction of prisoners from, by Mexican soldiers 1187, 1188, 1191
- North Erin, resistance offered to a United States marshal by the captain of 787, 804
- Novorossish, railway and harbor works at 1414
- Nuñez, Rafael, elected President of Colombia 401
- Oath required of foreign residents in Hawaii 833
- Obstructions to navigation in the Pearl River near Canton 224, 250, 270, 336
- Ocos and Quesaltenango Railroad. (See Buerron, J. L., & Co.)
- Oertel, Hermann, arrest of, in Germany for nonperformance of military service 658
- Onward, seizure of the, for illicit seal fishing 1746–1757, 1788–1789, 1803–1806
- Opium smuggling in China 244
- Trade of Macao, PortugueseChinese convention 319
- Orofino, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Ortez, Serapio Reyes, second vicepresident of Bolivia 51
- Outrages on Chinese 362, 363, 366, 383, 387, 389, 390, 392, 395, 397, 401, 403
- Overflow of the Yellow River 223, 234, 348
- Pacific Mail Steamship Company 90, 95, 116, 124, 151
- Paez, General, funeral of 1643, 1645
- Paladini, Salvatore, extradition of 1037, 1046, 1047
- Palestine, expulsion of Jews from. (See Jews.)
- Papago Indians, attack on visiting, hy Mexicans 1197, 1199, 1223, 1225
- Panama Canal Company, claim of, to the telegraph wire across the Isthmus 405
- Paraguay:
- Parker, J. W., the, discriminatory duties levied on, in Cuba 1432, 1433
- Parol proof of naturalization 547, 552
- Passports:
- Forms of applications and general instructions (circular) 1662
- As to keeping old 1511, 1512
- To widow of naturalized citizen who has not his papers 539, 542, 548, 552, 554
- To naturalized citizen who has not his papers 539, 542, 548, 552, 554, 555
- To naturalized citizen who does not intend to return 539, 542, 554, 561
- To children of naturalized citizens residing permanently abroad 539, 542
- For native citizens, as to intent 1499, 1507
- Modification of, in the Netherlands 1332, 1336
- Necessary in order to enter Germany by Alsace-Lorraine 540, 545, 635
- Regulations in Turkey 1563, 1572
- Visa of, dispensed with in Spain in the case of sailors discharged and sent home 1430
- (See Asché, Bartel, Cipriani, Ehrenbacker, Heidenheimer, Hellman, Jacobs, Kessel, Lalanne, Lowinsohn, Myerston, Pollok, Poyard, Putnam, Stein, Twyeffort, Ulmer, Weiss.)
- Pearl Harbor concession 788, 799, 834, 844, 860, 861, 865
- Peddlers, law governing, in the United States 46, 47
- Pedro Segundo Telegraph and Cable Company of Brazil 55
- Peking, land tenure of foreigners in 271
- Penryn, Christmas and Fanning Island. (See Christmas Island.)
- Persia:
- Peru:
- Petroleum:
- Petropaulovski, only port open to American whaling vessels in Kamtschkatka 1410, 1413
- Phœnix, arrest of Manuel Mejia at. (See Mejia.)
- Pinto, Concepcion, letter of, in regard to the “peace and friendship “treaty with Guatemala 142, 149, 155
- Political situation in France 524, 526, 529, 533, 557, 560, 567
- Political affairs in—
- Political organization of Switzerland 1507, 1512, 1519
- Pollok, S. M., passport of 1496, 1500
- Pootung Wharf and Godown Company 274
- Pork, American:
- Efforts to repeal French prohibitory laws 500, 508, 515
- Exclusion of, from Italy 1047
- Importation of, to Sweden and Norway, prohibited unless well salted and cured 1474, 1478
- Prohibition of importation of, into Denmark 475, 477, 478, 486
- Prohibition of importation of, by the Netherlands 1330, 1331, 1333, 1334
- Pork:
- Port au Prince:
- Port de Paix declared blockaded 932
- Portugal:
- Treaty with China 313, 341
- Discrimination against the direct trade of the United States with Cape Verde Islands in favor of that through Lisbon 1381, 1384, 1385
- Duty on supplies for vessels of war 1388
- Protectorate over Dahomey 1389, 1390
- Industrial property convention 1390, 1391
- Extradition of Maria da Luz Baptista alias Botelho 1391, 1394
