No. 55.
Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Fish.
La Paz, Bolivia, April 7, 1875. (Received May 13.)
Sir: Referring to my dispatches Nos. 58 and 59, in relation to the attempted revolution of the 20th ultimo, in La Paz, I have the honor to inform the Department that I have refused asylum in this legation to all persons engaged in the burning, of the palace building, as described in my dispatches referred to.* I was impelled to make this decision from the fact that, had they succeeded in their attempt to completely destroy the building by fire and set match to the magazine of powder, the United States would have had no legation-room in La Paz, if indeed any “minister-resident” living.
The further fact that the government of Bolivia could rightfully demand them as criminals, to be tried by the courts of the country for incendiarism and murder, was a serious obstacle to my receiving them in asylum.
Asking the approval of the Department for my official action in the premises,
I am, &c.,
- See dispatches 56 and 57.↩