Foreign Assistance; International Financial Institutions; Commodity Policy

287. Action Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State-Designate for Economic and Business Affairs (McCormack) to the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Wallis)

Source: Department of State, Files of the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, W. Allen Wallis, Chrons; Memo to the Secretary/Staff and Departmental/Other Agencies; Memos to the Files; White House Correspondence, 1987–1987, Lot 89D378: State/Treasury Working Lunch 1982. No classification marking. Drafted by Stephen Muller (EB) on December 14; cleared in ARA/ECP. Hill initialed the memorandum and wrote: “1/11.” A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “Received Under Secretary’s Office Dec 28 1982.”

288. Report Prepared in the Department of State

Source: Reagan Library, WHORM: Subject File, Commodities, CM003 (Food and Kindred Products), 100000–299999. No classification marking. Reagan transmitted the report to the House of Representatives under a January 12 covering letter to O’Neill and to the Senate under a January 12 covering letter to Percy.

289. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs (Leland) to Secretary of the Treasury Regan

Source: National Archives, RG 56, Records of the Office of the Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs, Subject Files relating to Meetings, Working Groups, Trips, Summits, and Currency Talks, 1/1/1981–12/31/1985, UD–13W105, 56–89–45, Box 1, January Chron 1983. No classification marking. Sent through Sprinkel. Attached but not printed at Tabs A and B are charts entitled “United States 1981 Trade With IDA Recipients” and “Direction of FY 78–82 IDA Credits.”

290. Minutes of a Senior Interdepartmental Group–International Economic Policy Meeting

Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Subject File, SIG–IEP Meetings 01/27/1983–02/24/1983; NLR–437–6–37–12–2. Confidential. The meeting took place in the Roosevelt Room at the White House. No drafting information appears on the minutes.

291. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Policy Planning Council Bosworth to the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Wallis)

Source: Department of State, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Office of International Commodities, Subject Files for 1983, Lot 86D76: E/C Commodity Policy General 1983. Unclassified. Drafted by Michael Boerner (S/P).

292. Information Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs (McCormack) to the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Wallis)

Source: Department of State, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Office of International Commodities Subject Files for 1983, E/C Commodity Policy General 1983, Lot 86D76: E/C Commodity Policy General 1983. Confidential. Drafted on February 24 by Joseph O’Mahony (EB/ORF/ICD), Michael Shelton (EB/ORF/ICD), Robert Pastorino (EB/ORF/ICD/ISM), Gilbert Donahue (EB/ORF/ICD/ISM), Stephen Thompson (EB/ORF/ICD/ISM), John Barcas (EB/ORF/ICD/TRP), Mark Lore (EB/ORF/ICD/TRP), and Stephen Muller (EB/ORF/ICD/TRP); cleared in EB/ORF, EB, and S/P.

293. Memorandum From the Assistant United States Trade Representative for Agricultural Affairs and Commodity Policy (Nelson) to the United States Trade Representative (Brock)

Source: Reagan Library, Douglas McMinn Files, Subject Files, Sugar Quotas. No classification marking. Sent through Ambassador Smith. Copies were sent to Ambassador Macdonald, Whitfield, Rosenbaum, Cooper, and Murphy.

294. Memorandum From the Assistant United States Trade Representative for Trade Policy and Coordination (Phillips) to the Deputy United States Trade Representative (Smith)

Source: Reagan Library, Douglas McMinn Files, Subject Files, Sugar Quotas. No classification marking. Sent through Nelson.

295. Minutes of a Senior Interdepartmental Group–International Economic Policy Meeting

Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Subject File, SIG–IEP Meetings 04/28/1983–05/12/1983; NLR–487–6–44–15–1. Confidential. The meeting took place in the Indian Treaty Room at the White House. No drafting information appears on the minutes. Another portion of the minutes is printed as Document 138.

296. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs (McCormack) to the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Wallis)

Source: Department of State, Files of the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, W. Allen Wallis, Chrons; Memo to the Secretary/Staff and Departmental/Other Agencies; Memos to the Files; White House Correspondence, 1987–1987, Lot 89D378: Memos—Staff/Departmental 1982–1985. Secret; Eyes Only. Printed from an uninitialed copy.

297. Action Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Wallis) to the Deputy Secretary of State (Dam)

Source: Department of State, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Investment Policy Files, 1981–1984, Lot 85D193: UNCTAD VI—Commodities. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Martin Bailey (E). A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “Mr. Dam Has Seen.” A handwritten note at the top of the memorandum reads: “JC 6/6.” Hill initialed the memorandum on June 15.

298. Memorandum From Secretary of State Shultz to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Clark) and the Assistant to the President (Deaver)

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S–I Records, The Executive Secretariat’s Special Caption Documents, Lot 92D630: Not For The System: September 1983. No classification marking. A handwritten note at the top of the memorandum reads: “Sent to NSC and WH by S/S.”