- Blockade of Qnissembo 1394, 1395
- Differential rates of tonnage dues 1881–1883
- Postel, arrest of A. C. and Julius, on suspicion, at Zurich 579
- Poyard, Felix, passport of 549, 551, 554
- Preciado, Paulino S., extradition of 1308, 1315
- Prepayment of diplomatic and consular correspondence 1537, 1539
- Prewett, Mrs. Samuel, claim to estate of General Featheringill, left in Spain 1467, 1468
- Prins Mauritz, duties levied on,in the United States 1341, 1343
- Printing offices, Turkish law governing 1594, 1599
- Prison Congress, International 1416
- Prize, annual, offered by the King of Belgium for the encouragement of intellectual effort 46
- Probate courts in China 346
- Products of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope, discrimination against in Canada 823, 824
- Proios, H. A., extradition of, by Russia to Turkey 1405, 1406, 1573, 1582, 1583, 1588, 1603, 1607, 1620
- Protection of—
- Foreigners in Morocco 1049
- Furseals, negotiations for treaty for 1804, 1823, 1856
- Guatemalan citizens by representatives of the United States in foreign countries 82, 829, 830
- Life and property guarantied by the Shah 1360
- Naturalized United States citizens in their native country 1565
- Swiss citizens in Denmark by the United States minister 472
- United States consulate at Zurich from threatened attack by anarchists by Swiss authorities 1515
- Protectorate:
- Publication of the Bible in Turkey 1624
- Puerto Cabello, United States consul not allowed to board United States vessels at, without a permit 1640
- Putnam, F. W., passport of 410, 420
- Quarantine against Mexican cattle in Arizona 1094, 1095, 1099, 1248, 1252, 1255, 1259, 1261, 1262
- Quissembo, blockade of 1394, 1395
- Race prejudice in Liberia 1083
- Railroad:
- Champerico and Northern. (See Champerico, etc., Transportation Company.)
- The China 339
- Northern, of Guatemala 92, 108
- Ocos and Quesaltenango. (See Bueron, J. L., & Co.)
- In the Argentine Republic 4, 15, 17
- In Formosa 327
- In Persia 1364
- Russian 218, 221, 1404, 1406, 1407, 1414
- In Servia 1524
- In Siam 1427
- Swedish 1476, 1480
- Raratonga, British protectorate over 875
- Ratciiffe, Mrs. J., status of 1075, 1076, 1079
- Real estate, restoration of, in Turkey on termination of lease 1616
- Reception to Mr. Tree by the King of Belgium 43
- Reciprocity, treaty of, between the United States and Hawaii 834, 835, 844, 860, 861, 865
- Recognition of Légitime’s government deferred 943, 994
- Reconciliation, endeavors ef the archbishop and French minister and M. Magron to effect, of the two parties in Hayti 977
- Recruitment, illegal, of sailors by the Mary Anderson in the New Hebrides 825, 826
- Red flag forbidden to be displayed in Belgian communes 28
- Red sea, lights in 790, 796, 812
- Redding, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Refugees, threatened closing of Venezuelan ports against Curacao for harboring 1636, 1637, 1639, 1640
- Registration of foreigners in France 558, 561
- Reid, Gilbert. (See Chi-Nan-Fu.)
- Religious liberty:
- Rendition of fugitives from justice in China 258
- Representation of Guatemala by United States representatives in foreign countries 82, 829, 830
- Republican party organized in Brazil to establish a republic 74
- Residents, interchange of census of foreign 49
- Resolutions passed by the Spanish Chambers thanking foreign powers for sending squadrons to the exposition at Barcelona 1465
- Revolution in Hayti (see The Haytien Republic and Port au Prince) 884, 887, 891, 892, 895–902, 904, 905, 916–18, 920, 921, 924, 930–2, 936, 941–5, 958, 960–2, 977, 980–4, 988–94, 997, 1001, 1005, 1006
- Rice, duty on, in the United States 370
- Riemenschneider, a convict, emigration of, from Denmark to the United States 476
- Rights:
- Rio Grande. (See Wing-dams.)
