[697] *Additional evidence from Melbourne and Cape Town, submitted to the arbitrators on the 15th of December, 1871, but not included in the evidence then printed.
[102] [698] *Mr. Adamson, consul, to Mr. Davis, Assistant Secretary of State.
of the United States of America,
Melbourne, September 25, 1871.
Melbourne, September 25, 1871.
[103] Affidavit of G. W. Robbins.
In faith and testimony whereof, I, the said
notary, have hereunto subscribed my name and set and affixed my seal
of office, at Melbourne, in the said colony
of Victoria, this
twenty-fifth day of September, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.
[104] Affidavit of S. P. Lord.
In faith and testimony whereof I, the said
notary, have hereunto subscribed my name and set and affixed my seal
of office, at Melbourne, in the said colony
of Victoria, this
twenty-fifth day of September, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.
[106] Affidavit of J. A. Monteath.
In faith and testimony whereof I, the said
notary, have hereunto subscribed my name and set and affixed my seal
of office, at Melbourne, in the said colony
of Victoria, this
twenty-fifth day of September, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.
[108] [730]
*Mr Edgecombe, consul, to Mr. Fish, Secretary of State.
of the United States of America,
Cape Town, November 4, 1871.
Cape Town, November 4, 1871.
[110] No. 2.
In the matter of the confederate steamer
Sworn at Cape Town, Cape of Good
Hope, this 20th day of October, 1871, before me.
[111] No. 3.
Port of Cape Town.
Sworn at Cape Town, Cape of Good
Hope, on this the third day of November, 1871, before