299. Memorandum From the Chairman Pro Tempore of the Cabinet Council on Food and Agriculture (Block) to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Douglas McMinn Files, Subject Files, Sugar Quotas. No classification marking. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “Received SS 1983 Sep 21 PM 7:53.” Another stamped notation reads: “CM 177.”

300. Memorandum From Secretary of the Treasury Regan to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Chronological File, Robinson Chron 1983; NLR–487–10–4–11–4. Confidential.

301. Minutes of a Senior Interdepartmental Group–International Economic Policy Meeting

Source: Department of State, Files of the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, W. Allen Wallis, Chrons; Memo to the Secretary/Staff and Departmental/Other Agencies; Memos to the Files; White House Correspondence, 1987–1987, Lot 89D378: Chron File–November 1983. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Doris Lamb (EB).

302. Memorandum From Secretary of the Treasury Regan to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Chronological File, Robinson Chron 1983; NLR–487–10–11–14–3. Secret.

303. Memorandum From Secretary of State Shultz to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Chronological File, Robinson Chron 1983; NLR–487–10–11–5–3. Confidential. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “83 Dec 2 A 2:35 White House Situation Room.”

304. Memorandum From the Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs of the Office of Management and Budget (Keel) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane)

Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Subject File, International Finance: 11/09/1983–12/31/1983. No classification marking. Keel crossed out McFarlane’s typewritten name and wrote: “Bud—”. Keel also crossed out his own typewritten name and wrote: “Al—”.

305. Minutes of a Cabinet Council on Food and Agriculture Meeting

Source: Reagan Library, Ralph C. Bledsoe Files Office of Policy Development, Cabinet Councils, Other Cabinet Councils, Cabinet Council on Food and Agriculture. No classification marking. No drafting information appears on the minutes. There is no indication as to where the meeting took place.

306. Memorandum From Roger Robinson of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane)

Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Chronological File, Robinson Chron 1983; NLR–487–10–11–19–8. Secret. Sent for action. The word “signed” is stamped on the memorandum.

307. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane) to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Subject File, [Security Assistance] Foreign Aid (December 1983); NLR–753–94–6–1–1. Secret. Sent for action. Drafted by Robinson. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “The President has seen.” A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “Received SS 1983 Dec -7 PM 12:20.” A copy was sent to Bush.

308. Memorandum From Donald Fortier of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane)

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Subject File, [Security Assistance] Foreign Aid (December 1983); NLR–753–94–6–20–0. Secret. Sent for information.

309. Paper Prepared in the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Office of International Finance and Development Files, Lot 86D112: ODF Chron—July. No classification marking. Drafted by Ronnie Woody (EB/IFD/ODF) on December 15, 1983. Sent under a June 13, 1984, covering memorandum from Gerald Lamberty (EB/ODF) to James Burnham, U.S. Executive Director of the World Bank which stated that it was done “some months ago.” (Ibid.)

310. Memorandum From Richard Levine of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane)

Source: Reagan Library, David Wigg Files, Unfoldered, Unfoldered Subject File, Food Aid. Confidential. Sent for action.

311. Memorandum From Secretary of State Shultz to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Subject File, Security and Economic Assistance, Commission on (Carlucci Commission) (January 1984); NLR–753–96–2–2–2. Secret.

312. Letter From President Reagan to the Chairman of the Independent Commission on International Development Issues (Brandt)

Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Subject File, International Finance: 04/02/1984–04/23/1984. No classification marking.

313. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science and Technology (Schneider) and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (McPherson) to Secretary of State Shultz

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S–I Records, The Executive Secretariat’s Special Caption Documents, Lot 92D630: Not for the System—June 1984. Confidential; Not for the System. The stamped date of June 14, 1984, 7:26 p.m., appears at the top of the memorandum. A stamped notation reading “GPS” appears on the memorandum, indicating Shultz saw it. An unknown hand wrote “Action” at the top of the memorandum. Covey also initialed the memorandum and wrote “6/15.”

314. Memorandum for the Files

Source: Department of State, Files of the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, W. Allen Wallis, Chrons; Memo to the Secretary/Staff and Departmental/Other Agencies; Memos to the Files; White House Correspondence, 1987–1987, Lot 89D378: Memoranda for the Files, 1983–1986. Confidential.

315. Letter From Secretary of State Shultz to the United States Trade Representative (Brock)

Source: Reagan Library, George Shultz Papers, Official Memoranda (06/27/1984). Confidential. Drafted by Charles Reynolds (EB/OFP/TRP).

316. Memorandum From Douglas McMinn of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (McFarlane)

Source: Reagan Library, Douglas McMinn Files, Subject Files, Copper; NLR–369–2–17–1–1. Confidential. Sent for action. A stamped notation reads: “RCM Has Seen.” Copies were sent to Fortier, Levine, and Robinson.