- River and coasting trade of Ecuador opened to foreigners 490
- Robinson, Sandford, manager of the Ocos, etc., Railroad 109, 134, 152, 164, 170
- Rock Springs, outrages on Chinese at 366, 391, 392, 397
- Rothschild, Baron and Baroness, admitted to court balls at Vienna 22
- Roumania:
- Royal Naval College, England: first and fifth places obtained by Messrs. Taylor and Armistead 744
- Russia:
- Petroleum 1397
- Expulsion of Adolph Lipszyc 1399
- Expulsion of Jews 1399
- Entry refused to American medical goods 1400, 1402
- Isidore Albert exiled to Siberia 1401, 1403
- Railroads 1404, 1406, 1407, 1414
- Extradition of H. A. Proios at request of the Turkish Government 1405, 1406
- American whaling vessels refused permission to land for supplies or repairs in Behring and Okhotsk Seas 1410, 1413
- Rev. Mr. Easton refused passage through Russian territory 1411, 1414
- Railway and harbor works at Novorossisk 1414
- International Prison Congress 1416
- Concession to, of exclusive right to erect tanks for Russian petroleum in Cairo 1549, 1556
- Fur-seals, treaty for their protection 1854–1856
- Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges 1952–1954
- Ruz, General, filibustering expedition against Cuba 1471, 1472, 1473
- Saale, the, tonnage dues levied on 673, 674, 1931, 1933
- SackvilleMurchison incident 1667–1730
- Saginaw, the, charged with carrying arms to Haytian insurgents 992, 997, 1000
- Sailors discharged and sent home, certificate of consul sufficient in Spain in the case of 1430
- Sale of Chinese women in America 379, 382
- Sale of fresh fish, permission for, refused to two American vessels at Halifax forrepairs 695, 696, 697, 779, 780
- Salvador:
- Salvage in Shantung province 337, 342
- Samoa, affairs in 574, 575, 577, 578, 591, 594, 613, 627, 648, 651, 662, 675, 676, 704, 714, 725, 728, 738, 743, 752, 780, 790, 794
- Sandwich Islands. (See Hawaii.)
- Santa Teresa grant, claim of Escobar y Armendariz to (whom see).
- Santo Domingo:
- Sayward, W. P., seizure of the, for illicit seal fishing 1788, 1795, 1797, 1805
- Schiedam, the tonnage dues imposed on, in the United States 1342, 1344
- Schools, proposed Turkish regulations for public instruction inimical to foreign 1550, 1565
- Schools, missionary, in Syria and Adana 1553, 1558, 1561, 1574, 1581, 1584, 1590
- Schwab, Charles, arrest of, at Zurich 579
- Schwatka, Lieutenant, British territory traversed by 768
- Schultz, J. R., claim of, to discovery of guano deposits on Vivorilla Key 119
- Sciences and industry, international exhibition of, at Brussels 44, 45
- Seals, fur, negotiations for treaties for the protection of 1804, 1823–1856
- Seal fishing, seizure of the Carolena, Onward, Thornton, Grace, Dolphin, W. P. Sayward, Alfred Adams, Anna Beck, Ada, and Araunah (which see).
- Seamen:
- Seattle, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 389, 391
- See, Holy, of Rome, concordat of the Colombian Government with 416
- Seoul:
- Servants, passports necessary for, by German regulations 545
- Servia, railway to Salonica 1524
- Shanghai, bonded warehouses at 245, 246, 265
- Shantung province, salvage in 337, 342
- Shepherds, claim for murder of Mexican, in the United States 1306, 1308
- Sheriffs, arrest of three United States, and two Indians, in Mexico 1287, 1288, 1293, 1300, 1301
- Sherwood, letter of, to the Samoan secretary of state 666, 667
- Shields, Gulie, and Isaac Wilson, extradition of 1216, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1228, 1236, 1237–1243, 1247
- Ships:
- Ships’ papers, delivery of, required by Venezuelan customs officers 1642, 1644, 1645, 1646
- Siam:
- Slavery:
- Smuggling of firearms into China 265, 296, 297, 310
- Socialist law in Germany 609, 613
- Soldiers, emigration of Belgian 1337
- Spain:
- Claims against Chili 172, 186, 197
- Liability of Spaniards, naturalized citizens of other countries, to military service in Spain 1429
- Certificate of a consul sufficient in the case of sailors discharged and sent home 1430
- Commercial agreement with the United States 1431, 1466, 1467
- Discriminatory duties on United States vessels in Spanish West Indies 1435
- Exposition at Barcelona; resolution of the Spanish Chambers congratulating the Queen and thanking foreign powers 1465
- Claim of Mrs. Pruett to the estate of General Featheringill 1467, 1468
- Adluteration of wines and imitation of trademarks of wines 1470, 1471
- Filibustering expedition against Cuba from the United States 1471, 1472, 1473
- Spanish Central American Steamship Line, discrimination in favor of:
- Spielmarken, imitations of stamps, etc., imported from Belgium and Germany 35, 41, 42, 611, 613
- Squak Valley, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Stanley, H. M., seizure by, of the Henry Reed. 24–26, 29–34
- Status:
- Steamship lines:
- Contracts of the Costa Rican Government with German and English 159
- From Argentine Republic 2, 6, 12
- Pacific Mail. (See Pacific Mail Steamship Line.)
- Spanish Central American. (See Spanish Central American Steamship Line.)
