Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, with the Annual Message of the President, December 6, 1875, Volume I

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, with the Annual Message of the President, December 6, 1875, Volume I
United States Government Printing Office
- Message.
- Convention between the United States of American and His Majesty the King of
the Hawaiian Islands. (Documents 1–4)
- Foreign Relations.
- List of Papers, with their Subjects.
- Proclamation. (Document 5)
- Argentine Republic. (Documents 6–20)
- Austria-Hungary. (Documents 21–32)
- Barbary States. (Documents 33–42)
- Belgium. (Documents 43–44)
- Bolivia. (Documents 45–59)
- Brazil. (Documents 60–87)
- Central American States. (Documents 88–120)
- Chili. (Documents 121–127)
- China. (Documents 128–190)
- Colombia. (Documents 191–205)
- Denmark. (Documents 206–208)
- Ecuador. (Document 209)
- France. (Documents 210–238)
- Germany. (Documents 239–256)
- Great Britain. (Documents 257–293)
- Greece. (Documents 294–299)
- Hawaiian Islands. (Documents 300–308)