329. Notes Prepared by Secretary of State Shultz1
Arms Control Views
overall: cut to 6,000 counted warheads in our interest = compare with unconstrained.
1 Land-based leg of triad
a. must be survivable to have a future
b. means move asap to less MIRV and to mobility even within constrained spaces
2. Nuclear weapons on ships
a. except for SLBM’s
b. better off w/o any since
—Sov can hit us more easily than we them with cruise missiles
—threat to sub force
—this better conserves ability to maintain conventional cruise missile
3. Verification is out of hand
a. Extensive on-site is
—so expensive that it will be hard to sustain
—very intrusive into our own activities
b. Nevertheless, is a real opening
4. Aversion to nuclear weapons (and plants) is growing = should be very active re alternative = good to get TTBT & NPET done—Paris is difficult
5 Chem + Biol wont be put back in the bottle but
6. Conditions ∑2 key to conventional reductions + vice versa.
- Source: Reagan Library, Shultz Files, Memos Meetings/Secty.—Designate Baker. No classification marking.↩