No. 1061.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus.
Washington, January 28, 1888.
Sir: I have received your exceedingly interesting dispatch No. 49, of the 30th ultimo, touching the missionary schools in Syria and the vilayet of Adana, and desire to commend your course regarding these important matters. The Department coincides with you that a tour in those districts would enable you to better understand the conditions [Page 1559] against which you are constantly required to contend, and tor that reason permission is hereby granted, to be exercised within your discretion, to visit Syria, Adana, and such other portions of the Turkish Empire to which you may find it necessary to go, for the purpose of thoroughly studying the situation and of conferring with our consular representatives upon the subject.
In anticipation of a further interesting report in the near future,
I am, etc.,