No. 54.
Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Fish.
La Paz, Bolivia, March 31, 1875. (Received June 14.)
Sir: I am glad indeed to report that the news of a complete victory over the revolutionists at Cochabamba has been received in this city, [Page 89] and general rejoicing is heard in all quarters. The firing of cannon, the ringing of bells, with the vivas of the multitude, at 10 o’clock last night, announced the triumph of the government in Cochabamba.
To-day the city is decorated with bunting, and the “bando” is being published confirming the news received last night of the total defeat of the revolutionists.
The troops of the government were investing the city of Cochabamba, and had thrown up breastworks preparatory to making an assault upon the barricades of the revolutionists, when, on the morning of the 28th instant, at 3.30 o’clock, the revolutionists sallied from their defenses in order to surprise the government forces, but, unfortunately for them, the troops were prepared to receive their assaults, and in thirty minutes the rebels were defeated and put to flight. The government troops followed up their advantage, and at 4 o’clock a.m. they entered the city in triumph.
The reported loss of the government is 20 killed and as many wounded. The loss of the enemy not known. This will secure to the present administration quiet possession of the country for a few months at least.
I would respectfully suggest a letter of congratulation from the President or from the Department to His Excellency President Thomas Frias, as all resistance to the government has been successfully defeated.
I am, &c.,