Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys, minister of foreign affairs, to Mr. Dayton, United States minister.
Sir: I have just received the answer of the minister of marine to the communications which I had addressed him, as I have had the honor to inform you by my letter of the 23d of last month, in regard to the stay at Calais of the vessel the Rappahannock. It appears from it that this matter has already attracted the attention of M. le Cte. de Chasseloup Laubat, and that he had hastened to give the necessary orders that the captain of the vessel referred to might be able solely to put it in a state of navigability, and revictual with provisions, and coal. It results also from an inquiry which was entered into on the spot, that Calais was not at all the port of destination of the Rappahannock when she left the shores of England; that unforeseen accidents only led her to take refuge in our waters, and that we could not under the circumstances refuse her an asylum any more than to any other vessel placed in the same situation. This vessel has been, however, and continues to be, the object of special surveillance, and you yourself will be satisfied with the care with which watch is kept that no suspicious object be introduced on board, by reading the report on this subject addressed to the department of the marine by the competent local authority, and herewith annexed in copy. I will add that M. le Cte. de Chasseloup Laubat in limiting the facilities accorded to the Rappahannock to what is demanded for the equipment and seaworthiness of an ordinary vessel of commerce, has besides given directions not to authorize her to prolong her stay at Calais, so soon as she shall be in a state to go to sea.
Receive the assurances of the high consideration, &c.
Mr. Dayton,
Minister of the United States at Paris.