- Stein, Charles, application of, for a passport 641, 646
- Saint Marc declared blockaded 928, 988, 990
- Submarine cables, convention for the protection of 518, 528, 568
- Suez Canal, neutrality of 1322
- Sugar bounties conference 685, 686, 688, 706, 707, 708, 710, 711, 715, 716, 717, 721, 726, 732, 733, 737, 745, 771, 772, 775, 789, 792, 793, 794, 796
- Suit:
- Sulphur springs in Formosa 332
- Summer palace of the Chinese Emperor 268
- Supplies and repairs refused United States whaling vessels in Behring and Okhotsk Seas 1410, 1413
- Supplies for war vessels, duty on 1388
- Supreme executive power assumed by the President of Guatemala 80
- Suzerainty of China over surrounding countries 222
- Swiss, protection to, by the United States minister in Denmark 472
- Sweden and Norway:
- Pork, American, prohibited, unless well salted and cured 1474, 1478
- Political 1475, 1479
- Railroads 1476, 1489
- Trade with the United States 1477
- Tariff laws 1482
- Extradition of Albert Ebers, alias Eberson 1483, 1484, 1486, 1487, 1489, 1499
- Leper emigration to the United States 1484, 1488
- Norwegian law of citizenship and naturalization 1490
- Right of foreigners to hold and lease land, special permission necessary 1490
- Fur-seals, treaty for protection of 1856
- Tonnage dues, differential rates of 1883–1908
- Tonnage and navigation charges, abolition of 1954–1956
- Switzerland:
- Protection to Swiss citizens in Denmark by United States representatives 472
- Passport of S. M. Pollok 1496, 1500
- Tariff 1496
- Passports, as to the animus revertendi of native citizens 1499, 1507
- Mormons in Switzerland and emigration to the United States 1500, 1532, 1534, 1535
- Political 1507, 1512, 1519
- Passports, as to keeping old 1511, 1512
- International Copywright Convention 1511
- Protection of United States consulate at Zurich from threatened attack by anarchists 1515
- Passport for Mrs. J. Weiss 1515, 1516, 1517, 1531
- Expulsion of anarchists from Switzerland 1517, 1533
- International Law Congress 1535
- Industrial Property Convention 1535, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1545
- Prepayment of diplomatic and consular correspondence 1537, 1539
- Trade-marks, proposed treaty with the United States 1540, 1543
- Literary and Artistic Works Convention 1542, 1545
- Death of President Hertenstein 1545
- Tacoma, claim of Chinese for loss of property at 391
- Tahiti:
- Tariff:
- Taylor, cadet United States Naval Academy, obtains first place at Royal Naval College 744
- Tax:
- Tehoman, threatened massacre of Christians in Tiary and 1362, 1363
- Telegraph lines:
- Telegraph cable:
- Terres, Pedro, contract of, with the Costa Rican Government favoring vessels of, by discriminatory duties 93
- Tiary, threatened massacre of Christians in Tehoman and 1362, 1363
- Thelamaque, Seide. (See Revolution in Hayti,
et seq.)
- Death of 924
- Thibet, claim of China to suzerainty over 222
- Thornton, seizure of the, for illicit seal-fishing 1746–1757, 1788–1797, 1803–1806
- Tobacco, duty in the United States on Mexican 1285, 1292
- Tonnage and navigation dues, abolition of 1909–1956
- Circular to United States ministers 1909–1919
- Austria 1919
- Belgium 1920–1922
- Brazil 1922
- China 1923–1925
- Denmark 1925–1927
- France 1927
- Germany 1927–1933
- Great Britain 1933
- Italy 1934–1937
- Japan 1937
- Mexico 1943–1945
- The Netherlands 1945–1951
- Peru 1951
- Russia 1952–1954
- Sweden and Norway 1954–1956
- Duplicates of these documents were printed, according to their dates, with Denmark, France, Germany, and Great Britain.)
