290. Minutes of a Senior Interdepartmental Group–International Economic Policy Meeting1


  • Treasury

    • Secretary Regan
    • Marc E. Leland
  • State

    • W. Allen Wallis
    • Richard McCormack
  • Defense

    • Fred C. Ikle
  • Agriculture

    • Seeley G. Lodwick
    • Alan Tracy
  • Commerce

    • Secretary Baldrige
    • Lionel H. Olmer
  • Energy

    • George Bradley
  • CIA

    • Henry Rowen
    • [name not declassified]
  • USTR

    • Ambassador William E. Brock
    • William Krist
  • OMB

    • Alton G. Keel
  • CEA

    • William A. Niskanen
    • Glenn Nelson
  • OPD

    • Edwin L. Harper
    • Roger B. Porter
  • NSC

    • Henry Nau
    • Norman Bailey

[Omitted here is discussion unrelated to the coffee agreement.]

[Page 721]

Coffee Agreement

It was agreed that since we had taken such an active part in the coffee commodity discussions and given the history of this agreement, we should play this out to the end and sign the agreement. However, we should continue to stress that we take a dim view of further commodity agreements.

It was noted by Allen Wallis that we should somehow let parties know that we do not intend to negotiate another agreement. It was agreed that a working group should look into the status of our negotiations for commodity agreements and should make it clear that this Administration is opposed to any more commodity agreements.

  1. Source: Reagan Library, Roger Robinson Files, Subject File, SIG–IEP Meetings 01/27/1983–02/24/1983; NLR–437–6–37–12–2. Confidential. The meeting took place in the Roosevelt Room at the White House. No drafting information appears on the minutes.