No. 53.
Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Fish.

No. 58.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 40, in the matter of Mr. Daniel Poso, I have the honor to transmit copy of official note to the honorable minister for foreign affairs, and copy of his reply, with translation.

It will be observed that the minister, in an interview with me, authorized me to assure Mr. Poso that the government would not molest him in any way whatever should he leave this legation to attend to his ordinary business in the city, yet within a few days thereafter his house was entered and searched, and, although the searching party did not make known the object of the entry into his house, some of the party demanded of the servants where Mr. Poso was.

Mr. Poso fully believed that his house was searched to find and arrest him, and, in order to ascertain the facts, I dispatched the note of inquiry to the honorable minister. I was glad indeed to receive the satisfactory reply of the minister in the spirit in which it was written, otherwise I should have been compelled to believe the government of Bolivia had acted treacherously with this legation.

Asking for the approval of my Government in the premises,

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 58.]

Mr. Reynolds to Dr. Baptista.

No. 7.]

To the Honorable Dr. Don M Baptista,
The Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Sir: Referring to our last interview in the matter of Messrs. Daniel Poso, Criales, and Sol is, I am glad to report to your excellency that upon informing Mr. Poso and Mr. Criales what you authorized me to say, viz: “That the government preferred no charge of a criminal character against them, and that they might proceed in any business they desired without molestation from the authorities in this city,” they expressed great appreciation and thankfulness for your generous assurance given, and manifested a desire to return to their domiciles, yet Mr. D. Poso concluded to remain a few days more in the room of this legation.

[Page 88]

They authorized me to thank you in their behalf for assurances you were kind enough to transmit to them through this legation. I am now informed that a few days after our interview referred to, when those assurances were given to me, a squad of soldiers, under charge of an officer of police, entered the house of Mr. Poso without showing any warrant of authority, and thoroughly searched all the rooms without even stating the object of their search, and left the house without making any arrest.

It is the belief of Mr. Poso, and also of his friends, that the search was made in order to find and take in charge his person. This I cannot believe, in view of the assurances made to me by your excellency, and I respectfully ask at your hands an explanation of the search made on the 3d instant in Mr. Poso’s house, if compatible with the public interests of your government, so that I may be able to set at rest the groundless charge of an attempt to make an arrest of one whom the government, through your excellency, assured me would not be molested.

You are well aware that the cases of Messrs. Poso and Criales have been reported to my Government, as I stated to you, and, while awaiting reply from the State Department, it would cause much embarrassment if either of them should be arrested or in any way molested by the Bolivian government, and I would respectfully ask that due notice be given this legation before any proceeding is commenced against either of them.

Renewing my assurances of high consideration for your excellency, and again extending the cordial friendship manifested by my Government for the welfare of the constitutional government of the Republic of Bolivia.

I am, sir, most respectfully, your obedient servant,

United States Minister-Resident to Bolivia.

(Inclosure 2 in No. 58.—Translation.)

Dr. Baptista to Mr. Reynolds.

Sir: I have the honor to respond to your dispatch of date on yesterday.

The classes of the mutinous [persons] of the month of December are fully described by legal tribunal in the “Rejemen Legal,” No. 62, law page, and first column, they are registered.

Mr. Daniel Poso is not found embraced in any class of those enumerated, and he is safe against all proceedings or judgments which may emanate from his antecedents. Neither should he fear any interposition whatever on the part of the government authorities by reason of his present conduct, nor from henceforth, or in the future, should it be, as heretofore, free from revolutionary agency politically.

The employment of the police that searched the house of Mr. Poso had no other motive than to ascertain if, according to notice received by them, they could find hidden in said house a mutinous agent who was sent from Puno. The deputy of police did wrong in not stating to Mr. Poso the object of his mission, [search.]

This ministry has no official knowledge of what Mr. Adolfo Criales is charged, as embraced in any of those heads of recorded classifications; but the press of this city point him out as subject to liabilities of classes No. 1 and No. 3.

If the common courts of justice of the county proceed against him in consequence, the government will not intervene or interrupt the proceedings.

These explanations conclude or embrace those I have the honor to give to your excellency; and, in conclusion I repeat, with all consideration, your polite and constant servant,


To His Excellency the Honorable Minister-Resident
from the United States of North America, present.