- Tonnage dues, differential rates of 1857–1908
- Tonquin, claim of China to suzerainty over 222
- Tour of inspection through China 326
- Tourists, American, increased number of, in Egypt 1631, 1632
- Trade, direct, of the United States with Cape Verde Islands discriminated against m favor of that through Lisbon 1381, 1384, 1385
- Trade-marks:
- Treaties, Chinese, volume of, not obtainable 244
- Treaty between Germany and Austria-Hungary 611
- Trespasses by Mexican troops on the United States frontier 1184
- Trichina in German pork 584, 609
- Trip with the President of the Argentine Republic 5
- Turkey:
- Expulsion of Jews from Palestine 1546, 1559, 1562, 1566, 1588, 1590, 1592, 1615, 1617, 1619, 1624, 1627, 1628
- Seizure of a book on Mormonism published without authority 1547
- Petroleum, exclusive concession to Russia for the erection of tanks for Russian, in Egypt 1549, 1556
- Regulations proposed governing public instruction 1550, 1561
- Missionary schools in Syria and Adana 1553, 1558, 1561, 1574, 1581, 1584, 1590
- Archæological explorations in Asia Minor 1557, 1584, 1623, 1626
- Customs immunities of missionaries 1562, 1568
- Eviction of the cavass of the United States consulate at Jerusalem 1563, 1568, 1572, 1591, 1602
- Passport regulations 1563, 1572
- Protection to naturalized United States citizens 1565
- Extradition of H. A. Proios by Russia 1573, 1582, 1583, 1588, 1603, 1607, 1620
- Regulations governing joint stock companies 1592
- Law governing printing offices 1594, 1599
- Execution of consular judgments 1600
- Expulsion of Jews from Jaffa 1615, 1617, 1619
- Restoration of real estate alter termination of lease 1616
- Publication of the Bible 1624
- Suppression of the “corvée” 1629, 1630
- Tourists, American, in Egypt 1631, 1632
- Missionaries as educators in Egypt 1632
- Twyeffort, S. P., passport of 550, 553, 554
- Ulmer, S. H., application of, for a passport 660, 661
- Union, forcible, of Central American States by Guatemala 131, 133, 144
- United States, claims of, against Chili 180, 186, 195, 197
- United States and Paraguayan Navigation Company, claim of 1346, 1354, 1355, 1356
- Uranus, the, discriminatory dues collected on, in Spanish West Indies 1450
- Uruguay, congress of private international law at Montevideo 1635
- Van Bokkelen, A. C., claim of, against Hayti 984, 985, 987, 988, 1007
- Van Gele, Captain, seizure by, of the Henry Reed 24, 26, 29, 34
- Venezuela:
- Dispute as to boundary between Great Britain and 698, 702
- Closing of, ports threatened against Curacao 1636, 1637, 1639, 1640
- Visiting United States ships at Puerto Cabello not allowed the United State consul without a permit 1640
- Delivery of ships’ papers required by Venezuelan customs officers 1642, 1644, 1645, 1646
- Obsequies of General Paez 1643, 1645
- Vessels, United States consul at Puerto Cabello not allowed to visit United States, without a permit 1640
- Veto power of the King of Hawaii 837, 849, 852, 871
- Visit of the Emperor to the Temple of Heaven 287
- Vivorilla Key, discovery of guano deposits on 119, 132
- Wachong & Co., claim of, for loss at Seattle 389, 392
- Wages of laborers in Chili 193
- Walker, Howard C., claim of, against Mexico 1103, 1137
- Ward, F. T., claim of estate of 199, 227
- Weiss, Mrs. John, passport of 1515, 1516, 1517, 1531
- Welland Canal, discrimination against American vessels in 813, 814, 824
- West Indies, free ports in the Dutch 1948
- Whaling vessels, American, refused supplies and repairs in Behring and Okhotsk Seas 1410, 1413
- Whampoa, obstruction to navigation at 224, 250, 270
- Wilbur, Eugene, illegal recruitment of sailors in the New Hebrides by 825, 826
- William, Emperor of Germany, death of 620, 675
- William II, Emperor of Germany, accession of, and proclamations 639
- Wills, law of, in China 346
- Wilson, Isaac, and G. Shields, extradition of 1216, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1228, 1236, 1237–1243, 1247
- Wilson, B. F., claim to land in Johanna Island 527
- Wine, adulteration and imitation of trademarks of, in Spain 1470, 1471
- Wing-dams on the Rio Grande 1110, 1200, 1241, 1242, 1244, 1245, 1246
- Wool, unwashed Argentine, United States import duties a discrimination
against, in favor of Australian 1
- Refusal to take, makes Argentine Republic, Paraguay, and Uruguay rivals of the United States in the production of cereals 10
- Woods, Oliver, imprisonment of 1112, 1136, 1138, 1143, 1184
- Work, B. C., imprisonment of 1182, 1185, 1191, 1223, 1228, 1234, 1239
- Wrecked vessels, arrangement for reciprocal aid to, in waters between the United States and Canada 796, 824, 827
- Yangtze Kiang, drawbacks on the 251, 269, 278
- Yellow fever at Port an Prince 918,
919, 920, 921
- On the Boston 983
- Yellow River, overflow of 223, 232, 348
- Yunnan, earthquake in the province of 285
- Yzabel, customhouse moved from Livingston to 159, 163