[310] *M. Drouyn de Lliuys, minister of foreign affairs, to Mr. Dayton, United States minister.
Sir: I have received the letters which you have done me the honor to address me, dated the 4th, 12th, and 19th of this month, to communicate to me the information which had been transmitted.to you in regard to the vessel Rappahannock.
I have taken care to give notice of them to the minister of marine, [Page 41] whose information was still incomplete, and I await the result of the inquiry into which our authorities are obliged to proceed, in order to judge of the difference which you point out between the position of the vessel and that of the Florida and of the Georgia.
I think, indeed, with you, that it is desirable to avoid giving an equitable base for future reclamations. It is with this feeling that the government of the Emperor has always been studious to act, and it will not depart therefrom in this circumstance.
Accept, sir, the assurances of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be, &c.,
Mr. Dayton,
Minister, &c., &c.