No. 52.
Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Fish.

No. 57.]

Sir: Since my last dispatch nothing of special interest has transpired, except the review and summing up “of results and details of the struggle” on the 20th instant.

The official statement made yesterday in relation to casualties of battle is as follows: Government loss 10 killed and 40 wounded. This includes the loss of the rescuing force under the command of Col. John Granier. The rebel loss is stated at 130 killed and many wounded.

The government loss I am inclined to believe entirely correct, as the names of the killed and wounded are given in full. The rebel loss I think is overstated, unless very many have been killed since the 20th instant upon being captured.

[Page 87]

The whole affair is tragic, and in some respects scarcely within the bounds of belief. Great indignation is expressed at the burning of the capital or palace building, and this feeling is intensified by the fact that there was sufficient powder in the basement to destroy the principal part of the city had it been ignited.

The news of the defeat of the revolutionists in Youngar is confirmed, and to-day all North Bolivia is reported tranquil, with the government in quiet possession.

No definite information from Cochabamba, except that the President with the army has reached the vicinity of that city. * * *

I am, &c.,