24. Briefing Memorandum From the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Palmer) to Secretary of State Shultz1


  • Your Meeting with the President on US-Soviet Relations, March 25

I recommend that you use your meeting tomorrow with the President to reconfirm his approval for the strategy you have proposed for US-Soviet high-level dialogue over the coming months. This should include both the series of meetings you are having with Dobrynin and our plans to have Art Hartman renew his dialogue with Gromyko and Korniyenko. I have prepared a speaking paper based on your most recent memorandum to the President which you may wish to use in your discussion with him.

The President will also be interested in your assessment of a number of events in US-Soviet relations which either have taken place in the last few days or which are pending. I have prepared talking points for your use on the following topics:

—Your exchange with Dobrynin on the Pentecostalists;2

Andropov’s reply to the President’s message on MBFR;3

Gromyko’s appointment as First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers;

—Developments in the arms control area (i.e. Your plans to convey our new INF position to Dobrynin on Saturday, and the general points you will be making to Dobrynin on arms control next week).4

  1. Source: Reagan Library, George Shultz Papers, 1983 August 10, Secretary’s Meetings with the President. Secret; Sensitive. Forwarded through Eagleburger. Although the memorandum is undated, Hill initialed it on March 25. A stamped notation reading “GPS” appears on the memorandum, indicating Shultz saw it.
  2. See Document 20.
  3. See Document 22.
  4. See Document 31. The memorandum lists three tabs. Tab 1 is printed as Document 19. Tabs 2 and 3, talking points summarizing Shultz’s memorandum on “Next Steps in US-Soviet Relations” and talking points on “recent and pending developments in US-Soviet relations” are attached but not printed. See Document 26.